HIED Second release
Household Income-Equivalised (weekly)
Equivalised household income is total household income adjusted by the application of an equivalence scale to facilitate comparison of income levels between households of differing size and composition.
Equivalised household income can be viewed as an indicator of the economic resources available to a standardised household. For a lone person household it is equal to household income. For a household comprising more than one person, it is an indicator of the household income that would be needed by a lone person household to enjoy the same level of economic wellbeing.
This recode is based on Individual Income (Weekly) (INCP) ranges.
Applicable to: Occupied private dwellings
Annual income ranges are displayed within brackets.
01 Negative income
02 Nil income
03 $1-$149 ($1-$7,799)
04 $150-$249 ($7,800-$12,999)
05 $250-$399 ($13,000-$20,799)
06 $400-$599 ($20,800-$31,199)
07 $600-$799 ($31,200-$41,599)
08 $800-$999 ($41,600-$51,999)
09 $1,000-$1,299 ($52,000-$67,599)
10 $1,300-$1,599 ($67,600-$83,199)
11 $1,600-$1,999 ($83,200-$103,999)
12 $2,000 or more ($104,000 or more)
13 Partial income stated
14 All incomes not stated
15 Not applicable
Total number of categories: 15
Not applicable (15) category comprises:
Non-private dwellings 
Unoccupied private dwellings 
Migratory, off-shore and shipping CDs 
Other non classifiable households 
Visitor only households
Note: This page was amended on 6th June 2008.