In this issue:
ABS website changes, national statistical service, survey workshop
State and regional indicators, population, demography, NATSIS survey, book publishers
Recent immigrants, household & family estimates, population, overseas arrivals/departures, social trends
Government cultural funding, recorded crime, sexual assault
Water account, international trade, labour costs, agricultural commodities
Higher education research, government technology, internet activity, hire services
TV, film & video production; performing arts; waste management
Ancestry, disability, cardiovascular disease, cancer
Measuring human capital, census CD design, health time series, tourism satellite account
Other selected releases
ABS statistical training
Points of contact
Welcome to the second issue of Statistics Victoria for 2004. The four months from May to August has been a productive period for ABS. A number of high profile reports were released during this time, including the Australian Social Trends 2004 featuring statistics which describe various aspects of Australian society and how these are changing over time. We saw the much anticipated release of results from the new National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey conducted in 2002. This survey collected similar information to the General Social Survey, allowing comparison to be made between indigenous and non-indigenous populations in Australia. A couple of reports from the 2001 Australian Census Analytic Program were released; one looked at the characteristics of Australia's most recent immigrants while the other studied the census data on ancestry. Also census related is work being undertaken to redesign Collection Districts (CDs) in preparation for the 2006 Census of Population and Housing. On the demography front, ABS released the annual population by age and sex publication as well as a couple of reports based on 2001 census data; one on household estimates for Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) of Australia, and the other on household and family projections from 2001 to 2026. The latter report is particularly useful for those analysing the ageing population.
A number of economic publications were also released over the four months to August 2004. These included the 2000-01 issue of Water Accounts, which focused on the physical characteristics of Australia's water resources, and the 2002-03 Tourism Satellite Account which is part of the Australian National Accounts. The annual publication Agricultural Commodities provided final estimates for main commodities in the 2002-03 Agricultural Survey, while the Government Technology and Internet Activity publications provided statistics on use of information technology in Australia. ABS also released results of a number of service industry surveys: Hire Services; Television, Film and Video Production; Waste Management Services; and Performing Arts. On a more local perspective, release of the March Quarter 2004 issue of State and Regional Indicators, Victoria attracted a lot of media coverage, with much of the interest focussing on long-term unemployment figures for regional areas of Victoria.
In addition to releasing a large number of ABS publications and datasets, there were also a number of key web site developments which were released to the public. In May, ABS released a web site to support the National Statistical Service (NSS). NSS is an initiative which seeks to link producers and users of statistics in Australia in order to narrow the gap between the supply and need for information, and strive toward an expanded base of good quality statistics for all Australians. August saw the launch of a new-look ABS web site, with the new design aimed at facilitating better web site navigation and search, as well as a revised look and content for the Victorian theme page.
The ABS web site has changed
From 28 August 2004, the ABS web site (<www.abs.gov.au>) underwent a series of upgrades to meet ever changing user expectations and address the significant growth of our online information. Improvements included:
- navigation: introduction of consistent global navigation and 'Quick Links';
- more meaningful links: clearer language to aid navigation, especially for non-statistical users;
- search: an improved search is now available from every page;
- design: faster, efficient download time and greater consistency; and
- terminology: it's easier to understand our information.
The only area of the web site that has not yet changed is AusStats, which will be updated later in the year. Most of the old homepage's information will still be available on the new homepage, with the following exceptions:
- Feature Articles can now be found on the 'Australian Year Books' page;
- Census Maps are now on the 'Census' page;
- How to Access ABS Statistics is on the 'About us' page; and
- Main Features, timeseries spreadsheets and data cubes are now accessed through the link 'Access to all ABS products and statistics, including AusStats'.
Victorian theme page
The ABS Victorian office recently revamped it's ABS website theme page to provide a quick and effective means of accessing ABS statistics on Victoria. To visit the site go: www.abs.gov.au > Themes > Regional and select Victoria.
The main Victorian pages are:
- Noticeboard: links to ABS newsletters, publication release advice, media releases, statistical training program, and National Statistical Service,
- ABS Statistical Publications, Data and Release Information: information on ABS products relevant to Victoria, with some summary information free online and costed products' content outlined,
- About the Victorian Office: location and office opening times,
- Non-ABS Sources: lists non-ABS websites, and includes links to Victorian government departments and agency website statistical pages, theme related content (economic, social and environmental), National Statistical Service site, and other Australian and overseas statistical agency sites,
- Products and Services: how to access ABS statistics, free summary information from many ABS publications, subscription and consultancy services, education resources, and Library Extension Program (free access ABS publications in libraries).
NSS web site released 14/5/04.
The National Statistical Service (NSS) supports a whole of government approach to management of statistical information. It aims to increase the range of good quality statistical information available for decision making, and forge statistical partnerships to share knowledge and expertise. As part of this initiative, a new web site <http://www.nss.gov.au> has been released to assist agencies to apply sound statistical and data management principles.
The first web site release provides a core set of resources, including:
- NSS Handbook and key principles,
- directories of statistical sources,
- published information development plans,
- statistical training offered by government agencies, and
- concepts, classifications and data dictionaries.
The NSS Handbook provides a statistical process overview to collection managers, designers or users of statistical products. It outlines issues for managing a collection, using administrative sources, and analysing data. Future web site releases will expand on the core set of resources, include a directory of statistical sources search portal and statistical discussion forums. For producers the web site provides assistance in collection, processing and dissemination of data. For users it assists in identifying statistical information suitable to their needs.
Contact Mark Lound on Canberra (02) 6252 5907 or email <mark.lound@abs.gov.au>.
Improving Survey Data Quality - Workshop
The Statistical Society of Australia Inc. (Victorian branch) are running a workshop on Improving Survey Data Quality on Monday 25th October, 9.30am-5.30pm. The presenter, Professor Denise Lievesley, is Director of Statistics at UNESCO and president-elect of the International Statistical Institute. The workshop will provide practical and relevant advice to people working in government, industry and research on how to better use surveys. Prof. Lievesley will outline ways in which errors can arise in the survey process, and will discuss ways in which they might be minimised and the effect they can have on the interpretation of results. The impact of sample design, non-response and questionnaire design on survey quality will be covered. Cost is: SSAI members $275, non-members $330. The venue is Training Room 1, Level 7, ABS, 485 LaTrobe St. Melbourne. Registrations close Friday 15 October. For further information contact: Jane Waslin, Statistical Society of Australia, Email: admin@statsoc.org.au, Phone: (02) 6249 8266 or Fax: (02) 6249 6558.
