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Wheat Use and Stocks, Australia (ABS cat. no. 7307.0) presents data on wheat grain stocks and use for selected manufacturing and agricultural businesses, licensed exporters and bulk grain handlers. These estimates are compiled from various surveys conducted by the ABS, including the annual Grain (wheat) Handlers Stocks Survey, monthly Wheat Use Survey, the monthly Wheat Export Sales Survey, and administrative data relating to wheat grain exports.
The Wheat Use Survey is a monthly survey of selected wheat grain users, including selected manufacturers and animal feedlot operators. Data are collected on the basis of the state where the wheat is used, stored and contracted for future use. The data are released at state and Australian levels.
The Wheat Export Sales Survey is a monthly survey of wheat exporters' contracts for future wheat grain exports. Data are collected on the basis of the state where the wheat grain is sourced from, and then aggregated to derive Australian totals.
Data relating to the export of wheat are compiled from information submitted by exporters or their agents to the Australian Customs Service (ACS). Statistics are compiled for state and national totals.
The wheat surveys are undertaken on behalf of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to assist the wheat industry. The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE) will use these data to compile a monthly report on the Australian wheat industry.
Wheat Stocks and Use, Australia (ABS Cat. No. 7307.0) is released monthly, 5 weeks after the reference period. The first release, covering the period from October to December 2008 was released in February 2009.
Data from the Wheat Use Survey and the Wheat Export Sales Survey have been edited using recognised statistical techniques. The resultant value estimates have been checked against earlier months (where available) and other relevant sources, including contact with data providers, to ensure the accuracy of the estimates produced.
This publication was first released in February 2009. Data are expected to be comparable over future collection cycles.
Detailed explanatory notes are provided in Wheat Use and Stocks, Australia (ABS Cat. No. 7307.0) to assist users in interpreting these data and to understand the concepts underlying the data.
An extensive range of data is available from a variety of agriculture based collections on the ABS website <www.abs.gov.au>.