At the 2001 Census, 97,178 (27.2%) people in Tasmania had completed year 12 or equivalent and were not still at school or attending any other educational institution. Of these, 59.0% of people were in the Greater Hobart-Southern Region (28,026 males and 29,347 females), 26.2% (11,801 males and 13,649 females) in the Northern Region and 14.5% (6,538 males and 7,583 females) in the Mersey-Lyell Region.
At the 2001 Census, 119,430 (33.4%) people in Tasmania completed year 10 or equivalent and were not still at school or attending any other educational institution. Of these, 45.2% were in the Greater Hobart-Southern Region (26,101 males and 27,930 females), 29.1% (17,345 males and 17,352 females) were in the Northern Region and 25.5% (15,228 males and 15,249 females) were in the Mersey-Lyell Region.
For further information about highest level of schooling completed in Tasmania, see 2001 Census Basic Community Profiles (BCPs) on this web site.
HIGHEST LEVEL OF SCHOOLING COMPLETED(a)(b), Tasmanian regions - Census 2001(c)
 | Males | Females | Persons |
|  |  |  |
 | no. | no. | no. |
Year 8 or below | 7,035 | 7,626 | 14,661 |
Year 9 or equivalent | 8,273 | 8,449 | 16,722 |
Year 10 or equivalent | 26,101 | 27,930 | 54,031 |
Year 11 or equivalent | 6,085 | 7,087 | 13,172 |
Year 12 or equivalent | 28,026 | 29,347 | 57,373 |
Still at school | 3,257 | 3,483 | 6,740 |
Did not go to school | 362 | 365 | 727 |
Not stated | 6,041 | 7,142 | 13,183 |
Total | 85,180 | 91,429 | 176,609 |
Year 8 or below | 4,829 | 5,008 | 9,837 |
Year 9 or equivalent | 5,824 | 5,404 | 11,228 |
Year 10 or equivalent | 17,345 | 17,352 | 34,697 |
Year 11 or equivalent | 3,308 | 3,961 | 7,269 |
Year 12 or equivalent | 11801 | 13,649 | 25,450 |
Still at school | 1,775 | 1,984 | 3,759 |
Did not go to school | 208 | 192 | 400 |
Not stated | 3,677 | 4,356 | 8,033 |
Total | 48,767 | 51,906 | 100,673 |
Year 8 or below | 4,501 | 4,413 | 8,914 |
Year 9 or equivalent | 5,411 | 5,008 | 10,419 |
Year 10 or equivalent | 15,228 | 15,249 | 30,477 |
Year 11 or equivalent | 2,552 | 3,249 | 5,801 |
Year 12 or equivalent | 6,538 | 7,583 | 14,121 |
Still at school | 1,290 | 1,336 | 2,626 |
Did not go to school | 167 | 140 | 307 |
Not stated | 2,995 | 3,526 | 6,521 |
Total | 38,682 | 40,504 | 79,186 |
Year 8 or below | 16,385 | 17,063 | 33,448 |
Year 9 or equivalent | 19,545 | 18,895 | 38,440 |
Year 10 or equivalent | 58,815 | 60,615 | 119,430 |
Year 11 or equivalent | 11,985 | 14,317 | 26,302 |
Year 12 or equivalent | 46,495 | 50,683 | 97,178 |
Still at school | 6,324 | 6,804 | 13,128 |
Did not go to school | 738 | 698 | 1,436 |
Not stated | 12,862 | 15,082 | 27,944 |
Total | 173,149 | 184,157 | 357,306 |
(a) Refers to primary or secondary schooling.
(b) Persons aged 15 years and over (excluding overseas visitors).
(c) Counts at place of enumeration.
(d) Includes persons living in offshore areas & migratory.
Source: 2001 Census Basic Community Profiles (BCPs) |