6324.0 - Work-Related Injuries, Australia, 2009-10 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 13/12/2010   
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The ABS has a range of data available on request from the Work-Related Injuries topic collected in the Multipurpose Household Survey (MPHS). This section lists the data items and populations which relate to the survey. More detailed breakdowns of some data items may also be available on request.

The population(s) for a particular data item refer to the persons in the survey to whom the data item relates. Where alternative output categories are available for the same data item, these are shown and the data item name is followed by a bracketed numeral (e.g. Country of birth (2)).

To obtain data available on request, or for more information about our customised data service contact Labour Market Statistics on Canberra (02) 6252 7206, or by facsimile on (02) 6252 5066, or by email to <labour.statistics@abs.gov.au>.

Population 1

Persons aged 15 years and over who worked at some time in the last 12 months.

Population 2

Persons aged 15 years and over who worked at some time in the last 12 months and experienced a work-related injury or illness in that period.

Population 3

Persons aged 15 years and over who were employed in the reference week.


1 State or territory of usual residence All
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory
2 Area of usual residence All
State capital city
Balance of state/territory
2A Remoteness areas All
Major cities of Australia
Inner regional Australia
Outer regional Australia
Remote Australia
3 Region of usual residence All
Standard labour force dissemination regions
4 Sex All
5 Marital status All
Not married
6 Relationship in household All
Family member
Husband, wife or partner
With dependants
Without dependants
Lone Parent
With dependants
Without dependants
Dependent student
Non-dependent child
Other family person
Non-family member
Lone person
Not living alone
Relationship not determined
7A Country of birth and period of arrival All
Born in Australia
Born overseas
Arrived before 1971
Arrived 1971-1980
Arrived 1981-1990
Arrived 1991-2000
Arrived 2001 to survey date
7B Country of birth (1) All
Born in Australia
Born overseas
Born in main English-speaking countries
Born in other than main English-speaking countries
7C Country of birth (2) All
Born in Australia
Born overseas
Oceania and Antarctica
North-West Europe
Southern and Eastern Europe
North Africa and the Middle East
South-East Asia
North-East Asia
Southern and Central Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
8 Age group (years) All
65 and over
Note: Age collected in single years.
9 Level of highest non-school qualification All
With a non-school qualification
Postgraduate Degree
Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate
Bachelor Degree
Advanced Diploma/Diploma
Certificate III/IV
Certificate I/II
Certificate not further defined
Level not determined
Without a non-school qualification
10 Level of highest educational attainment All
Postgraduate Degree
Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate
Bachelor Degree
Advanced Diploma/Diploma
Certificate III/IV
Certificate I/II
Certificate not further defined
Year 12
Year 11
Year 10 or below
Level not determined
No educational attainment/attendance
11 Level of highest school educational attainment All
Year 12
Year 11
Year 10 or below
No school educational attainment/attendance
12 Main field of highest non-school educational attainment All
Natural and physical sciences
Information technology
Engineering and related technologies
Architecture and building
Agriculture, environmental and related studies
Management and commerce
Society and culture
Creative arts
Food, hospitality and personal services  
Mixed field programmes
Field not determined
13 Age and whether attending an educational institution All
15-19 years old, left school, not studying full time
15-19 years old, left school, studying full time
15-19 years old attending school
20-24 years old not studying full time
20-24 years old studying full time
14 Labour force status All
Not in the labour force
15 Employment type of current main job 3
With paid leave entitlements
Without paid leave entitlements
Owner managers of incorporated enterprises
Owner managers of unincorporated enterprises
Contributing family workers
16 Hours usually worked in all jobs 3
Less than 1
50 or more
Note: Collected in single hours.
17 Duration of current main job 3
Less than 1 year
Under 3 months
3 and under 6 months
6 and under 12 months
1 and under 2 years
2 and under 5 years
5 and under 10 years
10 years and over
18 Full-time or part-time status of employment in current main job 3
Full-time workers
Part-time workers
19 Status in employment in current main job 3
Own account workers
Contributing family workers
20 Hours usually worked in current main job 3
Less than 1
50 or more
Note: Collected in single hours.
21 Occupation of current main job 3
Technicians and trades workers
Community and personal service workers
Clerical and administrative workers
Sales workers
Machinery operators and drivers
22 Industry of current main job 3
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Electricity, gas, water and waste services
Wholesale trade
Retail trade
Accommodation and food services
