As at 1 January 2004, there were 345,145 licences to drive vehicles in Tasmania. Of these, some 301,622 or 87.4% were basic current licences, with the remainder being made up of provisional (4.7%), learner current (4.1%) and other (3.8%).
The Greater Hobart-Southern Region had the highest number of drivers' licences with 169,261 (49.0% of the state total), followed by the Northern Region with 97,546 licences (28.3%) and the Mersey-Lyell Region with 78,077 licences (22.6%).
DRIVERS' LICENCES, Tasmanian regions - 2004(a)(b)
 |  | Basic current | Provisional | Learner current | Other(d) | Total |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
Region(c) |  | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. |
Greater Hobart-Southern | 147,237 | 7,743 | 7,719 | 6,562 | 169,261 |
Northern |  | 85,547 | 4,670 | 3,553 | 3,776 | 97,546 |
Mersey-Lyell |  | 68,624 | 3,690 | 2,909 | 2,854 | 78,077 |
Tasmania(e) |  | 301,622 | 16,106 | 14,184 | 13,233 | 345,145 |
(a) As at 1 January.
(b) Drivers' licences include car, light rigid vehicle, medium rigid vehicle, heavy rigid vehicle, heavy combination vehicle, multiple combination vehicle and motorcycles.
(c) Based on residential address of licence holder.
(d) Includes Basic Suspended, Basic Cancelled, Restricted Current and Learner Suspended or Disqualified.
(e) Includes current licences where the residential address is interstate/overseas.
Source: Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources. |