Statistics by Release Date
August, 1990 |
31/08/1990 |
Career Paths of Persons with Trade Qualifications, Australia, 1989 (cat no. 6243.0)
29/08/1990 |
Average Retail Prices of Selected Items, Eight Capital Cities, Jun 1990 (cat no. 6403.0)
27/08/1990 |
The Labour Force, Australia, Jul 1990 (cat no. 6203.0)
21/08/1990 |
Australian National Accounts: National Income and Expenditure, Jun 1990 (cat no. 5206.0)
21/08/1990 |
Balance of Payments, Australia, Jun 1990 (cat no. 5302.0)
13/08/1990 |
Major Labour Costs, Australia, 1988-89 (cat no. 6348.0)
02/08/1990 |
The Labour Force, Australia, Jun 1990 (cat no. 6203.0)
01/08/1990 |
Consumer Price Index, Jun 1990 (cat no. 6401.0)