Sales of Australian Wine by Winemakers

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    Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

    Information from Winemakers of domestic sales of Australian produced wine by type and, for table wine by container type.

    Used by industry and industry observers as a measure of domestic demand and in the calculation of apparent consumption of wine.

    The information on domestic sales of Australian produced wine is obtained from winemaking enterprises with sales of 250,000 litres or more in the previous financial year.


    Conceptual framework
    The information on domestic sales of Australian produced wine is obtained from winemaking businesses with sales of 250,000 litres or more in the previous financial year.

    Main outputs
    Each month Winemaker domestic sales of Australian produced wine are provided by type of wine and for the table and fortified wine categories, by container type. Seasonally adjusted and trend estimates are provided for total wine. Wine import and export data from the International Trade DB are also contained in the publication Sales of Australian Wine and Brandy By Winemakers, (ABS Cat. No. 8504.0).

    Wine type, Container type.

    Other concepts (summary)
    For the purposes of this collection, winemakers are those businesses that ferment wine, ie, take grape juice and turn it into wine. Winemakers that blend wine only are considered outside the scope for this collection.


    Comments and/or Other Regions

    Not Applicable


    Frequency comments
    Collection forms are usually despatched on the last working day of each month with a return date of the tenth working day of the month. The data are published approximately one month and three days after the reference period.

    This collection, introduced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in July 1975, follows on from a quarterly collection of Wholesale Sales and Stocks of Wine which began in the mid 1950's.

    Prior to November 1976 data were collected from wineries with annual grape crushings of 400 tonnes or more (covering approximately 98% of total grape crushings) and accounted for approximately 94.5% of total wine sales. November 1976 incorporated a revised series due to a change in the scope of the collection to cover all wineries with annual sales of 250,000 litres or more. This change increased the coverage to 97% of total wine sales.

    In the October 1979 publication, Sales and Stocks of Australian Wine and Brandy By Winemakers (ABS Cat. No. 8504.0), for the first time included seasonally adjusted figures for selected wine sales series.

    From July 1985 sales of white table wine data were collected and published in the categories of 'not exceeding 1 degree Baume' and 'exceeding 1 degree Baume' which took into account the sugar content of the wine.

    The introduction of the annual Australian Wine and Grape Industry (ABS Cat No. 1329.0) publication in 1994 included Domestic and International Trade Wine Sales data.

    As a result of the 1995-96 Wine Statistics Review the number of data items collected decreased from 28 items to 16 in the July 1998 and later surveys, see 10.3 below for details.


    Data availability comments
    The majority of the data collected is published monthly and released approximately 1 month after the reference period in Sales of Australian Wine and Brandy By Winemakers (ABS Cat. No. 8504.0)

    30/01/2007 09:25 AM