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In this issue:
Based on the number of CDATA96 copies purchased by the Victorian State Government, ABS anticipates being able to offer a 30% discount on the RRP if 50+ copies of CDATA 2001 are purchased across all Victorian State Government Departments. Anticipated CDATA 2001 Prices (including GST), based on 30% discount of RRP:
The process to order CDATA 2001, is for each Department to appoint a coordinator to liaise with ABS by 28 March 2002. ABS will supply a list of CDATA96 purchasers to this coordinator. Once a Department has decided on its CDATA 2001 orders, CDATA 2001 licence agreements should be completed and returned to one of the ABS Officers listed below by 17 May 2002. Based on the number of orders received, ABS will notify the coordinators of the final CDATA 2001 prices. If you have any 2001 Census queries including pre-payment for CDATA 2001, please email or telephone one of the following Client Management Staff: Heather Burns on (03) 9615 7976 or email: Craig Tingate on (03) 9615 7573 or email: Peter Rochester on (03) 9615 7769 or email: CENSUS 2001 PRESENTATIONS TO VICTORIAN STATE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS The ABS has been conducting presentations on Census 2001 Concepts, Products and Services to Victorian State Government Departments and to the Local Government Research Network. The presentations provides an opportunity for ABS clients to be informed on key issues relating to the availability of data from the 2001 Census. The presentations covers new questions on the 2001 Census form, which include ancestry, internet use and home use of computers. These questions, will for the first time provide small area data for these topics. Other presentations topics include:
Key Release Dates 2001 Census data will be released in two stages as it was in 1996 to provide users with faster access to the census data. First release data will be available in June 2002, second release data from November 2002. CDATA 2001 is scheduled for release in September 2002, with a further release in June 2003 (to include second release data). If you have a need for 2001 Census data for your department's program, planning and research needs this presentation is essential. Booking a presentation in your Department soon will ensure that you have time to research, plan and order your 2001 Census data requirements. It will also ensure prompt delivery of the data after release. To book, please contact Heather Burns on (03) 9615 7976 or email: REGULAR STATISTICAL TRAINING PROGRAM
For further information regarding tailored training, or regarding our regular training schedule, please contact Carol Soloff on (03) 9615 7384 or email: or Michael Coombes on (03) 9615 7504 or email: NATIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE STATISTICAL FRAMEWORK July 2001 saw the release of the National Criminal Justice Statistical Framework (NCJSF). The Framework provides a structure for organising, collecting and reporting data about crime and the criminal justice system. It builds connections across the main sectors of the criminal justice system by modelling it in a way that transcends the data requirements and usages of individual sectors. The Framework therefore models how criminal justice data should be structured rather than how these data currently are structured within the various administrative data systems used by criminal justice agencies. The primary purpose of the NCJSF is to identify the key counting units and data variables in the criminal justice system that would allow stakeholders to characterise the main aspects of that system. The strategic objectives that follow from this purpose include: 1. Integrating criminal justice data between the different, interconnecting sectors of the criminal justice system. 2. Integrating criminal justice data across the States and Territories of Australia and other geographical regions. 3. Facilitating discussions between the ABS and its clients on the relative priorities for future development of criminal justice data collections. 4. Promoting the adoption of standardised methods of collecting, compiling and disseminating criminal justice statistics. The development of the Framework arose from the need to develop comprehensive and integrated national criminal justice data. By laying the foundations for better integration of criminal justice data, the Framework will facilitate addressing key issues and questions in the field. It will also encourage increased comparability of data both within and between jurisdictions and will assist in establishing priorities for the future development of criminal justice data collections. If you have any questions about the Framework, please contact Kay Forster on (03) 9615 7681 or email: DEVELOPMENTS IN NEW MOTOR VEHICLE STATISTICS The ABS has discontinued its monthly New Motor Vehicle Registrations (NMVR) collection following the release of Statistics for December 2001, but will continue to publish an economic indicator of New Motor Vehicle Sales (NVMS) based on data purchased from VFACTS, the publishing arm of the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) to replace it. FCAI has collected reliable sales data on new motor vehicles (not including motor cycles) since the early 1990s. They have agreed to provide the ABS with aggregated VFACTS subscription data (i.e. numbers of vehicles by type and State/Territory of registeration) which the ABS will re-release in original, seasonally adjusted and trend terms. These statistics are released as an electronic product (Cat. no. 9314.0) through the ABS web site at <> and include tables