Victorian publications
1367.2 State and Regional Indicators, Victoria, June Quarter 2004. Released 10/8/04.
This publication has been revamped to provide a more regional focus encompassing social, economic and environmental data for Victoria. For the first time, the publication includes commentary and analysis, which will be a continuing theme in future issues. It also features an article on the relationship between level of Victorian building activity and real interest rate movements since 1974. The study shows that Victorian building activity, i.e. new house building, was more responsive to real interest rate movements before September quarter 1989, and less responsive afterwards.
Topics include: Victorian population growth and its components; labour market by region and industry; state final demand; consumer and house price indexes for Melbourne; construction activity by local government area (LGA); tourism region data; agricultural production; trade; mean taxable income by LGA; condition of roads by LGA; and natural resource data on air quality and water storages.
Contact Neil McLean on Melbourne (03) 9615 7463, or email <neil.mclean@abs.gov.au.>.
3235.2.55.001 Population by Age and Sex, Victoria, June 2003. Electronic Delivery. Released 30/6/04.
The estimated resident population of Victoria at June 2003 was 4.9 million, an annual increase of 60,083 people (1.2%). Victoria's population was 24.7% of the Australian total. There were an estimated 3.6 million people resident in the Melbourne Statistical Division (SD), representing an annual increase of 46,534 people. Melbourne SD was home to 72.4% of Victoria’s population, and accounted for 77.4% of Victoria's annual population growth. The median age of Victorians was 36.2 years. Children (0-14 years) represented 19.5% of Victorian population, down from 19.7% a year earlier. Persons 65 years and over accounted for 13.2% of population, a slight increase on 2002 (13.1%).
Contact Nancy Savic on Melbourne (03) 9615 7626 or email <nancy.savic@abs.gov.au>.
3311.2.55.001 Demography, Victoria, 2002. Electronic delivery. New issue. Released 5/5/04.
Replaces the previous hard copy publication (cat. no. 3311.2). It presents 2002 details for Victoria on: population, births and confinements, deaths, migration, marriages and divorces.
In 2002 there were 60,400 confinements resulting in 61,500 live births registered to mothers living in Victoria. Birth registrations were 5% higher than in 2001 (58,600 births) and the highest number recorded in Victoria since 1995. The total fertility rate was 1.7 babies per woman in 2002. Victoria recorded 33,800 deaths in 2002, giving a rate of 6.6 deaths per 1,000 population. Females born in 2002 could expect to live an average 82.8 years and males 77.8 years.
In 2002, there were 25,000 marriages registered in Victoria, giving a rate of 5.2 marriages per 1,000 population. The median age for brides was 26.3 years in 1992 and 29.1 years in 2002, while for bridegrooms it was 28.6 years and 30.9 years respectively. In 2001, there were 13,700 divorces granted in Victoria, giving a rate of 2.9 divorces per 1,000 population. This was a 30% increase over the 10,500 divorces granted in 1992. The median duration of marriage was 11.9 years in 2001 compared to 10.4 years in 1992.
Contact Nancy Savic in Melbourne (03) 9615 7626 or email <nancy.savic@abs.gov.au>.
4714.2.55.001 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, Victoria, 2002. Electronic publication. New issue. Released 23/6/04.
Presents results for Victoria from the 2002 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (formerly Indigenous Social Survey), which brings together a wide range of information about Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. Topics include: culture and language, family and community, health, housing, education, employment, income, financial stress, transport and mobility, crime and justice. It provides an overview through commentary and summary tables for different population groups and themes, with more detailed information presented in cross-classified tables. It provides a range of information at national level, with an emphasis on comparisons with non-indigenous population where possible. Some time-series information is also provided. There are 22 tables with Victorian level data. The survey estimated there were 17,400 indigenous Victorians aged 15 years and over in 2002.
Contact Danny Cook on Northern Territory (08) 8943 2153 or email <danny.cook@abs.gov.au>.
National publications with Victorian data
1363.0 Book Publishers, Australia, 2002-03. Released 4/8/04.
The 2002-03 Book Publishers Survey covered businesses which had either book publishing as their main activity or generated $2m or more in income from book publishing. It also sought details on the number and type of books published and sold. Book publishers and other major contributors that were based, or had their head office, in Victoria accounted for 38% ($525.8m) of total book sales.
During 2002-03, 236 businesses in Australia were identified as book publishers while a further 10 were other major contributors. These 246 businesses sold a total of 114.4 million books, primarily to book retailers, earning income of $1,369.4m. With a total income of $1,578.6m, expenses of $1,487.7m and a reduction in inventories of $2.5m, the overall operating profit before tax of these businesses was $88.4m. The 20 largest book publishers (in terms of income) generated 74% ($1,171.2m) of total income for book publishers and other major contributors. At end of June 2003, book publishers and other major contributors employed 5,340 people; of whom 3,552 people (67%) worked for the 20 largest book publishers.
Contact Tammie Davis on Adelaide (08) 8237 7329 or email <tammie.davis@abs.gov.au>..
2053.0 Australian Census Analytic Program: Australia's Most Recent Immigrants, 2001. Released 12/7/04.
This study from University of Adelaide analysed Australia’s recent immigrants, how they have adjusted to Australia and where they live. The improved labour market standing of recent immigrants sees them more likely to work in leading sectors of the economy, in jobs which recognise and reward their skill and education levels. Recent immigrants were more likely to be in the labour force and have higher skill and education levels than their counterparts who arrived in Australia earlier. They are well represented in the nation's high income earners; with 6% earning over $1,500 per week, compared to 4% of Australian-born people.
The vast majority (82%) of overseas-born settled in major urban areas, while only 7% chose to live in rural Australia. More than one in five Australians (22% or 4,105,643 people) were born overseas, and Australian-born people with at least one parent born overseas made up another 17% of the population. The publication presents several choropleth maps at SLA and SD geographic level.
Almost four in ten recent immigrants spoke only English, compared with nearly six in ten who arrived prior to 1996. Other languages spoken by recent immigrants are Chinese (15% of migrants) and Arabic languages (4%), with less than 1% speaking any of the main European languages. This analysis confirms that international migration has continued to be one of the major sources of social change in Australia between 1996 and 2001.
