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The ACLC Industry Classification has a hierarchical structure comprising categories at three levels: Divisions (the broadest level), Groups and Classes (the finest level). Divisions and Groups are defined by the aggregation of the definitions of their component Classes. At the Division level, the main purpose is to broadly identify the main culture and leisure segments. There are four Divisions in the ACLC Industry Classification. These are identified by a number as follows: A number of organisations provide services to both the culture and the sport and physical recreation sectors. For instance, management services for professional sportspeople may be provided by the same businesses that provide these services to performing artists. Also, booking agencies generally provide a service for both sectors. Some of the classes in Division 4 are designed to cater for these overlaps. The Group and Class levels provide increasingly detailed dissections of the broad categories. Each Group is represented by a 2-digit code and each Class by a 3-digit code. In total there are 4 Divisions, 22 Groups and 79 Classes within the ACLC Industry Classification. Consistent with other ABS classification numbering conventions, a ‘9’ appearing as the third digit in a Class number usually designates a ‘miscellaneous’ class, and is labelled ‘other’ or ‘n.e.c.’ (meaning ‘not elsewhere classified’). These miscellaneous classes usually constitute diverse primary activities which are not sufficiently ‘significant’ to justify separate classes. Each Division and Group description contains a definition. Each Class description includes a definition of the units which would be classified to that Class; a set of notes explaining exclusions from the Class and references to more appropriate classes for those exclusions; and a list of primary activities associated with the Class. An alphabetic listing of the names of primary activities within its scope is provided as a spreadsheet in the Downloads tab. The class to which a primary activity belongs can be determined by referring to this list.
The Industry Classification of the ACLC was developed as an alternative view to ANZSIC and tables are included in the Downloads tab of this publication to illustrate how the ACLC Industry Classification classes correspond to ANZSIC classes and vice versa. Where the correspondence is partial, this is indicated in the table by ‘p’. Minor correspondences are not shown. Where no major correspondence exists, this is indicated by an asterisk ('*').