1384.6 - Statistics - Tasmania, 2006
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 13/09/2002
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Post-war Tasmania witnessed an influx of European migrants and displaced persons.
In 1951, some 3,800 ‘displaced persons’ lived in Tasmania (although many of them had left by 1966). Many of Tasmania’s new European migrants came under contract to work for the Hydro-Electric Commission at remote hydro-construction villages such as Bronte Park and Butler’s Gorge. With the swelling of its workforce the HEC’s development program continued unabated. Power stations were opened at Butler’s Gorge (1952), Bronte Park (1953), Tungatinah (1955), Wayatinah (1961), Liapootah (1961) and Catagunya (1962). The proposal to flood Lake Pedder in 1967, however, met with vehement opposition from environmentalists. Whilst the battle to save Lake Pedder was ultimately lost, the HEC’s subsequent proposal for a Gordon-below-Franklin dam was blocked in 1983 when the Federal Government intervened under a rising tide of pressure from environmental groups. The ‘Greens’ had emerged as a key political force in Tasmania. The period also witnessed a strengthening of Aboriginal activism. The struggle to have Aboriginality recognised, claims for land rights and the return of Aboriginal skeletal and cultural material from museums and scientific collections were major issues of concern. Unemployment reappeared as a major social issue during this period. In the early 1980s, unemployment reached the 10% level. Changing economic conditions forced many small factories to close and the industrial giants to cut back their work forces. The Government, traditionally a major employer in Tasmania, reduced staff. The service and tourism sectors experienced some growth. 1950 June 25 Korean War begins. 1951 Hartz Mountain National Park proclaimed. Cape Barren Island Aboriginal Reserve terminated in line with the Government’s assimilation policy. February/March Italian and German migrants arrive to work under contract for HEC. 1952 Burnie General Hospital opened. June Serious floods experienced throughout island. November 22 Butler’s Gorge power station officially opened. December 13 Launceston trams cease operating. 1953 Housing Department established to manage the State’s public housing stock. Tasman Ltd diesel train service between Hobart and northern towns begins. June 2 Pine Tier Dam of the Tungatinah power scheme officially opened. July 27 End of Korean War. 1954 February Queen Elizabeth II (accompanied by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh) becomes the first reigning monarch to visit the State. June 6 Flooding occurs in eastern and southern Tasmania. July 5 Tattersall's Lotteries transfer to Melbourne. December 31 Spouses of property owners granted eligibility to vote in Legislative Council elections. 1955 Lactos cheese factory established at Burnie. February 19 First female members of the House of Assembly elected (Amelia Best and Mabel Miller). March 23 Lake Pedder National Park proclaimed (it is later extended to form the South West National Park). May 20 Tungatinah power station opened. September 23 First ingot poured from Bell Bay Aluminium Refinery. 1956 Tasmania’s first woman Mayor, Dorothy Edwards, appointed at Launceston. February 9 Floods in north-east Tasmania. December 12 Trevallyn Power Scheme officially opened. 1957 November 1 Rivers and Water Supply Commission established by Water Act. 1958 January 10 Devon Hospital, Latrobe merges with Meercroft Hospital to form the Mersey General Hospital. 1959 First election to fill 35 seats in an enlarged House of Assembly held. January 1 Public Service Tribunal established as an industrial authority. October 2 Princess of Tasmania becomes the first roll-on passenger ferry in Bass Strait service. 1960 Risdon Gaol, Hobart established. April 22 Severe floods hit the Derwent Valley and Hobart. May 23 Television begins transmission in Hobart. June Strahan-Zeehan railway line closed. October 28 Hobart trams cease running. 1961 State matriculation college policy announced. March 23 The power stations at Lake Echo, Wayatinah and Liapootah officially opened. 1962 Australian Paper Makers Ltd’s pulp mill commences at Port Huon. February TEMCO’s ferro-manganese plant opened at Bell Bay. July Catagunya power station begins operating. 1963 February Royal visit by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. July 29 Television first goes to air in Launceston. August 10 Last train runs on the Mt Lyell Railway from Queenstown to Strahan. December 13 Opening of Murchison Highway linking the north-west with the west. 1964 Freshwater trout farm established at Bridport. June 24 Shannon power station closed. October 24 Glenorchy proclaimed a city. 1965 Tasmania sends first troops to Vietnam War under the National Service Scheme. Bass Strait oil drilling commences. Burnie General and Spencer Hospitals merge to form the North West General Hospital. March 13 Official opening of Tasmanian Conservatorium of Music. March 29 Tasman Bridge, Hobart, officially opened. March 30 Poatina power station opened. June 30 Closing of Waddamana ‘A’ power station. 1966 February 7 Dental Nursing School opens. February 14 Decimal currency introduced. December 22 Principle of equal pay for women in the Public Service recognised by Act of Parliament. 1967 Tasmania joins rest of Australia in approving full constitutional rights for Aborigines. February 7 Bushfires sweep the State, destroying over 1,000 homes and taking 62 lives. March 15 Strzelecki National Park declared, Flinders Island. May 25 HEC tables plans in Parliament for the damming of Lake Pedder in the south-west. June 21 Rocky Cape National Park declared. October 1 Daylight savings legislation introduced. 1968 March 6 Savage River iron ore project officially opened. May 18 Batman Bridge crossing the Tamar River is opened. July 1 Full adult franchise granted for Legislative Council elections. 1969 May 30 Floods in Launceston. December 24 Copper smelter at Mt Lyell closes. 1970 Tasmanian schools begin teaching metric system. Marine research laboratories established at Taroona. April Visit by Royal family. December 8 National Parks and Wildlife Act proclaimed. 