Balance on current account, (from Table 2.1)

Goods, (from Table 2.1) Trend

Financial account, (from Table 2.2) Selected types of investment

Components of goods credits, (from Table 2.3) Chain volume measures
- Seasonally adjusted

Components of goods debits, (from Table 2.3) Chain volume measures
- Seasonally adjusted

Services, (from Table 2.7) Trend

Current account to gdp, (from Table 2.11)

Net foreign debt to gdp, (from Table 2.11)

Export shares with selected countries and country groups, (from Table 2.13)

Export shares with selected ASEAN countries, (from Table 2.15)

Export shares with selected European Union countries, (from Table 2.17)

Balance on current account, (from Table 10.2) Proportion of GDP