At June 2004 the number of active businesses in Tasmania on the Australian Bureau of Statistics Business Register was 54,049. Of the total number of businesses, 15,690 (29.0%) were employing and 38,359 (71.0%) were non-employing. Retail trade had the greatest number of employing businesses with 2,884 (18.4%), followed by Agriculture, forestry and fishing with 2,560 (16.3%) and Property and business services with 2,193 (14.0%).
For non-employing businesses, the greatest number of businesses were in Property and business services with 7,787 (20.3%), Construction with 6,167 (16.1%) and Agriculture, forestry and fishing 5,698 (14.9%). The majority of employing businesses, 13,948 (88.9%), had between 0 and 19 employees, while 76 (0.5%) had 200 or more employees.
NUMBER OF BUSINESSES, June 2004 - Tasmania
 | Employment Size Ranges
| Total employing | Non-
employing | Total |
Industry (ANZSIC Division) | 0-19 | 20-199 | 200+ |
Agriculture, forestry and fishing | 2,235 | np | np | 2,560 | 5,698 | 8,258 |
Mining | np | np | np | 51 | 99 | 150 |
Manufacturing | 844 | np | np | 1,030 | 1,888 | 2,918 |
Electricity, gas and water | np | np | np | 15 | 28 | 43 |
Construction | 1,432 | 109 | — | 1,541 | 6,167 | 7,708 |
Wholesale trade | 538 | np | np | 624 | 903 | 1,527 |
Retail trade | 2,610 | 266 | 8 | 2,884 | 3,342 | 6,226 |
Accommodation, cafes and restaurants | 828 | np | np | 1,059 | 757 | 1,816 |
Transport and storage | 680 | np | np | 763 | 2,018 | 2,781 |
Communication services | 125 | 7 | — | 132 | 299 | 431 |
Finance and insurance | 734 | np | np | 781 | 4,778 | 5,559 |
Property and business services | 1,991 | np | np | 2,193 | 7,787 | 9,980 |
Education | 91 | 11 | — | 102 | 482 | 584 |
Health and community services | 953 | np | np | 1,033 | 1,405 | 2,438 |
Cultural and recreational | 253 | np | np | 299 | 1,240 | 1,539 |
Personal and other services | 585 | 38 | — | 623 | 1,468 | 2,091 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
All Industries | 13,948 | 1,666 | 76 | 15,690 | 38,359 | 54,049 |
np not available for publication but included in totals where applicable, unless otherwise indicated
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics Business Register, Counts of Businesses (cat. no. 8161.0.55.001). |