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Age (AGEP) | For the 2001 Census age was available for the categories 0-99 years singly and then 100 years and over. For 2006 age is available for the categories 0-115 years singly. |
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Ancestry (ANCP) | For 2001, both the ancestry responses were recorded to a single Ancestry variable (ANCP). For the 2006 Census two variables, Ancestry1 (ANC1P) and Ancestry2 (ANC2P), are used to record responses separately. The basis for allocating ancestries to the variables Ancestry1 and Ancestry2 is administrative only and is based solely on the order in which they are processed.
Ancestry is classified to the Australian Standard Classification of Cultural and Ethnic Groups (ASCCEG) Second Edition (2005). This classification has been revised since 2001.
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Birthplace of Female Parent (BPFP) | This variable's name has changed to Country of Birth of Mother. |
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Birthplace of Individual (BPLP) | This variable's name has changed to Country of Birth of Person.
Birthplace of Individual is classified to the Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC). SACC has been updated since the 2001 Census with the inclusion of '3214 Montenegro' and '3215 Serbia' and the deletion of '3213 Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of '. In the 2001 Census, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia comprised Serbia and Montenegro'. |
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Birthplace of Male Parent (BPMP) | This variable's name has changed to Country of Birth of Father. |
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CD of Usual Residence Census Night (CDUCP) | This person variable has been deleted for the 2006 Census. CD of Usual Residence Census Night is now included in the new 2006 Census hierarchical variable Place of Usual Residence (PURP). |
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Community Development Employment Projects Participation (CDEP) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. This was previously collected as a category of Industry Sector (GNGP). |
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Computer Use at Home (COMP) | This variable was first collected in the 2001 Census but has been deleted for the 2006 Census. |
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Core Activity Need for Assistance (ASSNP) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. This variable has been developed to measure the number of people with a profound or severe disability, that is, people needing help or assistance in one or more of the three core activity areas of self-care, mobility and communication, because of a disability (lasting six months or more), long term health condition (lasting six months or more) or old age. |
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Dwelling Location (DLOD) | Since the 2001 Census, the wording for the descriptors for categories 1 and 4 of this classification have changed. There were no changes to the nature of the data, and the data in categories 1 and 4 for 2006 are comparable with the same categories for 2001. |
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Dwelling Type (DWTD) | This classification has an additional category 'Shipping'. For the 2001 and earlier Censuses this was part of the 'Offshore' category. This 'Shipping' dwelling type is for people enumerated aboard ships in Australian waters. |
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Employment Type (EMTP) | This variable is new for the 2006 Census. It was previously part of the Labour Force Status (LFS06P) variable. It defines for employed persons, their employment type for the main job held in the week prior to Census Night. |
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Family Blending (FBLF) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. This variable is designed to classify families, based on the different parent-child relationships within families. |
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Family Composition (FMCF) | This variable is new for 2006. It replaces the variable Family Type used in previous censuses. Family Composition classifies families into different types, incorporating information about temporarily absent family members. |
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Family Income as Stated (weekly) (FINASF) | This variable is new for 2006. Family Income as Stated is calculated by summing the individual incomes reported by all family members aged 15 years and over. The income ranges for FINASF also include families where one or more family members aged 15 years and over did not state their income. In the variable Family Income (FINF) these families would be coded to the category 'Partial income stated'. |
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Family Income (weekly) (FINF) | The categories for dollar ranges have been revised for the 2006 Census. |
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Family Type (FMTF) | This has been replaced with the new variable Family Composition (FMCF). |
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Government/Non-government Employer Indicator (GNGP) | This variable is similar to the 2001 Census variable Industry Sector (GNGP). However, it differs in that the 2001 category, 'Community Development Employment Program' (CDEP) has been deleted.
Data for CDEP for 2006 is available from the new variable 'Community Development Employment Projects Participation (CDEP)'.
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Highest Level of Schooling Completed (HSCP) | This variable's name has changed to Highest Year of School Completed to conform with standards.
The 'Still at School' category has been dropped from the 2006 classification. This allows Level of Highest Educational Attainment to be determined for people still at school.