Contact Graeme Hugo (Professor of Geography, University of Adelaide) on Adelaide (08) 8303 3996.
3229.0.55.001 Household Estimates, Statistical Local Areas of Australia, June 2001. Electronic Delivery. Released 18/6/04.
Replaces 3236.0.55.001. A Datacube containing the estimated number of households by Statistical Local Area as at 30 June 2001. These 2001-census based household estimates can also be disaggregated by number of adults and number of children in household. For further details see Australian Demographic Statistics (cat. no. 3101.0).
Contact Rhonda de Vos on Canberra (02) 6252 6639 or email <rhonda.devos@abs.gov.au>.

3236.0 Household and Family Projections, Australia, 2001 to 2026. Released 18/6/04.
Projects the number of households and families in Australia by state and capital city/balance of state for 2001 to 2026. Describes the method and assumptions used to produce these projections. Datacubes are available in electronic format under 3236.0.55.002 (households), 3236.0.55.003 (families) and 3236.0.55.004 (living arrangements).
The number of families in Victoria is projected to increase between 24% and 30%, from 1.3 million in 2001 to 1.6 to 1.7 million in 2026. The number of households in Victoria is projected to increase by between 35% and 41%, from 1.8 million in 2001 to between 2.4 and 2.6 million in 2026. In Melbourne, household numbers are projected to increase by between 498,000 and 566,000, from 1.3 million in 2001 to between 1.8 and 1.9 million in 2026. Lone person households are projected to show the greatest percentage increase of all household types over the 25-year projection period. This is related to population ageing and the fact that older women, in particular, are more likely to live alone than others.
Contact Matthew Montgomery on Canberra (02) 6252 6487 or email <matthew.montgomery@abs.gov.au>. |
3239.0.55.001 Population, Australian States and Territories, December 2003. Electronic Delivery. Released 27/5/04.
This publication provides population estimates for the States and Territories at 31 December 2003. Additional details of these statistics were published on 4 June 2004 in Australian Demographic Statistics, December quarter, 2003 (Cat. no. 3101.0). The preliminary estimated resident population of Australia at December 2003 was 20,008,700 persons, an increase of 250,800 persons (1.3%) since December 2002. Excluding Other Territories, all States and Territories had positive annual growth rates, the highest being Queensland (2.3%) and the lowest the Australian Capital Territory (0.1%); with Victoria increasing 1.3% during the year ending December 2003.
Contact Rachael Hill on Canberra (02) 6252 6296 or email <rachael.hill@abs.gov.au>.
3401.0 Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, June 2004. Released 13/8/04.
During 2003-04, there were 5,109,300 visitors who departed Australia after a stay of less than 12 months, up 8% on 2002-03. Comparing 2002-03 with 2003-04, visitors who spent most of their time in the Northern Territory declined 15%, while Victoria (up 33%) had the largest proportional increase of any state/territory.
Contact Chrissy Beruldsen on Canberra (02) 6252 5640 or email <c.beruldsen@abs.gov.au>.
4102.0 Australian Social Trends, 2004. Released 15/6/04
This is the 11th edition of an annual series that presents information on contemporary social issues and areas of public policy concern. Chapters present Australia and state/territory data on: population, family and community, health, education and training, work, economic resources, and housing. Each chapter also features multiple thematic articles. There is also a chapter giving international comparisons on population, health, education, and work; comparing Australia with major OECD countries, our closest neighbours and trading partners.
The publication presents articles which expand and update analysis of topics examined in previous editions, including: population projections, child care, home ownership, and religious affiliation. There are also articles, including several that utilise ABS 2002 General Social Survey data, which cover new topics of interest; such as social interactions outside home, families with no employed parent, and paying for university education. The cumulative index now lists over 300 articles published across the 11 editions.
Contact: Marelle Rawson on Canberra (02) 6252 7187 or email <marelle.rawson@abs.gov.au.
4183.0 Cultural Funding by Government, Australia, 2002-03. Released 28/7/04.
This publication estimates Australian public funding for art and cultural activities, facilities and services for three years from 2000-2001 to 2002-03. Estimates for three levels of government have been compiled from data obtained from annual reports and budget papers, and information provided by selected Commonwealth authorities (including the Australia Council), State and Territory governments and local government authorities. Detailed estimates of local government funding of arts and cultural activities are not available for this edition, but are expected to be available for the 2005-06 edition.
In Australia during 2002-03, total government funding for cultural activities was $4,933m. The Commonwealth Government contributed $1,671m (34%) to cultural funding, state and territory governments $2,238m (45%), and local governments $1,025m (21%). The Commonwealth, State and Territory governments provided over $1 billion funding to both broadcasting and film ($1,066m or 22% of total cultural funding) and nature parks and reserves ($1,072m or 22%). Other major recipient groups were other museums (museums other than art museums; $491m) and libraries and archives ($471m).
During 2002-03, the Victorian State Government spent $453m on cultural funding: $343m for heritage (eg museums, parks, libraries) and $110m for arts (eg performing arts, broadcasting, film, etc).
Contact Kirsten Hastwell on Adelaide (08) 8237 7369 or email <kirsten.hastwell@abs.gov.au>.
4510.0 Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, 2003. Released 27/5/04
This publication covers victims of a selected range of offences that were recorded by state and territory police in Australia during 2003. It includes information on the personal characteristics of victims; levels of victimisation; and characteristics associated with offence such as relationship of offender to victim, location, outcome of investigation, and weapon use. During 2003, offence categories with the largest number of victims recorded by Australian police were: other theft (638,968), unlawful entry with intent (353,419) and assault (158,629).
Overall the number of victims recorded by Australian police declined in most offence categories during 2003:
- Unlawful entry with intent victimisation rates decreased in every state and territory, with largest decreases in Northern Territory (26%) and Victoria (16%).
- Most states and territories recorded a decrease in rates for motor vehicle theft. The largest decreases were recorded in Victoria (19%) and New South Wales (17%). The Australian Capital Territory recorded a substantial increase of 24%.
- The rate for robbery decreased in all but two states and territories. The largest decreases were in South Australia (19%), Northern Territory (16%) and Victoria (11%). The only states to record increases were Queensland and Western Australia, where robbery victimisation rates increased by 4%.
- The rate of assault decreased for all states and territories except Northern Territory and Tasmania. Northern Territory recorded an increase of 7% to 1,874 per 100,000 population and Tasmania recorded an increase of 2% to 785 per 100,000 population.
