PUR5P | Second release |
Place of Usual Residence Five Years Ago
| This variable indicates a person's place of usual residence five years before the Census. The PUR5P variable is hierarchical and is new for the 2006 Census, combining the variables STEU5P and SLAU5P in 2001. It is based on the SLA of usual residence five years before the Census and can be aggregated to form higher ASGC areas: Local Government Area (LGA), Statistical Subdivision (SSD), Statistical Division (SD), Statistical District (S Dist), Statistical Region (SR), Major Statistical Region (MSR) and State/Territory (STE). For details of these areas see Statistical Geography Volume 1: Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) 2006 (cat. no. 1216.0). |
 | For answers to usual residence questions, refer also to Usual Address Indicator Census Night (UAICP), Usual Address One Year Ago Indicator (UAI1P), and Usual Address Five Years Ago Indicator (UAI5P). |
 | Applicable to: Persons aged five years and over |
 | The following categories are also included: |
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Undefined capital city 0099
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Migratory, off-shore and shipping 9779
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 | Total number of categories will depend on the geographic level chosen. |
 | Not applicable (@@@@) category comprises: |
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Persons aged under 5 years
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