of original, seasonally adjusted and trend data by vehicle type for each State/Territory for the latest 15 months. These tables (which are equivalent tables 1 and 3 in the former NMVR publication) will also be published monthly in the ABS publication Australian Economic Indicators (Cat. no. 1350.0) within one month of the reference period. Time series data for new motor vehicle sales will also be available electronically through the web site to Ausstats subscribers. Detailed data such as vehicle make and model or data relating to small areas will not be available from the ABS; such data will only be available from FCAI. The ABS will continue to conduct an annual census of motor vehicles. Results are published in Motor Vehicles Census (Cat. no. 9309.0). The Census provides detailed information on the characteristics of all vehicles registered for use on Australian roads at date of the census. Detailed data from the motor vehicles census are available as special data services on request. For further information please contact Tony webb on (07) 3222 6185 or email: VICTORIAN FRAMEWORK OF INDICATORS OF REGIONAL WELLBEING Official statistics within Australia and other countries are produced to monitor the health and progress (or wellbeing) of those nations. Traditionally, indicators of national wellbeing have been broad level (usually economic) indicators. While these indicators will continue to play an important role in describing and monitoring the wellbeing of the nation, in recent years there has been an increasing recognition of the need for a 'triple bottom line' approach to assessing policies and monitoring health and progress. That is, the need for indicators that consider social, economic and environmental aspects of wellbeing. There has also been an increasing recognition of the need for a triple bottom line approach to monitoring wellbeing at the State/Territory and sub-state or community level. In response to the demand in Victoria for community level indicators of wellbeing, the 'Indicators of Wellbeing in Rural and Regional Communituies' project commenced in January 2000. The ABS has also undertaken other projects to address the growing interest in indicators of wellbeing, resulting in the new publications, Measuring Wellbeing (Cat. no. 4160.0, available now) and Measuring Australia's Progress (Cat. no. 1370.0, to be released in April 2002). Furthermore, the release by the Victorian Government of 'Growing Victoria Together' clearly articulated government priorities in relation to measures of progress for Victoria. These developments contributed to the progression and fine tuning of the indicators and discussion contained in Victorian Framework for Indicators of Regional Wellbeing - the final consultancy report to the Victorian State Government from the Indicators of Wellbeing project. The framework is to be finalised in April 2002. Some of the indicators discussed in the framework are already published regularly by the ABS in the quarterly State and Regional Indicators, Victoria (Cat. no. 1367.2) and the annual Regional Statistics, Victoria (Cat. no. 1362.2). The ABS expects to publish further indicators throughout 2002, as data sources are evaluated and appropriate methodologies for producing reliable indicators are finalised. For further information please contact Robert Stainsby on (03) 9615 7904 or email: MEASURING LEARNING IN AUSTRALIA: A SUGGESTED FRAMEWORK FOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING STATISTICS Learning occurs within a wide range of settings, some more formal than others. At one end of the continuum is formal learning provided in the traditional manner by educational institutions, or through other courses, seminars or workshops. At the other end of the continuum is non-formal learning, which includes activities such as managers coaching or mentoring staff, parents instructing children, members of the community teaching each other living skills and self-directed learning activities. In the past, statistics in these areas have been organised largely according to the more formal aspects of learning in the school, VET and Higher Education sectors. However there is a growing need to provide for wider perspectives on a range of learning activities, including analysis of individual learning pathways, and research from a geographic basis or over time. The ABS has developed a framework entitled Measuring Learning in Australia: A Suggested Framework for Education and Training Statistics to shape the way we think about information from these different perspectives. The framework is an ABS initiative together with the Department of Education, Science and Training, the Australian National Training Authority and all State and Territory education and training departments. The framework can be viewed as a broad level conceptual 'map', providing an integrated statistical view on learning, better relationships between learning statistics and other social and economic information and increased comparability and consistency of statistics. It does not itself prescribe priorities for data collection but allows data users and policy makers to consider the relative importance of various types of information. The framework is based on a model which describes seven key elements about which information is required including: participants; non-participants; providers; resources; activities; outputs and outcomes; and context. In order to provide a comprehensive statistical picture, a three level information structure (individual, organisational and systemic) may be overlaid on the framework model. Further information about the framework and the National Centre