Actions (in order of priority) | Expected outcomes |
1. Develop the first ‘experimental’ cultural and creative activity satellite accounts for Australia, covering all components of the accounts which can be produced readily (at low cost) using existing data collections. | 1.1. Australian satellite accounts for ‘cultural and creative activity’, ‘cultural activity’ and ‘creative activity’ in the most recent year for which data is available (currently the most recent year is 2008-09). The accounts would contain:
- GDP on the satellite account basis and its components, such as volunteer services;
- employment and entity counts; and
- a supply-use table showing industry linkages with cultural and creative activity.
1.2. Development of the information technology infrastructure required to compile the satellite accounts efficiently in future periods.
1.3. Publication of the accounts on the ABS website with the tag of ‘experimental’, designating a new product which may require refinement after user feedback is received. |
2. Develop state and territory splits of the Australian aggregates. The feasibility of this would need to be assessed further once Australian accounts are developed and would depend on the quality of the input data. | 2.1. State and territory estimates for ‘cultural and creative activity’, ‘cultural activity’ and ‘creative activity’ if feasible and practical. The estimates would be produced on the same basis as the Australian accounts but may possibly have less industry detail than at the national level.
2.2. Development of the further information technology infrastructure required to compile the state and territory satellite account estimates efficiently in future periods.
2.3. Publication of the state and territory estimates on the ABS website, provided the estimates are of satisfactory quality. The state and territory estimates would have the tag of ‘experimental’. |
3. Establish ongoing annual production of the cultural and creative activity satellite accounts for Australia, and state and territory splits if feasible. This is dependent on the continued availability of the various input data, particularly input-output tables. | 3.1. Continuation of the original satellite account outputs for future years. The ‘experimental’ tag would be removed as methods and quality become established. |
4. Trial the supplementary methods of including cultural and creative activity for the ANZSIC classes whose contributions cannot be identified directly from input-output tables. For detail see the table in section 5, points 1.1-1.3 and 1.5-1.6. | 4.1. A possible increase in coverage of the satellite accounts, due to the refinement of estimation methods for ANZSIC classes relating to the ‘crafts’ domain and a range of supporting activities. |
5. Compile R&D expenditure estimates for the aggregations of ANZSIC classes which make up the cultural and creative industry supply chains, both for Australia and a split by state and territory. | 5.1. Australian and state/territory estimates of R&D expenditure for cultural and creative domains, or similar industry aggregations. |
6. Analyse BIT data to determine whether it is able to provide details of income, expenses, assets and liabilities at an acceptable quality level. | 6.1. A report on the suitability of the BIT data file for producing estimates of income, expense, assets and liabilities for the cultural and creative industries. A positive finding would enable these details to be compiled at significantly lower costs than by running industry surveys (the subject of action 7). |
7. Boost the samples on EAS surveys in cultural and creative industries. Also add questions to acquire key details not included on the current standard EAS questionnaire (assets and liabilities, greater detail on incomes and expenses). The costs associated with this action may be prohibitive and therefore it is only proposed once the potential use of BIT data has been thoroughly explored (as per action 6 above). | 7.1. Detail on income, expenses, assets and liabilities for selected groups of ANZSIC classes that are in the cultural and creative industry supply chains. Data for most ANZSICs could be collected at least once in every 5 years as part of the EAS program. |
8. Analyse PIT and PAYG data to determine whether it is able to be used to compile estimates of multiple jobholding by industry and occupation. | 8.1. A report on the suitability of the PIT and PAYG data files for producing estimates of the earnings by multiple jobholders, by industry and occupation. A positive finding would enable these details to be compiled at significantly lower costs than by adding questions to a Labour Force Survey supplement (the subject of action 9). |
9. Update multiple jobholding data by adding questions to the Characteristics of Employment Labour Force Supplement Survey. | 9.1. Prevention of significant understatement or overstatement of multiple jobholding in cultural and creative occupations. This data is one of the inputs to the estimate of activity in cultural and creative occupations (component 2 of the satellite accounts). |