02/08/2013 Note:
The following time series will be discontinued as a result of the Review of the Producer and International Trade Price indexes. This will take effect from the September quarter 2013 release of this publication. The series to be discontinued are:
- the time series for Asphalt supplied (series ID: A2314821C) and Asphalt placed (series ID: A2314822F), presented in Table 19 of this publication will be discontinued. These indexes are a component of the published time series ANZSIC 2006 Class 3101 Road and bridge construction (Table 17). The time series for ANZSIC 2006 Class 3101 Road and bridge construction is unaffected by the discontinuation of the series for Asphalt supplied and placed;
- the time series for Open cut mining (series IDs: A2314310A, A2314311C and A2314312F)) and Underground mining (series IDs: A2314376T, A2314377V and A2314378W), (Table 11) will be discontinued and combined into one time series for Input to the Coal mining industry;
- the time series for Metallic input to the Fabricated metal product manufacturing industry, presented in Table 15 of this publication, which includes time series for; Iron and steel (series ID: A2312240V), Aluminium (series ID: A2313776K), Copper and brass (series ID: A2313779T) and Zinc (series ID: A2313782F) will be discontinued. These indexes are a component of the published time series Input to the Fabricated metal product manufacturing industry (series ID:A2312225W) (Table 14). The time series for Input to the Fabricated metal product manufacturing industry is unaffected by the discontinuation of the series for Metallic input to the Fabricated metal product manufacturing industry; and
- the time series for Copper input to the Other electrical equipment manufacturing industry, presented in Table 16 of this publication, (series IDs: A2314289V, A2314290C, A2314291F, A2314301X, A2314302A and A2314303C) will be discontinued. The time series for the Electrical equipment manufacturing industry is unaffected by the discontinuation of this series.