GFE data is compiled from initial budget forecasts. It does not take account of subsequently published or revised forecasts such as those contained in mid-term revisions issued by any jurisdiction. The purpose of the GFE publication is to assist users making an assessment of each jurisdiction's initial budget on a GFS basis, recognising that the budgets of different jurisdictions are brought down at different times.
This release contains the government financial estimates on a GFS basis for the Operating Statement and Cash Flow Statement relating to the 2005-06 financial year for each jurisdiction. It also includes consolidated results for each level of government, i.e. Commonwealth, State, Local, Multi-jurisdictional, and All levels of government.
The summary table below presents the 2005-06 GFS Net Operating Balance and GFS Net Lending/Borrowing forward estimates for the general government sector for each level of government.
General Government
 | Commonwealth | Multi-
jurisdictional (a) | State | Local | All levels of government (b) |
 | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
GFS Revenue | 252,400 | 14,034 | 133,832 | 21,575 | 345,721 |
GFS Expenses | 243,521 | 12,882 | 131,970 | 19,346 | 331,580 |
GFS Net Operating Balance | 8,878 | 1,152 | 1,862 | 2,229 | 14,141 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Net acquisition of non-financial assets | 1,020 | 379 | 5,534 | 2,031 | 8,964 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | 7,858 | 773 | -3,672 | 198 | 5,177 |
(a) The multi-jurisdictional sector contains units where jurisdiction is shared between two or more governments, or classification of a unit to a jurisdiction is otherwise unclear. The main type of units currently falling into this category are the public universities.
(b) The sums of individual levels of government may not agree with total All levels of government figures due to transfers between levels of government.
The summary table below presents the various 2005-06 cash estimates and surplus/deficit forward estimates for the general government sector for each level of government.
General Government
 | Commonwealth | Multi-
jurisdictional (a) | State | Local | All levels of government (b) |
 | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Net cash flows from operating activities | 12,086 | 2,194 | 11,774 | 4,647 | 30,782 |
Net cash flows from investments in non-financial assets | -2,812 | -1,260 | -11,094 | -4,845 | -20,010 |
Net cash flows from investments in financial assets for policy purposes | -1,518 | 4 | -1,043 | 19 | -2,779 |
Net cash flows from investments in financial assets for liquidity purposes | -7,217 | -461 | -1,836 | -146 | -9,660 |
Net cash flows from financing activities | -1,179 | -565 | 675 | 861 | -47 |
Net increase(+)/decrease(-) in cash held | -639 | -88 | -1,523 | 537 | -1,714 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Surplus(+)/Deficit(-) | 9,271 | 934 | -55 | -202 | 10,029 |
(a) The multi-jurisdictional sector contains units where jurisdiction is shared between two or more governments, or classification of a unit to a jurisdiction is otherwise unclear. The main type of units currently falling into this category are the public universities.
(b) The sums of individual levels of government may not agree with total All levels of government figures due to transfers between levels of government.
Note: Negative figures denote outflows.
The summary table below presents the key operating and cash flow statement analytical balances for the 2005-06 GFE forward estimates for each state general government jurisdiction.
 | Operating Statement | Cash Flow Statement |
 | GFS Net
Balance | GFS Net
Lending (+)/
Borrowing(-) | Net increase(+)/
decrease(-) in
cash held | Surplus(+)/
Deficit(-) |
 | $m | $m | $m | $m |
New South Wales | 302 | -980 | -461 | 382 |
Victoria | 366 | -1,432 | -7 | -432 |
Queensland | 935 | -808 | -617 | 96 |
South Australia | 48 | 8 | 90 | -13 |
Western Australia | 521 | 12 | 10 | 69 |
Tasmania | 29 | -4 | -203 | 107 |
Northern Territory | 34 | -84 | -37 | -68 |
Australian Capital Territory | -356 | -367 | -299 | -171 |
Total all states (a) | 1,862 | -3,672 | -1,523 | -55 |
(a) The sums of individual state jurisdictions may not agree with total state figures due to transfers between jurisdictions.