Transport, postal and warehousing
Information media and telecommunications
Financial and insurance services
Rental, hiring and real estate services
Professional, scientific and technical services
Administrative and support services
Public administration and safety
Education and training
Health care and social assistance
Arts and recreation services
Other services
23 Full-time or part-time status of employment 3
Full-time workers
Part-time workers
24 Whether worked shift work in current main job 3
Worked under shift arrangements
Did not work under shift arrangements
25 Expected future duration in current main job 3
Expected to be with current employer/business in 12 months time
Did not expect to be with current employer/business in 12 months time
26 Whether worked on a contract in current main job 3
Worked on a fixed-term contract
Did not work on a fixed-term contract
Owner managers
Worked on contract basis
Did not work on contract basis
Contributing family workers
27 Hours usually worked in job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred 2
Less than 1
60 or more
Note: Collected in single hours.
27A Number of days of the week/ shifts usually worked in job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred 2
7 or more
Can only report in hours
28 Whether worked full time or part time in job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred 2
Worked full time
Worked part time
29 Status in employment of job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred 2
Own account workers
Contributing family workers
30 Whether worked on contract in job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred 2
Worked on a fixed-term contract
Did not work on a fixed-term contract
Owner managers
Worked on contract basis
Did not work on contract basis
Contributing family workers
31 Whether worked shift work in job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred 2
Worked under shift arrangements
Did not work under shift arrangements
32 Occupation of job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred 2
Technicians and trades workers
Community and personal service workers
Clerical and administrative workers
Sales workers
Machinery operators and drivers
33 Industry of job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred 2
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Electricity, gas, water and waste services
Wholesale trade
Retail trade
Accommodation and food services
Transport, postal and warehousing
Information media and telecommunications
Financial and insurance services
Rental, hiring and real estate services
Professional, scientific and technical services
Administrative and support services
Public administration and safety
Education and training
Health care and social assistance
Arts and recreation services
Other services
34 Duration of employment in job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred 2
Less than 1 year
Under 3 months
3 and under 6 months
6 and under 12 months
1 and under 2 years
2 and under 5 years
5 and under 10 years
10 years and over
35 Expected future duration of job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred 2
Expected to be with current employer/business in 12 months time
Did not expect to be with current employer/business in 12 months time
Work-related injury or illness occurred in previous job
36 Employment type of job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred 2
With paid leave entitlements
Without paid leave entitlements
Owner managers of incorporated enterprises
Owner managers of unincorporated enterprises
Contributing family workers
37 Work-related injury or illness - summary item 2
Persons who worked at some time in the last 12 months
Persons who experienced a work-related injury or illness
Employed in the reference week
Most recent work-related injury or illness occurred in current main job
Most recent work-related injury or illness occurred in current other job
Most recent work-related injury or illness occurred in previous job
Not employed in reference week
Persons who did not experience a work-related injury or illness
38 Whether most recent work-related injury or illness occurred in current main job, current other job or previous job 2
Injury or illness occurred in current job
Injury or illness occurred in main job
Injury or illness occurred in other job
Injury or illness occurred in previous job
39 Days or shifts absent from work in the last 12 months due to work-related injury or illness 2
Part of a day/shift
1-4 days
5-10 days
11 days or more
Had not returned to work since injury or illness occurred
40 Whether received financial assistance for medical expenses or income loss for most recent work-related injury or illness 2
Received financial assistance
Did not receive financial assistance
41 All sources of financial assistance for medical expenses or income loss for most recent work-related injury or illness 2
Received financial assistance
Workers' compensation
Employer - regular sick leave
Employer - other payment
Social Security/Centrelink
Private health insurance
Income protection insurance
Money from family and friends
Did not know
Did not receive any financial assistance
42 Whether applied for and whether received workers' compensation as a result of most recent work-related injury or illness 2
Applied for workers' compensation