- The Australian Capital Territory recorded the largest decrease in sexual assault victimisation rate at 32%, followed by Western Australia which recorded a 23% decrease. Victoria's rate declined by 5.8%. In contrast, South Australia recorded the largest rate increase at 13%.
Contact <crime.justice@abs.gov.au> or Melbourne (03) 9615 7381.
4523.0 Sexual Assault in Australia: A Statistical Overview. Released 7/9/04.
This publication presents a broad overview of sexual assault in Australia. It includes data from selected ABS and other sources, as well as commentary to describe the prevalence and incidence of sexual assault, individual experiences, responses provided and resultant outcomes. It also highlights the potential of data currently available, through their compilation in this form, and draws attention to the gaps in data and issues relating to data currently available. Selected data for states and territories are included.
A picture of sexual assault in Australia emerges where some population groups are more affected than others, most incidents are not reported to police, and many victims do not utilise available services which provide responses to sexual assault. The National Crime and Safety Survey of 2002 estimated that 33,000 adults in Australia were victims of sexual assault in the 12 months prior to the survey. This represented a victimisation prevalence rate of 0.2% for adults, which was the lowest rate for personal crimes reported in that survey. In Recorded Crime Statistics for 2003, 18,237 reports of sexual assault victimisation were made to police in Australia, representing a victimisation rate of 0.09% for all persons. For most victims of sexual assault reported to police, the perpetrator was known to them, and the most commonly reported location where the offence occurred was a residential setting.
Contact <crime.justice@abs.gov.au> or Lyn Tucker on Melbourne (03) 9615 7883.
4610.0 Water Account, Australia, 2000-01. Released 19/5/04.
This publication presents information on supply and use of water in the Australian economy during 2000-01, compiled in accordance with the System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting (SIEEA). Information is broken down by industry, state and territory, and source of water used. It also includes water stocks, environmental flows and water trading. During 2000-01, 72,431 GL of water was extracted from the environment and used within the Australian economy. Of this, 12,784 GL was extracted by water providers, mostly the water supply, sewerage and drainage services industry (12,765 GL); while water users directly extracted 59,647 GL. Of the 12,784 GL extracted by water providers, 12,324 GL (96.4%) was supplied as mains water to water users and 459 GL (3.6%) returned to the environment as environmental flows.
In Victoria during 2000-01, 7,140 GL of water were consumed. The agriculture industry was the highest water consumer in Victoria (3,725 GL, or 52% of Victorian water consumption), followed by electricity and gas supply (1,536 GL, 22%), and water supply, sewerage and drainage (745 GL, 10%). Victoria reused 196,353 ML of water, equivalent to 4.2% of total water supplied. The largest reused water user was the agriculture industry (165,193 ML, or 84% of Victorian reuse water), followed by manufacturing (10,144 ML or 5%).
Contact Michael Vardon on Canberra (02) 6252 7348 (email <michael.vardon@abs.gov.au>) or Stuart Peevor on (02) 6252 7042 (email <stuart.peevor@abs.gov.au>).
5368.0 International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia, June 2004. Released 29/7/04.
During 2003-04, the balance on goods and services on balance of payments basis (in current prices, original terms) for Australia was a deficit of $24.1b. This was an increase of $5.5b on the 2002-03 deficit, and was driven by a $5.4b (4%) decrease in exports and a $0.1b increase in imports of goods and services. For the 12 months ended June 2004, Victorian merchandise exports (on recorded trade basis) were $18.0b and merchandise imports (on recorded trade basis) were $40.7b.
Contact Artur Andrysiak on Canberra (02) 6252 6792 or email <a.andrysiak@abs.gov.au>.
6348.0.55.001 Labour Costs, Australia, 2002-03. New issue. Electronic delivery. Released 11/6/04.
The Major Labour Costs Survey collects statistics on the main costs incurred by employers as a consequence of employing labour. In Australia during 2002-03, total labour costs (in scope) incurred by employers were $354,150 million. Employee earnings accounted for 86.6% of total labour costs, followed by superannuation (7.6%), payroll tax (2.9%), workers' compensation (2.2%) and fringe benefits tax (0.8%).
In Victoria during 2002-03, major labour costs totalled $92,954 million. Costs were comprised of $80,350 million earnings (86.4%), $7,091 million superannuation (7.6%), $2,658 million payroll tax (2.9%), $2,102 million workers compensation (2.3%) and $753 million fringe benefits tax (0.8%).
Contact Kerry Foley on Perth (08) 9360 5373 or email <kerry.foley@abs.gov.au>.
7121.0 Agricultural Commodities, Australia, 2002-03. Released 28/6/04
This publication contains final estimates for main commodities collected in the 2002-03 Agricultural Survey. It includes statistics on crops, livestock and livestock products, land use and characteristics of farms. It also summarises recent analysis of 2001-02 Agricultural Survey coverage. Drought was the most important factor affecting agricultural production in Australia in 2002-03. The 'one in a hundred year' drought saw crops hit extremely hard over most of Australia, with most harvests significantly below average. In 2002-03, there were falls in reported numbers of all categories of livestock, with sheep and lamb numbers at their lowest level in 56 years.
During the 12 months to 30 June 2003, Australian farm numbers fell 2% from 135,000 to 133,000. Beef cattle farming remained the largest in terms of farm numbers (around 27% of all farms), followed by grain-sheep/beef farming (around 13%). A fall in the number of grain farms saw the sheep sector (10% of all farms) overtake it for third place. The 2002-03 median estimated value of agricultural operations (EVAO) for all Australian farms was approximately $109,000. Around 17% of all farms (22,000 farms) had an EVAO below $22,500; while at the other end of the scale, 11% (14,200 farms) had an EVAO above $500,000.
Drought and lack of water for irrigation throughout 2002-03 saw total production of grapes fall, with the largest decreases in Victoria (down 21% to 405,000 tonnes), South Australia (down 12% to 617,000 tonnes) and New South Wales (down 14% to 387,000 tonnes). Increased imports of pig meat and higher feed grain costs due to drought shortages increased pressure on the pig industry. The number of establishments reporting pigs fell 12% nationally to 2,900 at 30 June 2003, with a decline in establishment numbers in all states.
