1344.8.55.002 - ABStract, Statistics News, Australian Capital Territory, Mar 2003
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 15/07/2003
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A Message from the regional Director Canberra... A Social Atlas, 2001 Year Book Australia, 2003 ACT Regional Statistics ACT In Focus ACT Statistical Indicators The National Centre for Crime and Justice Statistics Supplement to Mineral Exploration Survey - Cost of Land Access 2001-02 Sports Census Update Expected Major Annual and Irregular Releases Welcome to the first issue of ABStract for 2003. Like all in our region, the ACT Office of the ABS was shocked and saddened by the devastation caused by the January bushfires. Our thoughts and sympathies go out to all Canberrans, and those from our surrounding region, affected by the fires. On February 11 we released one of our key publications, Canberra... A Social Atlas (cat. no. 2030.8). The Social Atlas, featuring maps of key social and economic characteristics for Canberra and Queanbeyan, provides a rich source of information for everyone living in the region. It is compiled using information gathered from the 2001 Population Census. Maps range from topics such as population, ethnicity, families and income to Internet use, dwellings and travel to work. The 2001 Census received excellent support from Canberrans and I commend this publication as a useful resource for business, students and community groups. In conjunction with Australia Day, Ian Kiernan AO, founder of Clean Up Australia Day, launched the 2003 Year Book Australia (cat. no. 1301.0). Mr. Kiernan’s involvement was particularly relevant as the 2003 edition has a special focus on the environment. Speaking at the launch, the Australian Statistician, Dennis Trewin said, ‘The Year Book plays an important role as a valuable reference tool but also stimulates informed debate in the Australian community. Finally, Regional Statistics ACT (cat. no. 1362.8) will be released in June. This publication has a wide range of ABS data (including census data) and non-ABS data presented by Statistical Local Area (SLA), covering the ACT and the surrounding region. Tracy Stewart Regional Director, ACT Office, Australian Bureau of Statistics EXPLORE YOUR CAPITAL Canberra ... A Social Atlas (cat. no. 2030.8), was released on 11 February 2003. The publication presents information on the social, economic and housing characteristics of populations in the urban centre of Canberra-Queanbeyan (including Jerrabomberra), and the locality of Hall. Other areas included, which are currently classified as non-urban, are the suburbs of Pialligo and Symonston in the ACT, and three Census Collection Districts (CDs) adjoining the Queanbeyan urban area in New South Wales. The Atlas presents information in an easy to understand format through the use of colourful maps and enlightening commentary. The publication contains a set of 35 maps covering population, ethnicity, education, families, income, labour force and dwellings. Also included are maps on topics specific to Canberra, for example, ‘People who walked or cycled to work’. The maps are easy to interpret and give a bird’s eye view of Canberra. Informative commentary that is easily understood accompanies the maps and highlights the major findings against each of the core set of characteristics included in the Social Atlas. Furthermore, a new map has been included in the 2001 Social Atlas on the number of ‘People who had used the Internet at Home’ in the week before census night. The Social Atlas is presented in a convenient A4 format and spiral bound for ease of use. It is a colourful and readily understood reference and a valuable information resource. Some points of interest were: Population The population of the Canberra atlas area grew by 5% (almost 17,000 people) between the 1996 and 2001 Censuses. This population growth reflected residential developments in the outer suburbs such as Amaroo, Nicholls and Ngunnawal in Gungahlin-Hall. There were also pockets of redevelopment in areas such as Kingston, in South Canberra, which added to an increase in population. Age groups Canberra-Queanbeyan had the second highest proportion of people aged between 5 and 14 years (15%) of all Australian capital cities. The highest concentration were in Tuggeranong and in the southern parts of Queanbeyan. Canberra also recorded the second lowest percentage of people aged between 55 and 64, and those aged 65 years or older. People in these age groups tended to be located in the older established suburbs close to the city centre. Birthplace Almost a quarter (22%) of the people counted in Canberra-Queanbeyan were born overseas (71,989 people). Overseas-born people were found primarily in the more established areas close to the city centre, and those in proximity to educational institutions. Housing Just over one-third of dwellings (41,905 dwellings or 34%) were being purchased by their occupants, primarily in the outer areas of Canberra and Queanbeyan. These areas also had relatively high percentages of couples with dependent children. Living arrangements The average household size in Canberra-Queanbeyan fell from 2.9 people in 1991 to 2.6 people in 2001 - this follows a national trend in decreasing household sizes. The highest average household size was found in Duntroon (3.5 people). DINKs (double income, no kids) comprised 8% of