Received workers' compensation
Did not receive workers' compensation
Did not apply for workers' compensation
43 Main reason did not apply for workers' compensation 2
Did not apply for workers' compensation
Not covered or not aware of workers' compensation
Did not think eligible
Minor injury only/not considered necessary
Negative impact on current or future employment
Inconvenient/required too much effort or paperwork
Employer agreed to pay costs
Did not know
Applied for workers' compensation
44 Whether most recent work-related injury or illness occurred within the first 6 months of starting job 2
Injury or illness occurred within the first 6 months
Injury or illness did not occur within the first 6 months
45 Most recent work-related injury or illness sustained 2
Chronic joint or muscle condition
Cut/open wound
Crushing injury/internal organ damage
Superficial injury
Stress or other mental condition
No further information
46 How the most recent work-related injury or illness occurred 2
Lifting, pushing or pulling object
Repetitive movement
Prolonged standing, working in cramped or unchanging position
Vehicle accident
Hitting or being hit or cut by an object
Fall on same level (including slip or fall)
Fall from height
Exposure to mental stress
Long term exposure to sound
Contact with chemical or substance
No further information
47 Main reason for ceasing job where work-related injury or illness occurred 2
Ceased job where work-related injury or illness occurred
Result of workplace injury or illness
Other health or disability
Laid off or retrenched
Job was temporary or seasonal
Own business closed down for economic reasons
Unsatisfactory work arrangements
Holiday job/returned to studies
Still worked in job where work-related injury or illness occurred
48 Whether returned to any work at any time after work-related injury or illness 2
Returned to work after injury or illness sustained
Did not return to work after injury or illness sustained
49A Whether received any formal training in OH&S risks in workplace at any time prior to work-related injury or illness 2
Received training in OH&S risks prior to work-related injury or illness
Did not receive training in OH&S risks prior to work-related injury or illness
49B Whether received formal training in OH&S risks in the workplace in current or most recent job All
Received training in OH&S risks in current or most recent job
Did not receive training in OH&S risks in current or most recent job
49C Type of training undertaken All
As part of a process to obtain a licence or qualification
As part of induction training
Refresher/on-going training
Included demonstration of safe procedures
Involved workplace assessments
Other OH&S training
No training undertaken
50 Location where work-related injury or illness occurred 2
Travelling on business
Travelling to or from work
Lunchtime or break activities
51 Current weekly gross personal income from all sources All
Negative income
No income
$1 and under $100
$100 and under $200
$200 and under $300
$300 and under $400
$400 and under $500
$500 and under $600
$600 and under $700
$700 and under $800
$800 and under $900
$900 and under $1,000
$1,000 and under $1,100
$1,100 and under $1,200
$1,200 and under $1,300
$1,300 and under $1,400
$1,400 and under $1,500
$1,500 and under $1,600
$1,600 and under $1,700
$1,700 and under $1,800
$1,800 and under $1,900
$1,900 and under $2,000
$2,000 and over
Could not be determined
52 All sources of income All
Profit or loss from own unincorporated business or share in partnership
Profit or loss from rental property
Dividends or interest
Wages or salary (including from own incorporated business)
Government pension or allowance
Child support or maintenance
Superannuation or Annuity
Workers' Compensation
Did not know
Not stated
No specified income source
53 Main source of income All
Profit or loss from own unincorporated business or share in a partnership
Profit or loss from rental property
Dividends or interest
Wages or salary (including from own incorporated business)
Government pension or allowance
Child support or maintenance
Superannuation or Annuity
Workers' Compensation
Did not know
Not stated
No specified income source
54 All types of government pensions/allowance received All
Received a government pension/allowance
Age Pension
Family Tax Benefit A or B (Centrelink)
Disability Support Pension (Centrelink)
Disability Pension (Veteran's Affairs)
Parenting Payment
Newstart Allowance
Youth Allowance
Carer Allowance or Payment
Service Pension (Partners)
War Widow's/Widower's Pension
Partner Allowance
Did not receive a government pension/allowance
Not stated
55 Total gross weekly household income from all sources All
Negative income
No income
$1 and under $100
$100 and under $200
$200 and under $300
$300 and under $400
$400 and under $500
$500 and under $600
$600 and under $700
$700 and under $800
$800 and under $900
$900 and under $1,000
$1,000 and under $1,100
$1,100 and under $1,200
    $1,200 and under $1,300
    $1,300 and under $1,400
    $1,400 and under $1,500
    $1,500 and under $1,600
$1,600 and under $1,700
$1,700 and under $1,800
$1,800 and under $1,900
$1,900 and under $2,000
$2,000 and under $2,200
$2,200 and under $2,400
$2,400 and under $2,600
    $2,600 and under $2,800
$2,800 and under $3,000
$3,000 and over
    Could not be determined