Statistics for Victoria in 2002-03 showed that agricultural production suffered as a result of drought conditions. The total value of agricultural commodities produced in Victoria fell by 20% to $7.5 billion due to reduced production in many areas. Wheat production was down by 68% to 890,000 tonnes, barley production down 71% to 478,000 tonnes and grape production down 21% to 405,000 tonnes. Livestock production was also affected with milk cattle numbers down 3% to 1.9 million, sheep and lamb numbers down by 4% to 20.4 million, although meat cattle numbers were little changed at 2.5 million. The number of chickens for meat production in Victoria increased 5% to 20.0 million at 30 June 2003.
Contact Gordon Cameron on Hobart (03) 6222 5939 or email <g.cameron@abs.gov.au>.
8111.0 Research and Experimental Development, Higher Education Organisations, Australia, 2002. Released 3/5/04.
In Australia during 2002, higher education expenditure on research and development (R&D) was estimated to be $3,430m at current prices. This represented an increase of 22.9% over 2000. With the effect of change in prices, wages and salaries removed, R&D expenditure increased by 14.0% (volume terms) compared with 2000.
In 2002, human resources devoted to R&D by Australia's higher education organisations was estimated to be 49,612 person years. This represented an increase of 7.2% over 2000, or an average annual growth rate of 2.7% since 1994. Most R&D expenditure by higher education organisations was directed towards society ($1,474m or 43.0%) and economic development ($992m or 28.9%). Major fields of research included: medical and health sciences ($864m or 25.2%); biological sciences ($410m or 12.0%); engineering and technology ($375m or 10.9%); and agricultural, veterinary and environmental sciences ($235m or 6.9%). During 2002, Victorian higher education expenditure on research and development (R&D) was estimated to be $863.2m (25.2% of Australia's $3,430m expenditure).
Contact Derek Byars on Canberra (02) 6252 5627 or email <derek.byars@abs.gov.au>.
8119.0 Government Technology, Australia, 2002-03. Released 2/7/04.
This survey of government information and communication technology (ICT) employment and expenditure was conducted in respect of 2002-03. The state/territory government level includes state/territory general government, vocational and school education; and the local government level includes local government authorities and other administrative bodies such as regional councils.
During 2002-03, selected ICT operating expenses by Victorian state government totalled $648 million, representing $3,100 per employee. This comprised $133 million for wages and salaries of ICT employees, and $514 million on other ICT expenses which included: $153 million ICT hardware operating expenses (30%), $70 million software operating expenses (14%), $127 million telecommunications operating expenses (25%), $61 million non-ongoing payments to contractors for ICT services (12%), and $104 million ongoing payments to contractors ( 20%). Selected ICT capital expenditure for Victorian government totalled $201 million, and included: $55 million computer software capitalised (27%), $114 million computers and computer peripherals capitalised (57%), and $33 million communications equipment capitalised (16%).
At 30 June 2003, Victorian state government had 2,827 ICT employees (1.4% of total Victorian state government employment) and local government had 486 ICT employees (1.2% of Victorian local government employment). During 2002-03, Victorian local government selected ICT operating expenses totalled $96 million: $26 million on wages and salaries of ICT employees, and $69 million on other ICT expenses. Victorian local government selected ICT capital expenditure was estimated at about $29 million (10-25% standard error). Selected ICT operating expenses for Victorian local government averaged $2,400 per employee.
Contact Kirsty Rothenbury on Perth (08) 9360 5382 or email <kirsty.rothenbury@abs.gov.au>.
8153.0 Internet Activity, Australia, March 2004. Released 23/7/04.
Dial-up subscriber numbers in Australia fell by 163,000 (4%) in the six months to end March 2004, and now account for 84% of total subscribers. Non dial-up subscribers grew 171,000 (25%), from 690,000 at end September 2003 to 861,000 at end March 2004. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) subscriber numbers again showed strong growth, increasing by 140,000 (38%) to 512,000 in March quarter 2004.
At end March 2004 in Australia, there were 694 internet service providers (ISP) supplying Internet access to 5.2 million active subscribers, an increase of 27 ISPs (4%) over six months. There were 834,000 broadband subscribers, an increase of 27% in six months. During March quarter 2004, data downloaded by subscribers increased by 37% from 4,665 million Megabytes (MB) to 6,409 million MBs. Reflecting the much faster download speeds available with non dial-up technology, these non dial-up subscribers increased their usage by 53% and accounted for over 75% of total data downloaded, whilst dial-up subscribers increased their downloads by just 5%.
In Victoria, over the six months to end March quarter 2004: two new ISPs were added to total 215 ISPs operating. Access lines increased 14.0% to 395,898, subscribers increased 1.4% to 1,413,000, and data downloaded increased 43.8% to 1,721 million MBs.
Contact Peter Hodgson on Perth (08) 9360 5367 or email <peter.hodgson@abs.gov.au>.
8567.0 Hire Services, Australia, 2002-03. Released 18/6/04.
The 2002-03 Hire Services Survey measures the performance and structure of plant and equipment hiring; personal and household goods hiring; and motor vehicle hiring in Australia. A state dimension is presented. In Australia during 2002-03, there were 1,152 plant hire businesses with employment of 13,738 persons. These businesses generated $2,619.5m in income and incurred $2,273.2m in expenses. Plant hire/leasing income was predominantly generated from commercial clients (84.8%).
At end June 2003, motor vehicle hire employment totalled 6,796 people within 375 motor vehicle hire businesses. These businesses generated $2,003.8m in income and incurred $1,837.2m in expenses during 2002-03. Over half of motor vehicle hire income was earned from household clients (51.1%), followed by commercial (36.8%) and government clients (10.9%).
There were 495 household good hire businesses with employment of 4,222 persons. These businesses generated $359m in income and incurred $340.4m in expenses during 2002-03. Commercial clients (48.7%) were the main source of income, followed closely by household clients (44.9%).
Contact Marie Apostolou on Melbourne (03) 9615 7465 or email <marie.apostolou@abs.gov.au>.
8679.0 Television, Film and Video Production, Australia, 2002-03. Electronic delivery. Released 28/7/04.
This survey measured television broadcasting, film and video production services operating in Australia. The survey's focus was on income generated by these businesses; details of expenses incurred; and characteristics of television, film and video productions. At end of June 2003, there were 2,174 film and video production services businesses in Australia employing 16,427 persons. These businesses generated $1,596.6m in income and incurred $1,504.8m expenses during 2002-03.
