Freedom of Information
Freedom of information
In accordance with section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, details of the structure and functions of ASAC and how members of the public can obtain access to information held by the Council are outlined below.
Establishment, organisation and functions
For information regarding the establishment, organisation and function of ASAC, see Chapter 1 – About ASAC.
As an advisory body, ASAC has no decision-making or other powers directly affecting members of the public. The Council does not administer any enactments or schemes.
Arrangements for outside participation
ASAC members are appointed by the Minister responsible for the ABS to ensure a broad range of views and interests are reflected in the advice that the Council offers to the Minister and the Australian Statistician. For membership details, see Appendix 1.
Persons or bodies outside the Australian Government administration may contribute matters for the Council’s consideration by making representations to the Minister or the ASAC Chairperson. Contributions can be directed in writing to the ASAC Secretary at the address below.
Information available
The ASAC Annual Report is available from ABS offices, and on the ASAC and ABS websites. The ABS maintains records on behalf of ASAC relating to: the administration of the Council; papers discussed at Council meetings; summary records of meeting proceedings; and correspondence relating to the activities of the Council.
Feedback and enquiries
ASAC welcomes feedback on this report. Feedback or enquiries related to accessing ASAC documents, including enquiries under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, may be directed in writing (by post or email) to:
Australian Statistics Advisory Council
c/– Australian Bureau of Statistics
Locked Bag 10
Belconnen ACT 2616