for Education and Training Statistics is available at or call (02) 6252 5936 or email: INTERNET ACTIVITY SURVEY NOW TWICE YEARLY Results from the Internet Activity Survey are published in Internet Activity, Australia (Cat. no. 8153.0). The publication presents a detailed analysis of Internet activity conducted through the Internet Service Provider (ISP) industry in Australia. The Internet Activity Survey is a quarterly census of all identified ISPs operating in Australia in respects of the reporting period. Data are available from the September 2000 quarter onwards. A methodological review in mid-2001 was conducted to review the scope, coverage and methodology used in the Internet Activity Survey. The recommendations were that the Internet Activity Survey remain a fully enumerated survey (census) but that it be conducted twice yearly rather than quarterly. It was determined that trends could be measured just as effectively. In addition, provider load will decrease. The extended survey timetable will also allow more value-added analysis of industry changes and new technologies. As a result of this review, the Internet Activity Survey will be conducted as a twice yearly survey from January 2002. The reference periods for the survey will now be October to March, and April to September and publications will now be released in August and February. The twice yearly collection will continue to measure changes in the structure of the ISP industry and the number of Australian households and organisations obtaining access to the Internet through ISPs. It will also continue to measure movements in the type and amount of infrastructure available to provide Internet connectivity. For further information contact Jeff Pang on (07) 3222 6384 or email: WHERE CAN SERVICE INDUSTRIES DATA BE FOUND? The ABS Service Industries Statistics Program launched a theme page on the ABS Web Site on 22 February. The theme page contains information on the service industries statistical program, products and services, including information on the following industries:
Up to date information on the latest publications, publications coming soon and our rolling program of collections is available from the theme page. See Service Industries Theme Page For further information contact Sandra Hine (02) 6252 6532 or email: HOUSEHOLD SURVEY PROGRAM UPDATE The Multi Purpose Household Survey (MPHS) will now use different survey vehicles to collect information. All topics which were to be included in the proposed 2003 MPHS have been allocated to the 2002 General Social Survey (GSS) and the 2002-03 Survey of Income and Housing Costs (SIHC), specifically:
Additional data items will continue to be collected in future GSSs planned for 2006 and 4 yearly thereafter; and in future SIHCs planned for 2003-04 and biennially thereafter. In 2004-05, it is anticipated that the MPHS will be conducted using a survey of 14,000 households within the regular Labour Force Survey program. For further information contact Kate Wright on (02) 6252 6504 or email: SOCIAL STATISTICS CONSULTATIVE GROUP Mr Michael Ryan from the Department of Education and Training has been appointed Chair of the Victorian Social Statistics Consultative Group (VSSCG). Mr Ryan chaired the VSSCG meeting held on February 22nd, 2002. Members discussed the possibility of departments jointly buying and sharing Census tables with a view to providing savings and to promoting a whole-of-government approach to data usage. Members acknowledged the potential to use the consultancy container on ABS@vicgov as a repository for Census tables purchased by State Government agencies, which will facilitate sharing of the data. Ms Christine Kilmartin from the Department of Infrastructure cited examples of Census output variables that could be included in individual department purchases and add value from a whole of government perspective. For further information about whole of government non-standard table design and ordering, contact Christine Kilmartin on (03) 9655 6934. INFORMATION PAPERS IMPROVEMENTS TO THE COMPILATION OF ECONOMIC STATISTICS In April 2000, the ABS released an information paper, ABS Statistics and The New Tax System (Cat. no. 1358.0), which foreshadowed changes in the statistical infrastructure supporting the compilation of ABS economic series. The changes will allow better use of data available from the taxation system to improve efficiency, coverage and sample design. Publications being produced now or in the near future will identify whether they are the last publication compiled using the old infrastructure. Susequent releases will feature estimates for the latest period and will be compiled on the new basis. To facilitate comparisons over time, releases will either include estimates of the impact on statistical series of the infrastructure changes (annual publications) or the historical series will be adjusted so that all estimates are presented on the new basis (subannual publications). An information paper, Improvements to the Compilation of Economic Statistics (Cat. no. 1372.0), will be released in late April 2002. That paper will describe the forthcoming changes in more detail and provide information about the treatment of statistical impacts of the changes across ABS economic series. For further information, please contact Paul Mahoney on (02) 6252 5505 or email: MEASURES OF LABOUR UNDERUTILISATION On 27 February 2002 the ABS released an information paper, Measures of Labour Underutilisation (Cat. no. 6296.0) which outlines two new measures of labour underutilisation. Together with existing unemployment statistics, these new measures provide a broader view