There were 9,094 employees working for 27 commercial free-to-air and 6 subscription television broadcasters in Australia. These businesses generated $5,158.8m in income and incurred $4,991.3m in expenses during 2002-03. There were 54,743 commercial broadcast hours of first release productions made specifically for television during 2002-03. Some 383 film and video production businesses created 5,774 productions other than for television, averaging $25,000 per production cost.
The main activities of people employed in film and video production service businesses were: artists and production related professionals (6,935 persons or 42.2%), technical and production support staff (4,524 or 27.5%) and managerial/administrative/clerical staff (4,328 or 26.3%). New South Wales had the largest number of businesses, employment and income (55.5%, 50.1% and 58.1% respectively); to register over 50% market share in Australia. NSW generated $928.1m income during 2002-03. Victoria employed 6,343 persons for a 38.6% share of total employment.
Contact Marie Apostolou on Melbourne (03) 9615 7465 or email <marie.apostolou@abs.gov.au>.
8697.0 Performing Arts, Australia, 2002-03. Electronic delivery. Released 3/9/04.
This survey measured the performance and structure of music and theatre production organisations and performing arts festivals operating in Australia. The survey's main focus was on the composition of income generated by these organisations, details of expenses incurred, characteristics of performing arts genres, nature of 'for profit' and 'not for profit' organisations, and number of attendances and performances at these activities. A state dimension is also presented.
At end of June 2003, there were 865 music and theatre organisations operating in Australia, comprising 657 for profits and 208 not for profits. These organisations employed 7,842 persons. There were also 2,548 volunteers during June 2003. During 2002-03, music and theatre organisations generated $622.1m in income and incurred $575.6m in expenses. There were 53,241 paid performances and 14.2 million paid attendances at various music and theatre productions.
During 2002-03, there were 176 performing arts festivals operating for greater than two consecutive days. During these festivals, 1,272 people were employed and there were 15,728 volunteers. These organisations generated $88.5m income and incurred $82.8m in expenses during 2002-03. Across Australia, total attendance at performing arts festivals was estimated at 7.5 million, comprising 6 million free and 1.5 million paid attendances.
Contact Marie Apostolou on Melbourne (03) 9615 7465 or email <marie.apostolou@abs.gov.au>.
8698.0 Waste Management Services, Australia, 2002-03. Electronic delivery. Released 8/6/04.
This survey measured the performance and structure of organisations providing waste management services in Australia. The main focus was on understanding the nature of waste management activity, income generated, expenses incurred, and the nature and volume of waste quantities. Survey scope included employing businesses from the private and public trading sector in Australia that generated income predominantly from waste management services. These services include the collection, transport and/or disposal of refuse (except through sewerage systems). The scope also included waste management activities of the general government sector (mainly local government authorities). Businesses that generated income predominantly from the collection and transport, treatment/processing or sale of recyclables were not in scope.
In Australia at end June 2003, there were 1,092 private and public trading businesses providing waste management services which employed 14,386 persons. During 2002-03, these businesses generated $2,684.2m income, with expenses of $2,458.2m. The operating profit before tax was $226.6m, resulting in an operating profit margin of 8.5%. Collection and transport of waste was the major source of income ($1,595.4m, 59.4%), followed by treatment/processing and/or disposal of waste ($534.1m, 19.9%) and income from recyclables ($226.6m, 8.4%). Businesses providing waste management services were predominantly small employers, with 74.1% of all businesses employing 0-4 persons. A state perspective is present.
Contact Marie Apostolou on Melbourne (03) 9615 7465 or email <marie.apostolou@abs.gov.au>.
Other national publications
2054.0 Australian Census Analytic Program: Australians’ Ancestries, 2001. Released 11/5/04.
The Australian Centre for Population Research (Canberra) studied issues relating to ethnic identification and intermixture using census data on ancestry. The ancestry question has only been asked twice in Australian censuses: 1986 and 2001. Ancestry data from the 2001 census was used to examine: the generational span of different ancestry groups, regional differences in ethnic composition, ethnic intermixture, multi-ethnic families and identification of Australian ancestry.
Of the 18.8 million people living in Australia in 2001, 6.7 million reported their ancestry as Australian. The next two largest ancestries were English at 6.4 million and Irish at 1.9 million. They were followed by Italian, German, Chinese and Scottish, all with 500,000-999,999 people. There were 10 ancestry groups with at least 100,000 but less than 500,000 people. Five of these were European (Greek, Dutch, Polish, Maltese, Croatian), four were Asian or Middle Eastern (Lebanese, Indian, Vietnamese, Filipino), and the other was New Zealander.
Contact author Siew-Ean Khoo on Canberra (02) 6125 3045.
4446.0 Disability, preliminary. New issue. Released 6/5/04.
This publication contains preliminary results on disability from the 2003 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC). It provides a summary of disability prevalence in Australia. Final and more comprehensive results are expected to be released 15/9/04 in Disability, Ageing and Carers: Summary of Findings, Australia, 2003 (cat. no 4430.0).
The survey estimated that one in five Australians (3,951,000 or 20%) had a disability, with the same prevalence for males and females. The overall disability rate increased steadily from 4% of 0-4 year olds to 41% of 65-69 year olds, and 81% of 85 years and over.
One in seventeen people (5.9%) had a profound or severe level of core activity limitation (i.e. needed help with one or more self-care, mobility or communication activities), a slightly smaller proportion than in 1998 (6.4%). There was a gradual increase in profound or severe core activity limitation rate for ages 0-4 years (2.8%) through to 65-69 years (9.4%), but a sharp increase to 54% of those aged 85 years and over.
One in five people aged 15-64 years living in households with no disability had completed a bachelor degree or higher, compared to one in eight people in households with a disability. Employment-related findings, for people aged 15-64 years living in households included:
- those with a profound level of core activity limitation had a much lower labour force participation rate (15%) than people without a disability (81%),
- people with a disability had a higher unemployment rate (8.6%) than those without a disability (5.0%),
- people with a disability who were employed were more likely to work in a part-time job (37%) than those who were employed and did not have a disability (29%).
Contact Ken Black on Canberra (02) 6252 7430 or email <ken.black@abs.gov.au>.