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Household Composition (HHCD) | This variable is new for 2006. It replaces the variable Household Type used in previous censuses. |
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Household Income as Stated (weekly) (HINASD) | This variable is new for 2006. Household Income as Stated is calculated by summing the individual incomes reported by all household members aged 15 years and over. The income ranges for HINASD also include households where one or more household members aged 15 years and over did not state their income. In the variable Household Income (HIND) these households would be coded to the category 'Partial income stated'. |
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Household Income - Equivalised (weekly) (HIED) | This variable is new for the 2006 Census. It measures weekly household income on an equivalised basis. |
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Household Income (weekly) (HIND) | The categories for dollar ranges have been revised for the 2006 Census. |
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Household Type (HHTD) | This variable has been replaced with the new variable Household Composition (HHCD). |
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Housing Loan Repayments (monthly) ranges (HLRD01) | The categories for dollar ranges have been revised for the 2006 Census. |
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Imputation Flag for Age (IFAGEP) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. It indicates if a person did not provide a response for the question on age. If age is not reported it is imputed. |
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Imputation Flag for Number of Males and Females in Dwelling (IFNMFD) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. It indicates whether the number of males and females could be established for an occupied private dwelling, or needed to be imputed. |
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Imputation Flag for Place of Usual Residence (IFPURP) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. It indicates the level of response a person provided to place of usual residence. For those people who provided an incomplete address of usual residence, this flag indicates the geographic level at which imputation was required. This variable can also be used to flag instances where people did not report their Usual Address Indicator Census Night (UAICP) and when it was possible to derive this indicator. |
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Imputation Flag for Registered Marital Status (IFMSTP) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. It indicates if a person did not provide a response for registered marital status. If registered marital status is not reported it is imputed. |
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Individual Income (weekly) (INCP) | For the 2006 Census, the number of income response categories for Individual Income (INCP) has been reduced. Dollar ranges have been adjusted in line with rises in income and an additional range for higher incomes has been added. A dollar value of -$96 has been given to people who report negative income. In earlier censuses, the ascribed value was $0. |
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Industry of Employment - ANZSIC 2006 (IND06P) | Industry of Employment is coded to a revised classification for the 2006 Census i.e. ANZSIC 2006. Industry of Employment data for the 2006 Census will however also be available coded to the 1993 edition of ANZSIC. Data coded to ANZSIC 2006 will be output with the mnemonic IND06P, while data coded to ANZSIC 1993 will be output using IND93P. |
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Industry of Employment (INDP) | This variable's name has changed to 'Industry of Employment - ANZSIC 2006' to reflect the ANZSIC classification's major 2006 revision. There is also a second industry variable available, 'Industry of Employment - ANZSIC 1993'. This variable has 2006 Census industry of employment data classified to ANZSIC 1993.
The mnemonic INDP has been replaced by IND06P and IND93P. IND06P is Census industry of employment data classified to ANZSIC 2006 and IND93P is industry of employment data classified to ANZSIC 1993.
Industry of Employment for the 2006 Census is classified to the new Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) 2006.
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Internet Use (NETP) | This person variable has been deleted for the 2006 Census. There is a new Internet variable based on dwelling. See Type of Internet Connection (NEDD). |
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Journey to Work: Destination Zone (JTWDZNP) | This variable has been deleted for the 2006 Census. Destination Zone is now included in the new 2006 Census variable Place of Work (POWP). |
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Journey to Work: Study Area (JTWSAP) | This variable has been deleted for the 2006 Census. Study Area is now included in the new 2006 Census variable Place of Work (POWP). |
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Labour Force Status (LFS06P) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census (although it has the same mnemonic (LFS06P) as the 2001 variable 'Labour Force Status/Status in Employment'). It records for the week prior to Census Night, a person's labour force status. Also see the new variables, Employment Type (EMTP) and Number of Employees (EMPP). |
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Landlord Type (LLDD) | Categories have been revised for this variable and additional categories have been included. |
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Language Spoken at Home (LANP) | Language Spoken at Home was classified to the first edition of the Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL) for the 2001 Census. For the 2006 Census it is classified to the Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL) Second Edition (revised 2005). |
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Level of Highest Educational Attainment (HEAP) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. It records the highest educational level a person has attained. |
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Non-School Qualification: Level of Education (QALLP) | Three digit categories for Certificate level are now shown. |
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Non-School Qualification: Year Completed (QALYP) | This variable has been deleted for the 2006 Census. |
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Number of Children Ever Born (TISP) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. It is included in alternate censuses and was last included in the 1996 Census. This variable counts the number of children born (live births) to each female aged 15 years and over. |
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Number of Employees (EMPP) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. It records the number of employees (in ranges) employed by owner managers. |
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Number of Motorbikes and Scooters (MCYCD) | This dwelling variable has been deleted for the 2006 Census. |
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Occupation (OCCP) | Occupation is classified to the new Australian New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) for the 2006 Census. The 2001 Census was classified to the Australian Standard Classification of Occupations (ASCO) Second Edition. 2006 Occupation data will also be made available classified to the Australian Standard Classification of Occupations (ASCO) Second Edition.
The mnemonic OCCP has been replaced by OCC06P and OCC93P. OCC06P is output classified to ANZSCO and OCC93P is output classified to the ASCO Second Edition.
