15/02/2013 - The 'Postcode 2011 to Remoteness Area 2011' correspondence file has been renamed to 'Postcode 2012 to Remoteness Area 2011'. Content of the file remains unchanged except for the relevant column titles.
31/01/2013 - 2011 Remoteness Area correspondence files have been added to this publication. The ABS will continue to release additional correspondence files as they are produced and where demand warrants.
24/01/2013 - The Collection District 2006 to Statistical Area Level 1 2011 correspondence has been replaced. SA1 5120315 was duplicated in both the ‘Missing to units’ Table and in the ‘Correspondence (SA, WA, Tas., NT, ACT and OT)’ Table. The correspondence has been replaced with the duplicated record removed from the ‘Missing to units’.
31/07/2012 - Additional correspondence files have been added to this publication in accordance with the premise made in the first issue. The ABS will continue to release additional correspondence files as they are produced and where demand warrants.