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Journey to Work
Detailed Study Areas Similar to the Study Areas used for the 1996 Census, Detailed Study Areas cover the urban centres of:
Detailed Study Areas are comprised of Destination Zones which aggregate to SLAs. In Detailed Study Areas the lowest level of the JTW hierarchy is the Destination Zone. Note that Destination Zones do not concord with census Collection Districts (CDs) but they do aggregate to SLAs. DZNs are designed for the purpose of defining where people work, not where they live or for the collection of Census data. Extended study areas These are a single Study Area in each state and territory which simply includes any SLA not included in a Detailed Study Area. The SLAs included in Extended Study Areas do not generally comprise Destination Zones, but there are some SLAs that do. Destination Zones The workplace address given by respondents for the week prior to Census Night is coded to a Destination (place of work) Zone. For output purposes Destination Zones aggregate to SLAs as SLAs are a standard output area for Census data. Destination Zones are defined by the transport authorities in each state and territory and do not cover all of Australia. Although they are defined for all Detailed Study Areas, they are also defined for some SLAs in the Extended Study Areas. Coding Conventions Destination Zones are not allocated names. The coding conventions are as follows:
Cross Borders Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) Queensland and the ACT have included certain NSW SLAs in their Detailed Study Area definitions. However, these SLAs have been coded as Extended Study Areas in the NSW data under the Area description 'NSW Extended/Cross Borders'. The NSW SLA of "Yass", for example, is sub-described as "Yass (A) (Cross border ACT)". Thus, to correctly aggregate Detailed Study Areas for the Queensland and the ACT, you may need to include these Cross Border SLAs. Queensland Cross Borders SLAs: The following 'NSW Extended/Cross Borders' SLAs are included in Queensland Detailed Study Areas as defined by the Queensland transport authority:
7552 Tweed Part B ACT Cross Borders SLAs: The following 'NSW Extended/Cross Borders' SLAs are included in the ACT Detailed Study Areas as defined by the ACT transport authority:
3600 Gunning 6450 Queanbeyan 8651 Yarrowlumla Part A 8652 Yarrowlumla Part B 8700 Yass Examples:
*The identifiers for each state/territory are: NSW: 1; Vic: 2; Qld: 3; SA: 4; WA: 5; Tas: 6; NT: 7; ACT: 8; OT: 9. Data Interpretation Reference Period Differences The data variables most commonly cross classified with 'workplace address' are SLA of Usual Residence Census Night (SLAUCP) and Method of Travel to Work (MTWP). However, the Census questions for these variables relate to different reference periods. SLA of Usual Residence Census Night (SLAUCP) (which is obtained from Q.7) and 'Method of Travel to Work (MTWP) (obtained from Q.41) both refer to Census day. 'Workplace address' (obtained from Q.37) refers to the main job held last week, i.e. the week before Census Night. The 'Workplace address' question refers to last week rather than Census Night to improve comparability of Census labour force data with other ABS labour force data. Thus, the different reference periods for these questions can produce outliers in the data who are:
Where 'place of enumeration' data is being referenced, an additional possible outlier in the data is people who were not at their usual residence on Census Night. Person's workplace address One issue identified with 1996 Census JTW data, was that some people answered question 35 by providing the head office address of their employer rather than the address of the actual location where they worked. For 2001, question 37 is the equivalent question and rather than ask for "the employer's workplace address" , the question asks for "the person's workplace address". This was done to minimise the number of respondents reporting the address of a head office rather than their actual workplace destination. No fixed place of work The instructions for question 37 were also changed with a view to improving the quality of the data. For the 2001 Census the instructions included: "For persons with no fixed place of work: - if the person usually travels to a depot to start work, provide depot address". This was done to capture the maximum possible JTW information by accurately coding the journeys to work of those with no fixed workplace address, but who usually journeyed to a specific address in order to begin work (for the main job held last week). Data Comparability JTW data have been produced from Australian population censuses since 1971. The JTW Study Areas and Destination Zones used to analyse data on each occasion have been redefined to take into account changes and growth within each state and territory. Consequently, JTW data are not comparable across Censuses. Furthermore, in 1996 JTW data were available only for those people who lived and worked in the same study area. Any person who was enumerated in a study area but gave a workplace address that was outside this study area was coded as 'Worked Outside Study Area'. For example, if a person commuted from Mittagong to work in Sydney, JTW data for that person could not be obtained. For the 2001 Census, the workplace address given by employed people has been coded to both an SLA and a Destination Zone if they work in a Detailed study area, or an SLA only (in the majority of cases) if they work in an Extended study area. Geographical Comparability To review 1996 data using the 2001 study areas and destination zones, please apply to the relevant state or territory transport authority. Contact details are provided below. Customised information is also available from these authorities, on request. Availability of Area Codes and Boundaries To assist ABS clients in understanding JTW data, listings of SLAs are available from the ABS National Information and Referral Service. However, the Destination Zone boundaries are determined by the transport authority in each state or territory. Clients who would like to obtain the boundaries in digital or mapped form should contact the authority in the relevant state or territory, or the ABS Tasmanian office for Tasmanian boundary data. JTW data below the level of SLA is not fully validated by the ABS and as such should only be used in consultation with the relevant State or Territory transport authority. Contacts for JTW Destination Zone Boundaries New South Wales Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.