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Place of Usual Residence Five Years Ago (PUR5P) | This variable records a person's place of usual residence five years before the Census. It is hierarchical and is based on the Statistical Local Area (SLA) of usual residence. Higher levels of geography are also available from this variable. |
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Place of Usual Residence One Year Ago (PUR1P) | This variable records a person's place of usual residence one year before the Census. It is hierarchical and is based on the Statistical Local Area (SLA) of usual residence. Higher levels of geography are also available from this variable. |
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Place of Usual Residence (PURP) | This variable records a person's place of usual residence on Census Night. It is hierarchical and is based on the Collection District (CD) of usual residence. Higher levels of geography are also available from this variable. |
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Place of Work (POWP) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census based on workplace address. It is hierarchical and incorporates both Study Areas and Destination Zones. |
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Postal Area of Usual Residence Census Night (POCUCP) | This person variable has been deleted for the 2006 Census. Postal Area of Usual Residence Census Night is now included in the new 2006 Census hierarchical variable Place of Usual Residence (PURP). |
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Relationship in Household (RLHP) | A number of categories have been revised for this variable. |
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Religious Affiliation (RELP) | This variable is classified to the new Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups (ASCRG) Second Edition for the 2006 Census. The first edition of ASCRG was used in the 2001 Census. |
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Rent (weekly) ranges (RNTD01) | The categories for dollar ranges have been revised for the 2006 Census. |
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SLA of Usual Residence Census Night (SLAUCP) | This variable has been deleted for the 2006 Census. SLA of Usual Residence Census Night is now included in the new 2006 Census hierarchical variable Place of Usual Residence (PURP). |
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SLA of Usual Residence Five Years Ago (SLAU5P) | This variable has been deleted for the 2006 Census. SLA of Usual Residence Five Years Ago is now included in the new 2006 Census hierarchical variable Place of Usual Residence Five Years Ago (PUR5P). |
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SLA of Usual Residence One Year Ago (SLAU1P) | This variable has been deleted for the 2006 Census. SLA of Usual Residence One Year Ago is now included in the new 2006 Census hierarchical variable Place of Usual Residence One Year Ago (PUR1P). |
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State of Usual Residence Census Night (STEUCP) | This variable has been deleted for the 2006 Census. State of Usual Residence Census Night is now included in the new 2006 Census hierarchical variable Place of Usual Residence (PURP). |
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State of Usual Residence Five Years Ago (STEU5P) | This variable has been deleted for the 2006 Census. State of Usual Residence Five Years Ago is now included in the new 2006 Census hierarchical variable Place of Usual Residence Five Years Ago (PUR5P). |
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State of Usual Residence One Year Ago (STEU1P) | This variable has been deleted for the 2006 Census. State of Usual Residence One Year Ago is now included in the new 2006 Census hierarchical variable Place of Usual Residence One Year Ago (PUR1P). |
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Type of Educational Institution Attending (TYPP) | Numeric codes for categories for this variable have changed for the 2006 Census. |
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Type of Internet Connection (NEDD) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. It records the number of occupied private dwellings with Internet access, by type of access. |
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Type of Non-Private Dwelling (NPDD) | The 2001 Census category 'Prison, corrective and detention institution for adults' has been replaced with the categories 'Prison, corrective institution for adults' and 'Immigration detention centre'. The category 'Convent, monastery, etc.' which was previously category 18 is now category 19.
The descriptors to categories 1 and 12 of this classification have changed. There are no changes to the nature of the data, and the data for 2006 are comparable with the data for 2001.
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Unpaid Assistance to a Person with a Disability (UNCAREP) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. This variable records the number of people who spent time providing unpaid care, help or assistance to family members or others because of a disability, a long-term illness or problems related to old age. |
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Unpaid Child Care (CHCAREP) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. It records the number of people who, in the two weeks prior to Census Night, spent time caring for a child/children (less than 15 years of age) without pay. |
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Unpaid Domestic Work: Number of Hours (DOMP) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. It records the number of people who spent time doing unpaid domestic work in either their own home and in other places, for themselves, their family and other people. For each person, it measures in ranges, the number of hours spent doing unpaid domestic work. |
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Usual Address Five Years Ago Indicator (UAI5P) | Descriptors with years have been revised for 2006. |
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Usual Address Indicator Census Night (UAICP) | Descriptors for these categories have changed for 2006. |
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Usual Address One Year Ago Indicator (UAI1P) | Descriptors with years have been revised for 2006. |
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Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group (VOLWP) | This is a new variable for the 2006 Census. It records the number of people who spent time doing unpaid voluntary work through an organisation or group, in the twelve months prior to Census Night. |
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Year of Arrival in Australia (YARP) | Categories for the standard recode have been updated for 2006. |