
|  | In this Issue
Dec 2010| NSW State and Regional Indicators provides a summary of NSW statistical information at State and/or regional level. Included in each chapter is commentary on statistical highlights which provides analysis and graphs on selected indicators. It is released on a quarterly basis with several chapters updated each quarter. New topics in this release are: Work and Environment. |
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 |  | Statistics News NSW
Updated Dec 2010| Outcome of the 16th series Australian Consumer Price Index (CPI) review, Census - Beyond the Count conference update, Update on the Census Data Enhancement (CDE) project, Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) released, First data released from the 2009 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers, Water Account Australia 2008–09 released, Household water use and conservation, Focus on Arts and Culture, Latest update to the National Regional Profile, ABS provides resources to aid in the high quality production and use of statistics, Information Paper: Changes to Managed Funds, Australia to incorporate revised international standards, Changes to the Survey of Motor Vehicle Use and the Motor Vehicle Census, Trust in ABS statistics, Demystifying population and migration, Australian Social Trends: Fertility, population projections and household mobility, Work-related injury or illness down, men still at most risk, ABS Statistical training in NSW in 2011, Learn more about the ABS' operations and strategic directions |
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 |  | Work
Updated Dec 2010| Introduction, Employment and unemployment, Employment by industry and occupation, Average weekly earnings, Transition to retirement, Data sources, Other related sources of information |
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 |  | Environment
Updated Dec 2010| Introduction, Water use, Climate indicators, Air quality, Greenhouse gases, Energy consumption, Data sources, Other related sources of information |
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 |  | Education and Training
Updated Sep 2010| Introduction, Education in NSW, Indigenous people in education, Literacy and numeracy, Higher education, Apprentices, trainees and Vocational Education and Training students, Data sources |
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 |  | Housing
Updated Sep 2010| Introduction, Dwelling structure, Household tenure, Housing costs as a proportion of gross income—Median ratio, Housing prices, Housing finance commitments, Sales and Rents, Public housing, Data sources, Other related sources of information |
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 |  | National Comparisons
Updated Sep 2010| Introduction, Data sources |
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 |  | Population
Updated Jun 2010| Introduction, Net overseas migration, Interstate Migration, Births, Deaths, Population projections for NSW, Data Sources, Other related information |
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 |  | Transport
Updated Jun 2010| Introduction, Motor vehicle transport, Travel in Sydney, Working population and usual residence, Transport by air and sea, Data sources |
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 |  | Economic Activity
Updated Mar 2010| Introduction, Economic growth, Consumer Price Index, Private business investment, Total Factor Income, International merchandise trade, Building approvals, Tourist accommodation, Data sources |
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 |  | Household Economic Resources
Updated Mar 2010| Introduction, Household income and income distribution, Change in household income, Estimates of personal income for small areas, Data sources |
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 |  | Crime and Justice
Updated Mar 2010| Introduction, Household and personal crime, Victims of assault, Antisocial behaviour, Criminal incidents recorded by police, Cleared criminal incidents, Local, District and Supreme courts, Persons found guilty in court appearances for juveniles, Apprehended Violence Orders granted, Re-offending, Corrective services, Data sources |
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 |  | Health
Updated Sep 2009| Introduction, Life expectancy, Causes of death, Health risks, Body Mass Index (BMI), Mental health, Aged care, Hospitalisation, Data sources |
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 |  | Family and Community
Updated Mar 2009| Introduction, Families and living arrangements across regions, Supporting children living elsewhere, Reasons for leaving and not leaving the parental home, Community networks and voluntary work, Households with an Internet connection, Data sources |