all families. Canberra-Queanbeyan had the second highest proportion of DINKS of all Australian capital cities. Working arrangements In the 2001 Census, the highest percentages of unemployed people were in Acton, Bruce and part of Belconnen Town Centre. These areas were populated by students attending nearby educational and training institutions. Of the total Canberra-Queanbeyan labour force, 18% were mothers with dependent children. This was the highest proportion of all Australian capital cities. Transport More than 80% of Canberra people travelled to work by car, with only 11% of these people travelling as passengers. There was also a continuing decrease, over the past ten years, in the proportion of people who travelled to work by public transport. There were 6% of employed people from Canberra-Queanbeyan in the 2001 Census who walked or cycled to work, which was an increase from the 1991 Census. Labour Force Qualifications At the 2001 Census Canberra-Queanbeyan had the highest percentage (31%), of any Australian capital city, of people in the labour force with a degree or higher qualification. Internet use More than 40% of Canberra-Queanbeyan’s population aged 5 years or older used the Internet at home in the week before Census Night. This was the highest proportion of all Australian capital cities. For further information please contact Gordon Knox on 02 6207 0484 or gordon.knox@abs.gov.au IAN KIERNAN LAUNCHES ENVIRONMENT FOCUSED 2003 YEAR BOOK AUSTRALIA Environment campaigner Ian Kiernan AO, founder of clean up campaigns Clean Up Australia Day and Clean Up the World, launched the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2003 edition of Year Book Australia (cat. no. 1301.0). The 2003 edition of the Year Book has a special focus on the environment. ‘This wealth of information on economic, social and now environmental conditions in Australia is essential to help us understand the relationship between the three and plan for a healthier environment,’ said Mr Kiernan. The inclusion of special feature articles on the environment, such as climate change and sustainable development makes this edition a timely reference tool for a nation facing ever-increasing threats from drought, bushfire and salinity. In a tradition that dates back to 1908, this 85th edition of Year Book Australia provides a comprehensive overview of the economic and social conditions of contemporary Australia. At the launch the Australian Statistician, Dennis Trewin said, ‘As an historical record, the Year Book is Australia’s statistical treasure chest. There is something for everyone.’ ‘All ABS publications draw extensively on information provided freely by individuals, businesses, governments and other organisations.’ ‘The release of this flagship ABS publication is an opportune time to extend thanks and appreciation to those who through the year have helped the ABS collect and publish an extraordinarily large range of data and information,' he said. More detail from the Year Book Australia (cat. no. 1301.0) is available by subject in the ‘Australia Now’ section of the ABS web site. For further information please contact Alan Masters on 02 6207 0286 or alan.masters@abs.gov.au Regional Statistics, Australian Capital Territory 2002 (cat. no. 1362.8), is due for release in June. Regional Statistics focuses on small-area statistics for the ACT and nearby areas. The publication presents a summary of the latest available key statistics, at the time of preparation, for each of the Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) or Statistical Subdivisions (SSDs) of the ACT, as well as for Queanbeyan City and Yarrowlumla Shire (part A) which make up the Queanbeyan Statistical Subdivision. The total geographic area of coverage of these statistics is the Canberra-Queanbeyan Statistical District plus ACT Balance. It includes a map of each region according to the Census of Population and Housing boundaries as at 30 June 2001. The publication contains data on a wide-range of subjects such as:
For further information please contact Antony Perera on 6207 0315 or antony.perera@abs.gov.au The annual ABS publication Australian Capital Territory in Focus (cat. no. 1307.8) is a valuable reference tool for people who want the history and nature of the ACT at their fingertips. The 2002 issue of ACT in Focus was released on 24th September. This latest edition of the annual publication presents a detailed look at Canberra and the surrounding region. It presents a statistical review of social, economic, environmental and demographic characteristics of the ACT. This ACT yearbook presents a qualitative analysis on topics such as government, education, health, housing, law and order, transport, tourism and climate. ACT in Focus is an ideal reference tool for both government agencies and businesses in the ACT Region. The 2002 edition also provides a fascinating account of the history of Canberra from early Aboriginal settlement to current events. ACT in Focus is a must for those who want topical and relevant facts about the Australian Capital Territory and surrounding area at their fingertips. For further information, please contact Alan Masters on 02 6207 0286 or alan.masters@abs.gov.au The December quarterly issue of Australian Capital Territory Statistical Indicators (cat. no. 1367.8) was released on January 29th 2003. This publication includes a broad range of information with detailed analysis of the recent trends and movements in key demographic, economic and labour market statistics. It also includes two feature articles on ‘ACT Health’ and ‘Marriage and Divorce in the ACT’. Some highlights and Statistics from the December issue include: ACT Health (feature article)