4821.0.55.001 Cardiovascular Disease in Australia: A Snapshot, 2001. New issue. Electronic delivery. Released 16/6/04.
This publication provides a brief overview of prevalence, risk factors, hospitalisations and morbidity trends for cardiovascular disease in Australia using data from the 2001 ABS National Health Survey and 2002 Causes of Death publication. In 2001, 17% (3.2 million) of people reported having cardiovascular disease as a long-term condition. The prevalence rate of cardiovascular disease increased with age, peaking at 40% for people aged 65 years and over.
Contact Jane Griffin-Warwicke on Canberra (02) 6252 6535 or email <jane.griffin-warwicke@abs.gov.au>.
4822.0.55.001 Cancer in Australia: A Snapshot, 2001. New issue. Electronic delivery. Released 1/9/04.
This publication provides a brief overview of the differentials in prevalence and incidence of types of cancer suffered, cancer screening practices, trends in morbidity and mortality in Australia. Data regarding persons living outside hospitals, nursing and convalescent homes and hospices in Australia are provided from the 2001 National Health Survey, while other data is provided from both ABS and other sources. After adjusting for age differences in the population, 1.6% of persons living in private dwellings in 2001 had a medically diagnosed neoplasm. Of those reporting a neoplasm in 2001, 84% reported a malignant neoplasm (cancer) and 16% reported a benign neoplasm or neoplasm of an uncertain nature.
Contact Saul Flaxman on Canberra (02) 6252 5782 or email <saul.flaxman@abs.gov.au>.
Classification and framework issues
1351.0.55.001 Working Papers in Econometrics and Applied Statistics: No 2004/1 Measuring the Stock of Human Capital for Australia.
Released 26/5/04.
Human capital is an important concept in modern economics and economic policy discourse. Unfortunately, direct measures of human capital stock are available for very few countries. This paper provides experimental measures of human capital stock for Australia. The paper adopts a ‘lifetime labour income approach’, which measures stock of human capital as the discounted present value of expected lifetime labour market income. Expected income streams are derived by using cross-sectional information on labour income, employment rates and school participation rates. This approach also accounts for current schooling activities, where one anticipates improved employment and income prospects.
Using full Australian Census data for 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996 and 2001, this study provides five snapshots of age-earning profiles for four categories of educational attainment for both men and women over this 20-year period. Based on these age-earnings profiles, this study derives per capita measures of lifetime labour market incomes for each age/sex/education cohort, and applies these per capita measures to the number of people in the corresponding cohort. It then aggregates across all cohorts to estimate the human capital stock for Australia. The study shows a significant increase in Australian human capital stock over the 20-year period, attributable to more educated workers. It also shows the value of human capital stock is significantly greater than that of physical capital. All computations of human capital in this publication represent experimental estimates. ABS welcomes feedback on this study.
Comments to Hui Wei in Canberra on (02) 6252 5754 or email <hui.wei@abs.gov.au>.
2006 Census Victorian collection district design.
Design work on collection districts (CD) for the 2006 Census commenced in February 2004, with an expected completion date of August 2005. While the majority of CDs remain stable between censuses, it is sometimes necessary to accommodate changes in population or administrative boundaries. The slow growing areas of Victoria undergo design work early; with higher growth areas, such as Melbourne's urban fringe, left to the end of cycle in order to minimise the amount of change between the design work and 2006 Census date.
In addition to producing a map that can be used by Census collectors in the field, the end result of CD design work is to produce a statistical unit that is useful for output purposes, as well as being a geographic unit that can be aggregated to higher level units in the Australian Standard Geographical Classification. To assist with new field procedures in 2006, identification of CDs with a high number of secured apartment buildings is also part of the process. Special enumeration strategies are likely to be adopted for these CDs to overcome collection issues encountered in the 2001 Census, particularly access. The CD design process is separate to the development of Mesh Blocks. CDs will still be the smallest geographic unit of dissemination in 2006, with experimental estimates for Mesh Blocks being released after initial processing is completed. From 2011 it is envisaged that CDs will be used for collection purposes only, with Mesh Blocks used for output.
For further information on CD design or other issues regarding the 2006 Census, please contact Simone Alexander in Melbourne on (03) 9615 7492 or <s.alexander@abs.gov.au>.
4826.0.55.001 Occasional Paper: Health Risk Factors - a Guide to Time Series Comparability from the National Health Survey, Australia. New issue. Released 16/6/04.
This paper is a guide for users undertaking comparison of selected health risk factors across National Health Surveys (NHS) of 1989-90, 1995 and 2001. To enable users to check against their own analysis, crude rates are presented from each survey for alcohol consumption, body mass index (BMI), exercise level, and smoking status. In some instances, there has been a change over time in question wording or associated inclusions, exclusions and prompts. A provisional reliability assessment of the NHS time series is given for each selected risk factor from both the trend in risk factor prevalence and questionnaire differences. This information may help inform decisions on the suitability of using data for particular risk factors for analysis over time. Throughout the paper are general comments based on ABS experience in survey development, results of testing, and a preliminary examination of results.
The 2001 NHS collected information about the health status of Australians, their use of health services and facilities, and health-related aspects of their lifestyle. State level output exists. Surveys conducted by the ABS in 1977-78 and 1983, while not part of the NHS series, also collected information similar to that obtained in the National Health Surveys. The NHS is expected to be collected every three years.
Contact Josie Barac on Canberra (02) 6252 6415 or email <josie.barac@abs.gov.au>.
5249.0 Australian National Accounts: Tourism Satellite Account 2002-03. Released 24/5/04
This publication presents results of the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) for the years 1997-98 to 2002-03. Work on the TSA has been funded by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources (DITR). Tourism is not an industry in the traditional sense, because industries are classified according to goods and services they produce, whereas tourism depends on the consumer's status. The TSA partitions industries into tourism and non-tourism activities, so tourism's direct contribution to the economy can be measured on a consistent basis with 'traditional' industries.
Tourism GDP represents the total market value of Australian produced goods and services consumed by visitors after deducting the cost of goods and services used in the process of production. Tourism accounted for $32.0 billion of total Australian GDP in 2000-03, an increase of $1.1 billion from 2001-02. The 3.6% growth in 2002-03 compares to a growth of 5.4% in total GDP (current prices).
Tourism contributes significantly to employment and Australia's exports. Tourism industry share of total employment declined slightly in 2002-03 to 5.7%, compared with 5.9% in the years 1997-98 through 2000-01. Tourism contributed 11.2% of total good and service exports in 2002-03, the same as 2001-02. During 2002-03, domestic visitors generated 77% of tourism industry GDP, and international visitors 23%. Industries which accounted for the largest share of tourism gross value added were: air and water transport (14.9%); accommodation (11.1%); cafe, restaurant and takeaway food outlets (10.0%); and other retail trade (8.5%). These shares are very similar to 1997-98.