1971 Australian troops begin withdrawing from Vietnam. March 12 APPM’s Wesley Vale paper mill begins production. April Lake Pedder Action Committee formed to campaign against Hydro-Electric Commission Gordon River dam construction. First shipment of woodchips leaves Tasmanian Pulp and Forest Holdings Ltd Triabunna mill. July 2 Bell Bay thermal power station commences. August 14 The first State Aboriginal Conference held, Launceston. 1972 February Tasmanian College of Advanced Education, Hobart opened. May 23 Woodchip plant at Long Reach on the Tamar begins operations. June 27 Princess of Tasmania makes last Bass Strait crossing, before being replaced by the Empress of Australia. July 14 Maria Island National Park proclaimed. November Tasmanian Aboriginal Information Centre (later Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre) established. December 19 Electrolytic Zinc Company begins trial dumping of jarosite waste at sea. 1973 General voting age for electors lowered to 18 years of age. February 10 Hobart casino officially opened, being the first legally sanctioned casino in Australia. March 16 Mersey-Forth power scheme officially opened. October 3 Mt William National Park proclaimed. 1974 January 11 Environment Protection Act comes into effect to control industrial pollution. May 17 Bell Bay-Launceston rail link opened. December 9 TAB begins operations. December 31 Hobart suburban rail services cease. 1975 January 5 Tasman Bridge, Hobart brought down by the Lake Illawarra causing 12 deaths. February 28 Colour television first introduced in Tasmania. December 19 Rokeby Police Academy completed. 1976 Freight subsidy scheme introduced for sea-cargo to Tasmania. January 5 Family Law Court established in Tasmania (under the Federal Family Law Act) for handling of divorce cases. April 30 Truganini’s remains ritually cremated by Aboriginal community. July 7 Asbestos Range National Park proclaimed. August 23 Tasmanian Wilderness Society formed. 1977 Federal Inquiry conducted by Sir Bede Callaghan into Tasmanian industry and employment commences. March During a Royal visit, Aboriginal activist Michael Mansell presents Queen Elizabeth II with a land rights claim. May 19 Tasmanian Film Corporation established. October 8 Tasman Bridge, Hobart re-opens for traffic. November 17 State Fire Authority established. 1978 Hydro-Electric Commission report proposes a further power development scheme involving the Gordon, Franklin and King Rivers. July 28 Tasman Ltd ceases operations, marking the end of regular passenger train services in Tasmania. 1979 Tasmanian College of Advanced Education moves to Launceston. March Tasmanian Parliamentary Hansard introduced. April 27 Gordon Power scheme, stage 1 opened. May 29 State’s first ombudsman appointed. 1980 A Select Committee recommends the Gordon-below-Franklin dam as the next HEC development option. May 17 Australian Maritime College at Beauty Point opened. July 29 Gillian James becomes Tasmania’s first female minister. December 12 Antarctic Division, Kingston completed. 1981 Bushfires in Zeehan destroy 40 houses. April 21 Devonport proclaimed a city. April 30 Wild Rivers National Park proclaimed. June 24 Walls of Jerusalem National Park proclaimed. October 5 Royal visit by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. December 12 Referendum held on preferred HEC schemes: 47% voting in favour of Gordon-below-Franklin scheme 8% for Gordon-above-Olga 45% voting informally. 1982 March 11 Macintosh power station (the first stage of the Pieman River scheme) begins operating. May 13 Launceston Federal Country Club casino opened. December 12 Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area proclaimed including the Southwest, Franklin-Lower Gordon Wild Rivers, and Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Parks. 1983 Tasmanian Aboriginal Land Council established. March 25 Tasmanian shearers join national strike over use of wide combs. March 30 Royal visit by Prince Charles and Princess Diana. March 31 Federal regulations passed blocking construction of the Franklin HEC dam. July 1 The High Court rules in favour of Federal sovereignty, thus putting an end to the Gordon-below-Franklin power scheme. 1984 February 23 Bowen Bridge across the Derwent officially opened. June 18 A fire causes extensive damage to Hobart’s historic Theatre Royal. December Launceston International Velodrome completed. 1985 March The last of Tasmania’s drive-in theatres close at Elwick and Mowbray. May CSIRO Marine Laboratories opened, Hobart. May 4 A four-day cremation ceremony held at Oyster Cove for Aboriginal remains retrieved from the State’s museums. May 23 Saltwater Salmonid Culture Act provides Salmon Enterprises of Tas. Pty Ltd with a 10-year monopoly on Australian salmon smolt production. June 2 Empress of Australia makes last Bass Strait crossing before being replaced by the Abel Tasman. 1986 March 7 Confrontations between forestry workers and conservationists erupt at Farmhouse Creek in the south. November 27 Pope John Paul II visits Hobart and holds mass for 32,000 people at Elwick racecourse. 1987 November 29 Launch of the replica of the tall ship Lady Nelson. December 23 Antarctic supply ship Nella Dan sinks off Macquarie Island. 1988 January Bicentennial celebrations include a visit by an international fleet of Tall ships. March A High Court decision is passed preventing logging in areas of Lemonthyme and Southern Forests nominated for World Heritage Listing. April 24 Royal tour by Queen Elizabeth II. April 26 Burnie proclaimed a city. November 24 Clarence proclaimed a city. 1989 March 15 Controversial Plans for a pulp mill at Wesley Vale scrapped as financial backers pull out in face of tougher environmental controls imposed by the Federal Government. May 29 An experimental Labor-Green accord is struck between 5 Independents and the Labor Party to form Government following the State elections. June A vote of no-confidence in Robin Gray’s minority Liberal Government leads to Gray’s resignation and Labor leader, Michael Field, being sworn in as Premier. September Amalgamation of Tasmania’s three tertiary education institutions begins. December 27 Douglas-Apsley National Park declared.