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PURP | First release |  |  |
Place of Usual Residence
| This variable records a person's place of usual residence on Census Night. The PURP variable is hierarchical and is new for the 2006 Census, combining the variables STEUCP, SLAUCP and CDUCP in 2001. It is based on the Collection District (CD) of usual residence on Census Night and can be aggregated to higher levels of geography, for instance: Statistical Local Area, Local Government Area, Postal Area and State/Territory. |  |  |
 | People who have 'no usual address' are instructed on the Census form to write 'NONE'. Each state/territory has one CD and SLA assigned specifically for these responses. |  |  |
 | The 2001 usual residence CD level variable (CDUCP) included the categories 'Not stated' and 'Inadequately described'. However, these categories are not included in the 2006 variable, Place of Usual Residence (PURP), as CDs of usual residence are now allocated to all records where usual address was not stated or was left incomplete. The 2006 Census is the first Census to impute usual residence at CD level. |  |  |
 | See also Imputation Flag for Place of Usual Residence (IFPURP). |  |  |
 | For 2006: |  |  |
- 'No usual address' is a valid response and is coded to CD X999499 and SLA X99999499 where 'X' is the state of enumeration
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- Shipping CDs and Offshore CDs are also valid for place of usual residence
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- Migratory CDs are invalid for place of usual residence and such responses are imputed to a valid spatial CD
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- If a respondent gives only their state or territory of usual residence then they are imputed to a CD within that state/territory
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- If a respondent gives only their Capital City of usual residence then they are imputed to a CD within that Capital City Statistical Division.
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 | For usual residence, CDs can be aggregated to form higher level ASGC and Census Areas. |  |  |
 | For 2006 CD codes range from 1010101 to approximately 9030103 with gaps in between. |  |  |
 | Applicable to: All persons |  |  |
 | VVVVVVV Overseas visitor |  |  |
 | Total number of categories: 38,200 (approx.) |  |  |