of labour underutilisation. The new measures of labour underutilisation include a wider group of people than the unemployed, such as part-time workers who are willing and available to work more hours, and people who are available to start work but who have stopped looking because they have become discouraged. The two new measures are available on an annual basis and will be included in publications from mid-2002 onwards. Existing measures of unemployment, including the unemployment rate, will continue to be produced monthly. The paper also describes the wide range of data provided by ABS on available labour resources and the extent of labour utilisation, including data on persons unemployed, persons who are underemployed and those with a marginal attachment to the labour force The information paper, Measures of Labour Underutilisation (Cat. no. 6296.0) is available in all ABS bookshops and on this site. For further information contact Harry Kroon on (02) 6252 6753 or email: RECENT AND EXPECTED RELEASES EDUCATION AND TRAINING EXPERIENCE, AUSTRALIA Education and Training Experience, Australia, 2001 (Cat. no. 6278.0), which is produced every four years, is due for release at the end of May 2002. The publication will include statistics for Victoria covering level of highest educational attainment, level of education of current study, number of work-related training courses completed in the last 12 months, training course outcomes and education and training characteristics. More detailed information at the State and national level will be available on request. Education and training topics in the 2001 survey cover level and field of educational attainment; participation in education and training; work history including occupation, industry and average wages and salaries; current study; completed qualifications; details of training courses completed; training outcomes; access, unmet demand and barriers to education and training and employer support. For further information please contact John Sant on (02) 6252 6577, or email: VICTORIAN YEAR BOOK 2002 The Victorian Year Book (114th ed.) (Cat. no. 1302.2) will be released on April 30. The Victorian Year Book provides a comprehensive statistical overview of the economic, social and environmental conditions in Victoria. The 2002 issue includes a feature article entitled, 'Measuring Community Wellbeing'. The article presents some conceptual background for and specific details about the various projects and collaborations the ABS has been undertaking in recent years to develop measures of wellbeing, particularly for measuring wellbeing at the community level. As in previous years, the Victorian Year Book contains detailed statistical information about a range of subjects including geography and climate, government, population, income and expenditure, labour, education, health, housing and transport, crime and justice, tourism, culture and recreation, natural resources and environment, industry and trade, finance, information technology and communication, historical and rural and regional statistics. Copies of the Victorian Year Book are available in public libraries across Victoria. Copies can also be purchased from the ABS Bookshop, Level 5, 485 LaTrobe St Melbourne or by calling 1300 135 070. For further information please contact Simone Alexander on (03) 9615 7492 or email: REGIONAL POPULATION GROWTH, AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND 2000-01 For the third consecutive year Victoria's population growth (1.3% or 62,200 persons) outpaced that of Australia as a whole (1.2%) for the year ending 30 June 2001. Growth areas in Victoria were located in the outer suburban and inner city Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Melbourne, while outside Melbourne growth occurred in some regional centres and areas along the coast. The City of Casey recorded the largest increase in population (up 7,900 persons), while the City of Melbourne (up 5,200) was the fastest growing LGA in both the state (increasing by 10%) and Australia. Within regional Victoria, the City of Greater Geelong recorded the largest increase (up 2,500 persons) and the Shire of Bass Coast grew the fastest, increasing by 3%. Regional Population Growth, Australia and New Zealand, 2000-01 (Cat. no. 3218.0), released in February 2002, contains details of population growth since 1996 for Statistical Local Areas and Local Government Areas, as well as State and national data This publication is also available as an electronic datacube (Cat. no. 3218.0.55.001), while LGA population estimates for June 2001 are available freely on the ABS web site at <> by selecting Themes/Demography/Population Distribution/Local Government Area (LGA) populations, 30 June 2001 preliminary (p). For further information please contact Sue Taylor on (02) 6252 6141 or email: WORK IN SELECTED CULTURE AND LEISURE ACTIVITIES, AUSTRALIA One in six Victorians aged 15 years and over (638,800 people or 17% of those aged 15 years and over) did some paid or unpaid work in selected culture and leisure activities in the year ended April 2001. Some 222,200 (35%) of these people received some payment for their involvement. The most popular culture and leisure activities were writing books and articles (133,700 people), visual arts (111,500), crafts (91,000), performing arts (88,300) and design, such as advertising and graphic design (91,700). Similar data collected in 1993 show that there were substantial increases in the number of persons involved in some of the cultural activities over the eight-year period. The number of people who reported some work as photographers increased from 16,900 