FINF | First release |
Family Income
| This variable is calculated by summing the individual incomes reported by all family members aged 15 years and over. The Census collects individual income in ranges, so before these can be summed a specific dollar amount needs to be allocated to each person. Median incomes for each range, derived using data from the Survey of Income and Housing, are used for this purpose. |
 | Family income is not calculated where a family member aged 15 years and over did not state their income, or was temporarily absent. These families are coded to the 'Partial income stated' category. |
 | If there is a need to recalculate this variable under different circumstances users can use the derived variable Family Income Derivation Indicator (FIDF) in conjunction with Individual Income (INCP) to create a new family income variable. |
 | Applicable to: Families in family households |
 | Annual income ranges are displayed within brackets. |
 |  | 1 | Negative income |
 |  | 2 | Nil income |
 |  | 3 | $1-$149 ($1-$7,799) |
 |  | 4 | $150-$249 ($7,800-$12,999) |
 |  | 5 | $250-$349 ($13,000-$18,199) |
 |  | 6 | $350-$499 ($18,200-$25,999) |
 |  | 7 | $500-$649 ($26,000-$33,799) |
 |  | 8 | $650-$799 ($33,800-$41,599) |
 |  | 9 | $800-$999 ($41,600-$51,999) |
 |  | 10 | $1,000-$1,199 ($52,000-$62,399) |
 |  | 11 | $1,200-$1,399 ($62,400-$72,799) |
 |  | 12 | $1,400-$1,699 ($72,800-$88,399) |
 |  | 13 | $1,700-$1,999 ($88,400-$103,999) |
 |  | 14 | $2,000-$2,499 ($104,000-$129,999) |
 |  | 15 | $2,500-$2,999 ($130,000-$155,999) |
 |  | 16 | $3,000-$3,499 ($156,000-$181,999) |
 |  | 17 | $3,500-$3,999 ($182,000-$207,999) |
 |  | 18 | $4,000 or more ($208,000 or more) |
 |  | 19 | Partial income stated |
 |  | 20 | All incomes not stated |
 |  | 21 | Not applicable |
 | Total number of categories: 21 |
 | Not applicable (21) category comprises: |
 |  | Non-family/Non-classifiable households |  |
 |  | Unoccupied private dwellings |  |
 |  | Non-private dwellings |  |
 |  | Migratory, off-shore and shipping CDs |  |