52. National accounts |
5202.0 | Spotlight on National Accounts, May 2014
5204.0 | Australian System of National Accounts, 2018-19
5204.0.15.001 | Chain Volume Measures and Implicit Price Deflators of Recorded Trade on a Balance of Payments basis, on Floppy Disk, Mar 2002
5204.0.15.002 | Chain Volume Measures and Implicit Price Deflators of Recorded Trade at the 2-Digit SITC (Rev 3) Level, on Floppy Disk, Mar 2002
5204.0.40.002 | Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, Main Tables, 1996-97
5204.0.55.001 | Chain Volume Measures and Implicit Price Deflators of Recorded Trade on a Balance of Payments Basis -- Electronic Delivery, Mar 2004
5204.0.55.002 | Chain Volume Measures and Implicit Price Deflators of Recorded Trade at the 2-Digit SITC (Rev 3) Level, on Spreadsheet via Electronic Delivery, Mar 2004
5204.0.55.003 | Information Paper: Implementing New Estimates of Hours Worked into the Australian National Accounts, 2006
5204.0.55.004 | Information Paper: Changes to Spreadsheets for the Australian System of National Accounts, 2006-07
5204.0.55.005 | Information paper: Product changes to Australian System of National Accounts following revisions to international standards, 2009
5204.0.55.007 | Information Paper: Upcoming changes to the Australian System of National Accounts, 2010-11
5204.0.55.008 | Information Paper: The Non-Observed Economy and Australia's GDP, 2012
5204.0.55.009 | Information Paper: Australian National Accounts, Distribution of Household Income, Consumption and Wealth, 2009-10
5204.0.55.010 | Information paper: Introduction of Mining Natural Resources into Australia’s Productivity Measures, 2012-13
5204.0.55.011 | Australian National Accounts: Distribution of Household Income, Consumption and Wealth, 2003-04 to 2017-18
5204.0.55.012 | Information Paper: Changes to the 2016-17 release of the Australian System of National Accounts, 2016-17
5204.0.55.013 | Information paper: Changes to selected series in the annual and quarterly Australian National Accounts, 2016-17
5204.0.55.014 | Information Paper: Australian National Accounts, Supply Use Tables, 2018
5206.0 | Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, Jun 2020
5206.0.40.001 | Australian National Accounts: Quarterly State Details, Mar 2001
5206.0.55.001 | Information Paper: Changes to Spreadsheets for the Quarterly Australian National Accounts, Mar 2006
5206.0.55.002 | Information paper: Product changes to National Income, Expenditure and Product following revisions to international standards, 2009
5206.0.55.003 | Information paper: Product changes to National Income, Expenditure and Product following expansion of sectoral income accounts, Oct 2014
5206.0.55.004 | Information Paper: Quarterly Current Price Gross Value Added by Industry , 2016
5206.0.55.005 | Information paper: Upcoming changes to spreadsheet series IDs in National Income, Expenditure and Product, Jul 2016
5206.0.55.006 | Information paper: New key tables for the presentation of the quarterly national accounts, 2020
5209.0 | Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables, 1996-97
5209.0.15.001 | Tailored Input-Output Products on Floppy Disk, 1996-97
5209.0.55.001 | Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables, 2017-18
5215.0 | Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables (Product Details), 1996-97
5215.0.30.001 | Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables (Product Details) in Electronic Form, 1996-97
5215.0.55.001 | Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables (Product Details), 2016-17
5216.0 | Australian System of National Accounts: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2020-21
5216.0.55.002 | Information Paper: Quality Dimensions of the Australian National Accounts, 2007
5217.0 | Australian National Accounts: Supply Use Tables, 2017-18
5220.0 | Australian National Accounts: State Accounts, 2018-19
5220.0.40.001 | Australian National Accounts: State Accounts, Main Tables, 1996-97
5220.0.55.001 | Information Paper: Changes to spreadsheets for the Annual State Accounts, 2004-2005
5220.0.55.002 | Information paper: Gross State Product using the Production approach GSP(P), 2007
5220.0.55.003 | Information Paper: Changes to Publication and Spreadsheet Tables for the Annual State Accounts, 2007
5220.0.55.004 | Information paper: Product changes to State Accounts following revisions to international standards, 2009
5220.0.55.005 | Emphasising the State perspective: Experimental estimates of State capital stock , 2015-16
