53. Balance of payments and international investment |
5301.0 | Balance of Payments, Australia, Dec 1996
5301.0.15.001 | Balance of Payments, Australia -- Monthly Time Series on Floppy Disk, Dec 1996
5302.0 | Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia, Jun 2020
5302.0.15.001 | Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia -- Time Series on Floppy Disk, Dec 2004
5302.0.55.001 | Information Paper: Changes to Ausstats Tables for Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia, Dec 2004
5302.0.55.002 | Revisions to international standards in quarterly Balance of Payments and International Investment Position statistics from September 2009, 2009
5302.0.55.003 | Information Paper : Estimation of Workers' Remittances based on Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, Sixth Edition, September 2009
5302.0.55.004 | Balance of Payments - Goods and Services, Preliminary Quarterly Estimates, Sep 2015
5302.0.55.005 | Changes to Time Series Spreadsheets for 5302.0 - Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Feb 2016
5303.0 | Balance of Payments, Australia, 1992-93
5305.0 | International Investment Position, Australia, 1992-93
5306.0 | International Investment Position, Australia, Jun 1997
5308.0 | Foreign Currency Exposure, Australia, March Quarter 2017
5310.0.55.001 | Information Paper: Introduction of revised international standards in ABS economic statistics in 2009, 2007
5310.0.55.002 | Information Paper: Implementation of new international statistical standards in ABS National and International Accounts, September 2009
5320.0 | Merchandise Imports, Australia: Balance of Payments Basis, Jan 1997
5331.0 | Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2011
5338.0 | Balance of Payments, Australia: Supplementary Country Statistics, 2004
5338.0.15.001 | Balance of Payments, Australia - Regional Time Series on Floppy Disk, 1995-96
5342.0 | Balance of Payments Statistics, Information Paper on Quality , 1996
5344.0 | Change to Commodity Classification of Merchandise Imports in Balance of Payments Publications, 1994
5351.0 | Balance of Payments, Australia -- Summary of Concepts, Sources and Methods, 1996
5352.0 | International Investment Position, Australia: Supplementary Statistics, 2019
5354.0 | International Trade in Services, Australia, 1992-93
5357.0 | International Investment Position, Australia: Purchases and Sales of Portfolio Corporate Equities by Non-residents, Jun 1996
5360.0 | Balance of Payments, Australia - Monthly Forward Seasonal Factors Service, 1997
5361.0 | Balance of Payments, Australia - Quarterly Forward Seasonal Factors Service, 1999-2000
5361.0.40.001 | Balance of Payments, Australia: Quarterly Forward Seasonal Factors, 2002-03
5362.0.55.001 | A Guide to Australian Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics, 2004
5363.0 | Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia, 1999-2000
5364.0 | Information Paper: Implementing New International Statistical Standards in ABS International Accounts Statistics, 1997
5365.0 | Information Paper: Upgraded Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics, 1997
5366.0 | Information Paper: Do We Need Monthly Balance of Payments Statistics?, 1997 Information Paper
5367.0 | Information Paper: The Future of Monthly Balance of Payments Statistics, 1997 Information Paper
5368.0 | International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia, Jul 2020
5368.0.55.001 | Information Paper: Preliminary Goods Debits Chain Volume Measures and Indexes and Monthly Concurrent Seasonal Factors, Sep 2005
5368.0.55.002 | Information Paper: Changes to AusStats Tables for International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia, Oct 2005
5368.0.55.003 | International Trade: Supplementary Information, Financial Year, 2018-19
5368.0.55.004 | International Trade: Supplementary Information, Calendar Year, 2019
5368.0.55.005 | Discussion Paper: ABS Implementation in January 2007 of Revisions to International Trade Classifications, 2007
5368.0.55.006 | Characteristics of Australian Exporters, 2017-18
5368.0.55.007 | Information Paper - Proposed classification changes from 1 January 2007 to statistical codes of the Australian Harmonized Export Commodity Classification and the Harmonized System tariff, 2006
5368.0.55.009 | Information Paper: Changes to international trade statistics July 2008, 2007 to 2008
5368.0.55.010 | Information Paper: Impact of introducing Revision 4 of the Standard International Trade Classification, 2008
5368.0.55.011 | Information paper: Changes to International Trade in Goods Industry Statistics, July 2009
5368.0.55.012 | Revisions to international standards in monthly international trade in goods and services statistics from August 2009, 2009
5368.0.55.013 | Information paper: Changes to International Trade in Goods Statistics - Countries and Ports, July 2009
5368.0.55.014 | Impact of revised international standards on monthly International Trade in Goods and Services, Aug 2009
5368.0.55.015 | Information Paper: Proposed Changes to Statistical Codes in the AHECC, 2012
5368.0.55.016 | Information Paper: Proposed Changes to Statistical Codes in the HTISC, 2012
5368.0.55.017 | Information paper: Changes to AHECC and Customs Tariff, 2012
5368.0.55.018 | Information Paper: Experimental Statistics on International Shipping Container Movements, 2009-10
5368.0.55.019 | Information Paper: Amendments to Schedule 4 of Customs Tariff, Mar 2013
5368.0.55.020 | Information Paper: Proposed Implementation of the New International Standard for International Merchandise Trade Statistics, 2013
5368.0.55.021 | Information Paper: Revision to correspondences to AHECC and Customs Tariff, Aug 2014
5368.0.55.022 | Discussion Paper: Proposed Changes to Statistical Codes in the Australian Harmonized Export Commodity Classification, 2017
5368.0.55.024 | International Merchandise Trade, Preliminary, Australia, July 2020
5369.0.40.001 | International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia: Monthly Forward Seasonal Factors, 2002-03
5370.0.55.001 | Information Paper: Foreign Direct Investment Data Collection: Overcoming Hurdles and Obstacles in FDI Measurement and Collection, Aug 2003
5372.0.55.001 | International Merchandise Trade: Confidential Commodities List, Jul 2020