- The CTASS is currently conducted every 5 years, with the next survey collection being undertaken in 2024–25.
- Significant errors are errors in statistical releases, either identified by the ABS or by users, that could mislead a user as to the value of a statistical indicator of national or state importance.
- https://dsbb.imf.org/sdds
- Each Census is implemented over a 5 year period. As such, targets for this measure change each year to reflect the major phases of Census. Targets relevant to the years covered by the 2024-25 Corporate Plan are included here.
- Based on a benchmark value of 100 in 2020–21.
- For each of the 5 channels, the count for the current year is divided by the count in the benchmark year (2020–21). The composite index is calculated by taking the average of each of the 5 channels and multiplying by 100.
- 6 agreements were in place in 2023–24.
- In 2023–24, this measure was 3.2 Delivery of data peer learning opportunities to APS employees. The title has been updated to improve clarity.
- Benchmark is the results from the previous year and value is set to 100.
- The ‘Number of Communities of Practice’ indicator has been removed.
- The ABS selects case studies based on Tier 1 (Significant) Projects, prioritising those likely to achieve a major deliverable during the reporting period. The case studies include a quantifiable metric and are reported against the first year covered by this Plan, i.e. 2024–25. Each year, new case studies are selected for reporting against this measure.
- In 2023–24, this measure was 4.2 Burden on survey respondents. The title has been refined to improve clarity and reflect the addition of the household survey method.
- Based on a benchmark value of 338,964 hours in 2020–21. The target for 2023–24 was 13 percentage point decrease on that benchmark.
- The target pattern reflects projected strategies to reduce burden on business survey respondents.
- Based on a benchmark value of 40% of households that responded to the Monthly Population Survey (MPS) online in 2023–24.
- It is expected that the number of households responding online will accelerate after the proposed uplift to online data collection platforms is completed for the MPS.
Performance measures and targets
Latest release
ABS Corporate Plan
Reference period
The Corporate Plan is the ABS’ principal planning document and sets out how the ABS manages its responsibilities and use of public resources. The ABS, as with all other non-Corporate Commonwealth entities, is required to use qualitative and quantitative performance measures to assess the extent to which it has delivered against its purpose.
For 2024–25 and the forward estimates period referenced in this Corporate Plan:
- the performance measures meet the requirements of section 16EA of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014
- targets for performance measures are reviewed annually and have been provided for each performance measure where it is reasonable to do so.
The assessment of the ABS’ performance and achievements will be reported in the Annual Performance Statement, which is incorporated in the ABS Annual Report 2024–25.
Priority 1: Produce high-quality statistics and insights
1.1 Trust in ABS statistics - level of trust in the ABS and its statistics
Method | Targets | Years measured |
Community Trust in ABS Statistics Survey (CTASS)²⁷ | At least 85% level of trust in the ABS and ABS statistics | 2024-25 |
Number of statistics released free of significant errors²⁸ | 100% of statistics are released free of significant errors | 2024-25 to 2027-28 |
1.2 International compliance - ABS statistics meet the standards for National and International Accounts, Labour Force, Unemployment, Consumer Price Index, and Estimated Resident Population
Method | Targets | Years measured |
Compliance with International Monetary Fund (IMF) Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS)²⁹ | IMF assesses ABS to be 100% compliant with SDDS for in-scope collections | 2024-25 to 2027-28 |
1.3 Conduct the Census³⁰ - implementation of the Census to deliver trusted data
Method | Targets | Years measured |
Finalise 2026 Census topics | Regulations are updated to define Census topics | 2024-25 |
Successful completion of the 2025 Census Operational Readiness Exercise (ORE) | Census ORE is completed, and the evaluation report is agreed and accepted by the 2026 Census governance forum | 2025-26 |
Response rate to the 2026 Census | 95% response rate | 2026-27 |
Independent survey of user sentiment toward the 2026 Census | 80% of the community support the Census | 2026-27 |
Validation of the quality of 2026 Census data by the Independent Assurance Panel | 2026 data is of a comparable quality to previous Censuses | 2026-27 |
Completion of the release of data on all 2026 Census topics | Data is publicly released on all prescribed 2026 Census topics | 2027-28 |
1.4 Access to ABS data and statistics - access to data products and services
Method | Targets³¹ | Years measured |
Composite index of channel access:³²
| 111 | 2024-25 |
114 | 2025-26 | |
117 | 2026-27 | |
120 | 2027-28 |
Priority 2: Exercise leadership in strengthening Australia’s data capabilities
2.1 Adoption of secure data infrastructure - providing secure data management and data sharing capabilities to support the Australian Government, and state and territory governments
Method | Targets | Years measured |
Number of agreements in place for Secure Environment for Analysing Data (SEAD) services | 10 agreements in place³³ | 2024-25 |
14 agreements in place | 2025-26 | |
18 agreements in place | 2026-27 | |
22 agreements in place | 2027-28 |
2.2 Engagement with the APS Data Profession - enhancing engagement with Australian Public Servants who use data for informed decision-making³⁴
Method | Targets³⁵ | Years measured |
Number of Member Community Platform (MCP) members and interactions with the MCP³⁶ | 5% increase on benchmark | 2024-25 |
5% increase on benchmark | 2025-26 | |
5% increase on benchmark | 2026-27 | |
5% increase on benchmark | 2027-28 |
Priority 3: Strengthen relationships and reduce load on data providers
3.1 Efficiency of statistical operations - improving data collection methods
Method | Target: Case studies³⁷ | Years measured |
Case study showing efficiencies made in collecting data for statistical purposes | Whole of Australian Government coding capability project to deliver a modern machine learning statistical coding capability to a minimum of 3 Australian Government or state government agencies by June 2025. This coder is expected to deliver longer term efficiencies, standardise coding and ensure alignment with current standards when classifying occupations in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupation (ANZSCO) | 2024-25 |
Replacing the legacy system XIAM with OKTA to improve security and provide a simplified and contemporary experience for survey respondents accessing ABS’ digital surveys, measured by 10% reduction in respondent calls for account registration | 2024-25 |
3.2 Data collection effort and respondent experience - improve data collection methods and the experience for businesses and households³⁸
Method | Targets | Years measured |
Total time taken for survey respondents to complete business surveys | 17 percentage point decrease on benchmark³⁹ | 2024-25 |
21 percentage point decrease on benchmark | 2025-26 | |
25 percentage point decrease on benchmark | 2026-27 | |
27 percentage point decrease on benchmark⁴⁰ | 2027-28 | |
Percentage of households responding online | 41% of households complete the Monthly Population Survey online⁴¹ | 2024-25 |
42% of households complete the Monthly Population Survey online | 2025-26 | |
43% of households complete the Monthly Population Survey online | 2026-27 | |
50% of households complete the Monthly Population Survey online⁴² | 2027-28 |