5221.0 | Australian National Accounts: Capital Stock, 1995-96
5224.0 | Alternative Measures of Income and Saving, Sep 2003
5228.0 | Australian National Accounts: Quarterly Data on Floppy Disk, Dec 1996
5230.0 | Information Paper: Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables on Floppy Disk, 1989-90
5230.0.15.001 | Input-Output Tables on Floppy Disk, 1992-93
5232.0 | Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth, Mar 2020
5232.0.40.001 | Assets and Liabilities of Australian Securitisers, Mar 2005
5232.0.55.001 | Assets and Liabilities of Australian Securitisers, Jun 2020
5232.0.55.002 | Information Paper: Changes to Products Associated with Assets and Liabilities of Australian Securitisers, Mar 2005
5232.0.55.003 | Information paper: Product changes to Financial Accounts following revisions to international standards, 2009
5232.0.55.004 | Information paper: Product changes to the Financial Accounts: Finance and Wealth, 2014
5232.0.55.005 | Information paper: Product changes to the Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth , 2019
5234.0 | Australian National Accounts: Multifactor Productivity, 1995-96
5235.0 | A Guide to the Australian National Accounts, 1994
5237.0 | Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Multipliers, 1989-90
5237.0.15.001 | Input-Output Multipliers on Floppy Disk, 1993-94
5237.0.40.001 | Input-Output Multipliers on Hardcopy, 1993-94
5240.0 | Unpaid Work and the Australian Economy, 1997
5241.0 | Australian National Accounts: National Balance Sheet, Jun 1996
5241.0.40.001 | Australian National Accounts: National Balance Sheet, 1999-2000
5242.0 | Australian National Accounts: State Accounts, Jun 1997
5245.0 | Discussion Paper: Introduction of Revised International Statistical Standards In ABS, 1994
5246.0 | Information Paper: Australian National Accounts: Introduction to Input-Output Multipliers, 1989-90
5248.0 | Information Paper: Australian National Accounts, Introduction of Chain Volume and Price Indexes, Sep 1997
5249.0 | Australian National Accounts: Tourism Satellite Account, 2018-19
5249.0.55.001 | Australian National Accounts: Tailored Tourism Satellite Accounts - Electronic Delivery, 2003
5249.0.55.002 | Information Paper: Introduction of revised international statistical standards in the Australian Tourism Satellite Account, Nov 2009
5249.0.55.003 | Implementation of revised international statistical standards in the Australian Tourism Satellite Account, Apr 2010
5249.0.55.004 | Information Paper: Tourism Satellite Account: Introduction of Experimental Chain Volume Estimates, 2012-13
5250.0 | Australian Business Expectations, Dec 2002 and Sep 2003
5251.0 | Information Paper: Implementation of Revised International Standards in the Australian National Accounts, 1997
5253.0 | Information Paper: Upgraded Australian National Accounts, 1998
5254.0 | Information Paper: Upgraded Australian National Accounts: Financial Accounts, Jun 1998
5255.0.55.001 | Australian Business Expectations; State by Industry Data, Sep 2002
5256.0 | Australian National Accounts: Non-Profit Institutions Satellite Account, 2012-13
5256.0.55.001 | Information Paper: Non-Profit Institutions - A Draft Information Development Plan, Jul 2010
5257.0.55.001 | Information Paper: Recording Emissions Reduction Schemes in ABS Statistics, Jul 2012
5258.0 | A Supply and Use Model for Editing the Quarterly National Accounts, Australia, Research Paper, 2006
5259.0 | Australian National Accounts: Information and Communication Technology Satellite Account, 2002-03
5260.0.55.001 | Information paper: Experimental Estimates of Industry Multifactor Productivity, 2007
5260.0.55.002 | Estimates of Industry Multifactor Productivity, 2018-19
5260.0.55.003 | Information Paper: Experimental Estimates of Industry Level KLEMS Multifactor Productivity, 2015
5260.0.55.004 | Experimental Estimates of Industry Level KLEMS Multifactor Productivity, 2017-18
5261.0 | Economic measurement during COVID-19: Selected issues in the Economic Accounts, May 2020
5269.0.55.001 | Information Paper: A Future Australian Transport Satellite Account: ABS Views, 2011
5271.0 | Australian National Accounts: Cultural and Creative Activity Satellite Accounts, Experimental, 2008-09
5271.0.55.001 | Discussion Paper: Cultural and Creative Activity Satellite Accounts, Australia, 2013
5271.0.55.002 | Information Paper: Cultural and Creative Activity Satellite Accounts, Australia, 2013