4602.3 - Queensland Water and Energy Use and Conservation, Oct 2009 Quality Declaration 
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Air conditioner

An apparatus for controlling the temperature of an enclosed space. It can be portable or fixed into the structure of the dwelling, usually in the wall or ceiling. Common types of air conditioner include split systems, ducted air conditioning, reverse cycle and evaporative air coolers.

Annual household income

Gross income received by all households members in the 12 months prior to the survey from any of the following sources: wages or salaries, government pension or allowance, investments, superannuation, or any other regular source.

Any responsible adult

Any person 18 years or over, a usual resident of the dwelling and whose next birthday was closest to the date of the interview responding on behalf of the selected person or household.


This area is defined as the Brisbane Major Statistical Region and is the Queensland capital city Labour Force region. Please refer to Labour Force regions in the Explanatory Notes for additional information.

Bore water

A source of groundwater brought to the surface by a pump or windmill. Households can access bore water from a single household bore (used by one household only) or a multiple household bore where a bore on one property is used by households on adjoining properties.

Bottled gas

Gas provided in a large bottle or canister which is located near the house. A gas retailer may remove and replace empty canisters or refill them. Bottled gas specifically used for outdoor barbecues was excluded from the survey.

Cathode ray tube (CRT) television

A television that uses a vacuum tube containing an electron gun and a fluorescent screen to create images in the form of light emitted from the fluorescent screen.

Children under the age of 15 years

All persons under the age of 15 years who are natural, adopted, step, or foster sons or daughters of a parent in the household. This includes otherwise related or unrelated children under the age of 15 years (e.g. nephew or niece).


Two people in a registered or de facto marriage, who usually live in the same household.

Couple family with dependent children

One family household consisting of a couple with at least one dependent child. The household may also include non-dependent children, other relatives and unrelated individuals.


A barrier or structure across a stream, river or waterway to confine and then control the flow of water. Dams vary in size from small earth embankments often for farm use, to high massive concrete structures generally used for water supply, hydropower and irrigation.

Dependent children

All persons aged under 15 years; and people aged 15-24 years who are full-time students, have a parent in the household and do not have a partner or child of their own in the household. Dependency refers to economic dependency and is only applied to the part of the population that can be described as ‘children’. The dependency criterion is based on the barriers to full time employment: age and student status.

Ducted air conditioning

Air conditioning where air is piped from a single source through the dwelling to more than one outlet (includes ducted reverse-cycle air conditioners).


A suite of rooms contained within a building which are self-contained and intended for long-term residential use. To be self-contained, the suite of rooms must possess cooking and bathing facilities as building fixtures. Examples of types of dwelling include: separate house; semi-detached, row or terrace house or townhouse; flat, unit or apartment; and other dwellings, including caravan, cabin, houseboat, and house or flat attached to a shop.

Energy source

Any power source or material (such as wood, coal, gas, solar or oil) which can produce heat or power. This includes energy or fuel used for heating, cooking, hot water or lighting, but excludes fuel for cars, lawn mowers etc, outdoor barbecues that use bottled gas and solar garden lights.

Evaporative air cooler

Consists of a motor driven fan, a dust filter, a water tank and a wetting medium. Hot air is drawn across the medium which is saturated with water from the tank. The water evaporates, absorbing heat from the air, and cooler moist air is blown into the room. Not very efficient in cooler climates.


Two or more people, one of whom is at least 15 years of age, who are related by blood, marriage (registered or de facto), adoption, step or fostering, and who usually live in the same household. A separate family is formed for each married couple, or for each set of parent-child relationships where only one parent is present.

Family composition of household

Classifies households into three broad groupings based on the number of families present (one family, multiple family and non-family). One family households are further disaggregated according to the type of family (such as couple family or lone parent family) and according to whether or not dependent children are present. Non-family households are disaggregated into lone person households and group households.

Flat, unit or apartment

Usually such dwellings have communal entrances and, excepting balconies, rarely have any external private ground. Flats and apartments have other dwelling units above or below them.

Flat screen television

Flat panel television screen technologies including Plasma television and LCD television.


Planned space usually outdoors, set aside for the display, cultivation, and enjoyment of plants and other forms of nature. Can incorporate both natural and man-made material and excludes lawns or grass only.

Grey water

Wastewater from baths, showers, bathroom wash basins, clothes washing machines, sinks and laundry tubs. Excludes household water which has been contaminated by toilet discharge e.g. sewerage.

Group household

A household consisting of two or more unrelated people where all people are aged 15 years and over. There are no reported couple relationships, parent-child relationships or other blood relationships in these households.

Hot water system

A device used for heating water for a dwelling. The energy source for heating is generally solar, gas or electricity, although some houses use other sources e.g. wood combustion.


A group of residents of a dwelling who share common facilities and meals or who consider themselves to be a household. It is possible for a dwelling to contain more than one household, for example, where regular provision is made for groups to take meals separately and where persons consider their households to be separate.

Household size

The number of people in a household is equal to the number of children in the household, plus the number of adults in scope of the Labour Force Survey.


Refers to insulating materials placed in the walls, ceilings, roof, floors or windows of a dwelling to keep it at a constant temperature by minimising heat transfer. It comes in different forms, the most common being loose-fill insulation, blanket insulation, rigid board insulation and spray-foam insulation.

Irrigation watering system

Any device or piping that renders watering the garden easier than hand held hose or bucketing. Includes sprinklers, drippers, soakers, piping in the garden or pot plants.

Labour Force regions

For explanation on Labour Force regions, see Explanatory Notes.

