1218.0 - Standard Economic Sector Classifications of Australia (SESCA), 2002  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 13/09/2002   
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Contents >> Chapter 4: Associated classifications >> Juridiction classification

Juridiction classification

4.24. GFS and other public sector statistics are often presented for 'jurisdictions'. In this context, jurisdiction means the public sector units over which the Commonwealth Government or an individual state or territory government has direct control or, in the case of local government authorities, the government which administers the legislation under which the authority was established. Each public sector unit is classified to jurisdiction by reference to the government which exercises such controls over its activities. The categories making up the jurisdiction classification (JUR) are as follows:



      New South Wales
      Western Australia
      South Australia
      Northern Territory
      Australian Capital Territory
4.25. In most cases, classification of units to JUR is straightforward. Thus, each unit that is controlled by the Commonwealth Government is classified to the Commonwealth jurisdiction and each unit that is controlled by a state or territory government is classified to the jurisdiction of the controlling government. Each local government authority, and all units controlled by local government authorities, are classified to the jurisdiction that administers the local government legislation under which the authority was created. In all cases, this is the state or territory in which the local government unit is located.

4.26. There are units, however, for which jurisdiction is shared between two or more governments, or classification of a unit to a jurisdiction is otherwise unclear. Such units are included in a 'multi-jurisdictional' category, and are excluded from statistics for each of the other jurisdictions. As explained in paragraph 4.19, the main type of units currently falling into this category are the public universities. It should be noted that for unincorporated joint ventures, where the participants are in different jurisdictions, the participant's share of the activities are classified to their respective jurisdiction.

4.27. Appendix 3 outlines the procedures for applying the JUR classification to legal entities.

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