Marriage and Divorce in the ACT (feature article)
Quarterly Indicators
For more information, please contact Rod Campbell on 02 6207 0446 or rod.campbell@abs.gov.au The NCCJS forward work program for 2003 will include the preparation of a National Information Development Plan (NIDP) for the criminal justice sector. The NIDP will provide a strategic basis for future crime and justice data collection activity through the identification of key policy questions, related information needs, data sources currently available, and existing gaps in the data. Priorities will need to be assigned to unmet data needs and strategies ultimately developed to meet those needs. The NCCJS will be undertaking an extensive consultative process with key stakeholders in the sector during 2003 as part of the NIDP process. Additional data is also available on request. Depending on the collection, these can be made available as a set of supplementary tables or companion tables, or customised tables can be run on request. Price upon application. The NCCJS produces an informative Newsletter twice a year, in April and October. To receive this newsletter or for more information about NCCJS please email crime.justice@abs.gov.au or go to the ABS web site and look for the theme page. Recent and upcoming Publications
SEXUAL ASSAULT INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT PLAN The development of a Sexual Assault Information Development Plan (IDP) is being undertaken in the NCCJS, a project funded by the Commonwealth Office of the Status of Women. The IDP provides a conceptual framework for sexual assault, identifies key policy issues and related information needs, lists data sources currently available and identifies gaps in the data. Aimed at the health and community services sectors as well as crime and justice sectors, some strategies are proposed to fill the gaps and to improve the utilisation and comparability of data. It is anticipated that this work will be published as an ABS Information Paper in March 2003. The project is being undertaken by Lyn Tucker who can be contacted on Melbourne (03) 9615 7883. Conferences A conference, titled ‘Evaluation in Crime and Justice: Trends and Methods’ will be held at ABS House in Canberra on 24-25 March 2003. The Australian Institute of Criminology and the Australian Bureau of Statistics will jointly sponsor this conference. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for practitioners, researchers and policy makers to discuss current issues and challenges involved with criminal justice research and evaluation. For more information about NCCJS please email crime.justice@abs.gov.au or go to the ABS website and look for the theme page. The ABS is collecting information on a new, one-off collection of statistics on costs of land access to the mineral exploration sector. Questionnaires were despatched in the latter half of August 2002 to all identified businesses engaged in the Australian mineral exploration industry. The issue of the costs of land access has been identified by the mining industry as being the single most important area for which information is needed. It stems from the belief that Australia’s diminishing mineral exploration levels in recent years could be partly attributed to mineral exploration land access issues. The ABS undertook a feasibility study during 2001 and the positive feedback and results from businesses approached has enabled the Federal Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources to commission the ABS to conduct an immediate one-off survey for financial year 2001-02. The ABS has also been encouraged and supported by the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA), the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC) and the Ministerial Council on Mineral & Petroleum Resources (MCMPR). Results will be published in the middle of 2003. For further information, please contact Ashley Heddle, (02) 6252 7808, or a.heddle@abs.gov.au Sports organisations involved in the provision of sports and physical recreation activities generated $8,466m in income during 2000-01. Major sources of income included television and broadcasting rights ($1,349m), sponsorship and fundraising ($1,221m), admissions ($1,142m), funding from government ($731m), membership fees ($647m), and net TAB distributions ($555m). In 2000-01, ‘for profit’ organisations generated total income of $4,358m, while ‘not for profit’ organisations generated $3,379m and government organisations generated $730m. This included those organisations involved in the Sydney Olympic and Paralympic Games. In terms of its component industries, the highest income for the non-government sports organisations were sports venues ($3,857m), sports clubs, teams, and sports professionals ($1,382m), sports administration ($1,147m) and horse and dog racing ($1,136m). Total expenses of sports organisations was $8,608m resulting in an operating profit before tax of $89m. At end June 2001, there were 7,147 employing sports organisations. ‘For profit’ organisations accounted for 51% of the total employing organisations, and ‘not for profit’ and government organisations accounted for 40% and 9% respectively. Total employment at the end of June 2001 in the sports and physical recreation industries was 87,447 people, of which only 30,547 were permanent employees. In addition, the industries had 178,837 volunteers during the month of June 2001. Main features of Sports Industries, Australia, 2000-01 (cat. no. 8686.0) are available free of charge on the ABS website. For further information contact Ann Santo on 03 9615 7810 or <ann.santo@abs.gov.au> EARLY RELEASE OF USUAL RESIDENTS PROFILE Following on from the early release of the Time Series Profile, the Usual Residents Profile (URP) for Statistical Local Areas and above, will be released on 18 March 2003. This is again one month earlier than originally scheduled. The Usual Residents Profile (URP) contains 28 tables drawn from the Basic and Expanded Community Profiles and is based on place of usual residence. Census counts at place of usual residence are based on where people usually live, rather than the place where they were counted on Census Night. The URP provides a better understanding of the population that normally resides in an area. For example, the ski-fields of NSW and Victoria have an influx of tourists in August - the month in which the 2001 Census was held. Usual residents data reflects the characteristics of areas during normal periods. The URP will be available for the following geographies: Post Code, the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) areas of Statistical Local Areas (SLA), Statistical Subdivisions (SSD), Statistical Divisions (SD), Local Government Areas (LGA), statistical districts, states and territories and Australia. URPs will be accessible from the ABS web site for $10 per area. Usual Residents Profiles to be made available at CD level. For the first time, the 2001 Census Usual Residents Profile will be produced down to collection district level. The quality of responses from the 2001 Census enabled the accurate coding of people’s usual residence down to this small area level. Due to the additional work required in producing the Usual Residents Profiles at collection district level, the products at this level will not be available until mid-2003. TIME SERIES PROFILE NOW AVAILABLE The early release of the 2001 Census Time Series Profiles (TSP) on 28 January 2003 occurred more than one month ahead of schedule. The Time Series Profile contains 22 tables similar to those in the Basic and Expanded Community Profiles. The Profile comprises data from the 1991, 1996 and 2001 Censuses (where the classifications are comparable). Some classifications have been redefined to ensure data comparability between censuses. Footnotes have been added to the tables where this is the case. The TSP provides clients with the information to conduct analysis and compare statistics across a number of years. The data contained in the Profiles are based on place of enumeration and 2001 Census boundaries. The TSP are available for the following geographies: ASGC, SLA, SSD, SD, LGA, statistical districts, states and territories and Australia. Time Series Profiles are accessible from the ABS web site for $10 per area. For further information, please contact James Tuhan on 02 6252 6294 or james.tuhan@abs.gov.au General 1362.8 Regional Statistics, ACT, 2003 (June) Census 2004.0 Census of Population and Housing: Usual Residents Profile, 2001 (March) 2049.0 Country Matters: Social Atlas of Rural and Regional Australia, 2001 (April) 2940.0 Information Paper: Census of Population and Housing, Data Quality - Undercount, 2001 (April) Social 4102.0 Australian Social Trends, 2003 (June) 4156.0 Sport and Recreation: A Statistical Overview, Australia, 2003 (June) 4159.0 General Social Survey, Australia, March - July 2002 (April) 4402.0 Child Care, Australia, June 2002 (May) 4509.0 Crime and Safety, Australia, April 2002 (April) 4510.0 Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, 2002 (May) 4513.0 Criminal Courts, Australia, 2001-02 (April) 4518.0 Information Paper: Sexual Assault Information Development Plan (March) 8922.0 Australia’s Young People: Their Health and Wellbeing, 2003 (June) Environment 4613.0 Australia’s Environment: Issues and Trends, 2002(April) Labour Statistics 6220.0 Persons Not in the Labour Force, Australia, September 2002 (March) 6222.0 Job Search Experience, Australia, July 2002 (March) 6265.0 Underemployed Workers, Australia, 2002 (April) 6298.0 Information Paper: Labour Force Survey Standard Errors, 2003 (April) Internet use 8146.0 Household Use of Information Technology, Australia, 2002 (May) Business and Industry 8155.0 Australian Industry, 2000-01 (April) 8225.0 Manufacturing, Australia, 2002 (April) 8667.0 Legal Services Industry, Australia, 2001-02 (June) 8668.0 Accounting Services, Australia, 2001-02 (May) Transport 9208.0 Survey of Motor Vehicle Use, Australia, 2001 (April) This listing shows a selection of ABS publications expected to be released over the coming quarter. The expected month of release is shown in brackets. Release dates may vary from those shown. Current publications and other products released by the ABS are listed in the Catalogue of Publications and Products (cat. no. 1101.0) which is available from any ABS office or the ABS web site. The web site also provides daily release information.
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