LCD television

Flat panel television screen using LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) technology. This technology uses rod-shaped molecules (liquid crystals) that flow like liquid and bend light.

Lone parent family with dependent children

A lone family household comprising a lone parent with at least one dependent child. The household may also include non-dependent children, other relatives and unrelated individuals.


LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) (also called LP Gas, or autogas) is the generic name for mixtures of hydrocarbon (mainly propane and butane). It is used as a fuel in heating appliances and vehicles, and increasingly replacing chlorofluorocarbons as an aerosol propellant and a refrigerant to reduce damage to the ozone layer.

Main air conditioner

The air conditioner used most often.

Mains gas

Gas (including natural and manufactured gas) available for issue through mains and provided on a continuous basis by an energy company.

Mains water/town water supply

Water supplied to a user often through a non-natural network (piped/open channel or other carrier), and where an economic transaction has occurred for the exchange of water. Also referred to as 'town water supply'. Excludes water from rainwater tanks including those plumbed into the dwelling, bore water, grey water, wells and dams.

Non-dependent children

All people aged 15 years and over who:
  • do not have a spouse or offspring of their own in the household
  • have a parent in the household
  • are not full-time students aged 15-24 years.

Non-family household

A non-family household can be either a person living alone or a group household of unrelated people.

Non-rented dwelling

A dwelling where the occupants either fully own the dwelling, partly own the dwelling, occupy it rent-free, occupy it under a life tenure scheme, or have other tenure type.

Off-peak electricity

Supply of electricity at periods of time of less activity than at peak times. Hot water systems that use off-peak electricity are set to operate only during an off-peak period, normally during the night.

Other tenure type

A household which is not an owner, a purchaser or a renter.

Owner occupied dwelling

At least one member of the household owns the dwelling in which it usually resides. Owners are divided into two classifications - owners without a mortgage and owners with a mortgage. If there is any outstanding mortgage or loan secured against the dwelling, the household is an owner with a mortgage and the dwelling is being paid off. If there is no mortgage or loan secured against the dwelling, the household is an owner without a mortgage and the dwelling is owned outright.

Peak electricity

The time when the hot water system is heated in peak period.

Person living alone

A household consisting of a person living alone.

Photo voltaic electricity

Electricity that is generated from solar cells which convert sunlight directly into electricity. Home solar cells can be used with mains electricity and surplus power can be pumped back into the electricity grid. This is different to solar hot water systems.

Plasma television

Flat panel television screen using plasma technology that ignites small pockets of gas to light phosphors.

Plumbed rainwater tank

A water tank which is connected to an internal tap, washing machine or toilet via piping.


A device that projects images onto a screen.

Public transport

Any passenger transport service, excluding taxi services, that is organised and provided by any company or co-operative legal entity, either government or privately owned, where a fee for service is charged, and is available for use by all members of the community. It excludes charter services provided by employers/schools.

Relative standard error (RSE)

The standard error expressed as a percentage of the estimate for which it was calculated. It is a measure which is independent of both the size of the sample and the unit of measurement and, as a result, can be used to compare the reliability of different estimates. The smaller an estimate's RSE, the more likely it is that the estimate is a good proxy for that which would have been obtained if the whole population had been surveyed.

Rely on rainfall

A source of water for topping up a swimming pool. The rain may fall directly into the pool and/or be piped directly from a roof. Rainfall is not stored (e.g. in a rainwater tank) before entering the pool.


A household which pays rent to reside in the dwelling.

Semi-detached, row or terrace house

Dwellings that are joined to other dwellings at the roofline and so have a common/party wall, or are separated from other dwellings by less than 1/2 metre.

Separate house

Dwellings that are separated from other dwellings by at least 1/2 metre. They can be joined by fences, carports and garages. This includes transportable homes.

Separate freezer

Freezer that operates independently of a refrigerator. Can be either chest freezer or upright/vertical freezer. An upright freezer that can operate separately but is paired with a refrigerator as a 'pigeon pair' is counted as a separate freezer.

Solar hot water system

Water is heated by energy from the sun. Solar hot water systems absorb sunlight directly into the water-carrying tubes contained in the solar panels. Solar hot water systems may have boosters to heat water during periods of rain or overcast conditions, and when heavy demand exhausts the hot water supply before it can be reheated by the sun.

Solar hot water system booster

Boosters heat water during periods of rain or overcast conditions, and when heavy demand exhausts the hot water supply before it can be reheated by the sun.

Source of fuel or energy

Any power source or material (such as wood, coal, gas, solar or oil) which can produce heat or power. Includes energy or fuel used for heating, cooling, cooking, hot water, lighting.

Standard error

A measure of the likely difference between estimates obtained in a sample survey and estimates which would have been obtained if the whole population had been surveyed. The magnitude of the standard error associated with any survey is a function of sample design, sample size and population variability.

Storm water

Water which originates during precipitation events. Includes water originating as run-off water from overwatering that enters the stormwater system.

Swimming pool

Household swimming pool excluding communal pools and community pools.

Tenure type

The nature of a household's legal right to occupy the dwelling in which the household members usually reside. Tenure is determined according to whether the household owns the dwelling outright, owns the dwelling but has a mortgage or loan secured against it, is paying rent to live in the dwelling or has some other arrangement to occupy the dwelling.

Usual residents

Persons who usually live in a particular private dwelling and regard it as their own or main home. Excludes usual residents who were away from the dwelling for more than six weeks altogether and visitors to the dwelling who do not usually live there, do not regard it as their own or main home, but are temporarily staying there.


Washing machine, clothes dryer, dishwasher, refrigerator, separate freezer.