Contact Dianne Bourke on Canberra (02) 6252 7243 or email <dianne.bourke@abs.gov.au>.
Other selected publications:
1216.0.15.001 Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), July 2004. Electronic delivery. Released 16/7/04.
1252.0.55.001 National Localities Index, Australia, July 2004. Electronic delivery. Released 16/7/04.
1370.0 Measures of Australia's Progress. Released 21/4/04.
1380.0.55.001 Perspectives on Regional Australia: Women's Employment in Urban, Rural and Regional Australia, 2001 Census. Released 17/8/04.
3101.0 Australian Demographic Statistics, December Quarter 2003. Released 4/6/04.
3238.0 Indigenous Australians, Experimental Estimates and Projections, 2001-2009. Due for release 27/9/04.
4611.0 Environment Expenditure, Local Government, Australia 2002-03 Released 25/8/04.
6413.0 Information Paper: Experimental Price Indexes for Financial Services, 1998 to 2003. New issue. Released 12/7/04.
6416.0 House Price Indexes: Eight Capital Cities, March Quarter 2004. Released 3/6/04.
7123.2.55.001 Agricultural State Profile, Victoria, 2001-02. Electronic delivery. Released 24/5/04.
7218.0.55.001 Livestock and Meat, Australia, June 2004. Electronic publication. Released 2/8/04.
8104.0 Research and Experimental Development, Businesses, Australia, 2002-03. Released 6/9/04.
8635.2.55.001 Tourist Accommodation, Small Area Data, Victoria, March Quarter 2004. Electronic Delivery. Released 8/7/04.
8903.0 AIHW, Australia's Health, 2004. Released 22/6/04. (Produced by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) ($50.00).
8906.0 AIHW, Australian Hospital Statistics, 2002-03 Released 28/6/04. (Produced by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, $50.00).
8931.0 AIHW, National Public Health Expenditure, 2000-01. Released 18/6/04. (Produced by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) ($27.00).
8934.0 AIHW, Heart, Stroke and Vascular Diseases Australian Facts, 2003. Released 5/5/04. (Produced by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, $20).
Free access to ABS publications. People working in Victorian government agencies and local government offices should be able to access ABS publications at no cost from their desktop PCs using the ABS@ facility. AIHW publications may not be available through ABS@.
ABS@ has:
- all ABS publications from 1998 onwards in pdf format,
- 2001 Community Profiles at all geographic levels,
- time series spreadsheets in Excel format,
- and datacubes in SuperTable format, which allow users to construct tables to suit their requirements.
In local government, the council's extranet coordinator must register a person as a user. In state government agencies, access to ABS@ is through the Victorian state government intranet (or Lotus Notes in some Departments), on the index page using the research and information button; with no registration required.
For further information contact Heather Burns, Manager, ABS Information Consultancy Section on 03 9615 7976 or email: <heather.burns@abs.gov.au>. Email is the preferred mode of contact.
ABS statistical training - October to December 2004
ABS Victoria offers practical, informative and relevant training to help develop your statistical skills. Courses can also be tailored to suit your needs or additional programs can be developed as required.
Quality Informed Decisions.
This course introduces the concept of 'wholistic quality' through the use of a data quality framework for a statistical collection. The framework ensures that users of statistics are able to assess whether the statistics are fit for their intended use. This course provides a framework to evaluate the quality of available data sources, and use this knowledge in the decision-making process.
Course Length: 2 days
Course Dates: 18 - 19 November, 2004
Course fee: $550 (lunch provided)
For further information or to register, please contact Maxine McDermott on Melbourne (03) 9615 7080 or email <maxine.mcdermott@abs.gov.au>.
Victorian Statistics Advisory Committee (VSAC)
VSAC is a major forum for statistical liaison between Victorian Government Agencies and the ABS. The following group of departmental representatives meet 2-3 times each year.
Departmental Representatives
Department of Treasury and Finance
VSAC Chairperson
Vin Martin 9651 6470
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Mark Burford 9651 2486
Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development
Patrick Webb 9651 9349
Department of Education and Training
George McLean 9637 3758
Department of Human Services Victoria
Dr Robert Brazenor 9616-6111
Department of Justice
Roslyn Kelleher 9651 1515
Department of Infrastructure
Fotios Spiridonos 9655 8536
Department for Victorian Communities
Dr David Adams 9208 3838
Dept of Sustainability and Environment
John Hanna 9655 6548
Dept of Primary Industries
Gary Stoneham 9637 8344
ABS Victoria
Vince Lazzaro 9615 7345
Contact Points for ABS Victoria
1900 986 400 ($0.77 per minute)
National Information and Referral Service
Telephone: 1300 135 070
Fax: 1300 135 211
email: <client.services@abs.gov.au>
Library and Information Services
Level 5, CGU Tower, 485 LaTrobe Street
Melbourne Vic 3001
Postal Address
GPO Box 2796Y
Melbourne Vic 3001
ABS Website
Regional director
ABS Victoria
Vince Lazzaro
Telephone: (03) 9615 7345
Fax: 03 9615 7387
Email: <christine.stomps@abs.gov.au>
State Government Liaison Officers
Neil McLean
Telephone: (03) 9615 7463
Fax: (03) 9615 7002
email: <neil.mclean@abs.gov.au>
Antonella Caruso
Telephone: (03) 9615 7860
Fax: (03) 9615 7002
email: <antonella.carusso@abs.gov.au>
Statistics Victoria Editor
Alan Page
Telephone: (03) 9615 7899
email: <alan.page@abs.gov.au>
Spread the news electronically
Copies of Statistics Victoria are available free for electronic dissemination. There are two ways to access an electronic copy of the newsletter:
1. Elect to receive your copy of this newsletter in PDF format by contacting Alan Page on (03) 9615-7899 or email <alan.page@abs.gov.au>. The ABS encourages further dissemination of this newsletter through email, or by its placement on your organisation's intranet.
2. Go to the ABS web site at <http.//www.abs.gov.au>. Choose 'News & Media' from the menu bar, then go to 'Newsletters'. You can access current and previous copies of Statistics Victoria, as well as many other ABS newsletters.