This document was added or updated on 23/11/2010.
Results of the survey showed that over half of the population aged 15 years and over had private health insurance (53%) in 2007-08. Of those persons with private health insurance, 77% had both hospital and ancillary cover, 15% had hospital cover only and 7% had ancillary cover only. The level and type of cover differed across age groups, with the highest overall coverage in the 45-54 year and 55-64 year age groups (59% and 62%) and the lowest in the 25-34 year and 75 years and over age groups (both 45% with some form of private health insurance cover).
'Security, protection and peace of mind' was the most common group of reasons for having private health insurance (54% of those insured), while the category 'cannot afford it/too expensive' was the most commonly reported reason for not insuring (58% of those without private health insurance).