in 1993 to 29,300 in 2001 (a 73% increase) while the number of painters increased from 19,400 in 1993 to 36,300 in 2001 (a 87% increase). The ABS released Work in Selected Culture and Leisure Activities, Australia, April 2001 (Cat. no. 6281.0) on 19 December 2001. For further information please contact Theo Neumann on (08) 8237 7449 or email: EDUCATION AND WORK, AUSTRALIA The publication Education and Work, Australia, May 2001 (Cat. no. 6227.0) is expected to be released on 22 March 2002. Previously titled 'Transition from Education to Work, Australia,' this edition contains summary statistics for Victoria on the topics: persons enrolled in a course of study; level of highest educational attainment; proportion of persons with a non-school qualification and persons starting or leaving a course of study leading to a qualification. More detailed information at the State and national level on education participation, attainment, transition between education and work, and apprentices is available by contacting James Ashburner on (02) 6252 7934, or email: AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS REGISTER COUNTS - A VICTORIAN PERSPECTIVE At June 2001 the number of employing single state business entities operating in Victoria that were registered with the Australian Business Register (ABR) for an active Australian Business Number (ABN) and active for GST was 204,587. A further 4,121 employing multi-state business entities registered and active for GST had Victoria as their state of main business location. Of employing single state businesses based in Victoria, registered and active for GST, Property and Business Services (41,316) had the greatest numbers, followed by Retail Trade (29,561) and Construction (27,271). The majority (54%) of employing single state businesses based in Victoria, registered and active for GST, estimated their annual turnover to range between $100,000 and $500,000. Ten percent of such employing businesses had estimated annual turnover of less than $50,000, while 0.4% (877) estimated that their annual turnover would exceed $20 million. For detailed tables of the information presented above please contact the National Information Service on 1300 135 070 and quote Product Number 1369.0.55.001 (Release Date: 26 March 2002). There are also two further special data services available: Product Number 8136.0.55.001 Single Location Business Entities by Postcode by Industry Division. (Release Date: 26 March 2002) Sample Consultancy: A research student as part of preparing a thesis on rural Victoria needs to know the counts of business entities broken down by industry and turnover size for all postcodes in a specific area. Product Number 8138.0.55.001 Single-State Business Entities by Industry Class by State. (Release Date: 26 March 2002) Sample Consultancy: A residential property developer is seeking indication of intra-State availability of businesses to perform infrastructure activities required to prepare a proposed residential land release to the public. The information is needed as the vendor is aware there is already a substantial amount of this activity going on in Victoria and they wish to gauge their prospects of engaging Victorian-based businesses to perform the required work. INVOLVEMENT IN ORGANISED SPORT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY In the 12 months to April 2001, Victoria had an estimated 1,006,000 persons aged 15 years and over who were involved in sport and physical activity that was organised by a club, association or other organisation. This represents a participation rate of 26.6%. This involvement includes players or participants and also those involved in non-playing roles that support, arrange and/or run organised sport and physical activity. Almost a quarter of Victorians aged 15 years and over (872,500 persons) were involved in organised sport as a player or participant. Of the 353,400 persons involved in non-playing roles, the most common roles were committee member or administrator (155,900 persons), coach, instructor or teacher (124,600 persons) and scorer or timekeeper (109,500 persons). Of those involved as a player or participant 18,900 persons received some payment for their involvement. The most commonly paid non-playing roles for Victorians were coach, instructor or teacher (26,200 persons) and referee or umpire (17,000 persons). Between 1997 and 2001 the number of Victorians involved as a non-player dropped from 427,300 persons (11.8%) to 353,400 persons (9.3%). These results were published in Involvement in Organised Sport and Physical Activities, Australia, April 2001 (Cat. no. 6285.0), released on 15 January 2002. Other details are available either from the publication or by contacting the National Centre for Culture and Recreation Statistics on (08) 8237 7402 or email: CHARACTERISITICS OF SMALL BUSINESS, AUSTRALIA The ABS released the biennial publication, Characteristics of Small Business, Australia (Cat. no. 8127.0) in March 2002. The publication contains details of the June 2001 supplementary survey of households looking at the characteristics of small business operators and their businesses. It provides data on age; sex; ethnicity; educational qualifications; hours worked; length of operation of the business; number of operators per business; the use of computers and use of the Internet by small businesses. Details of home based small businesses are also presented in a separate section. Where possible, results from both the November 1999 and June 2001 surveys are presented with average annual change measures. All of the above data is contained in separate State and Territory tables within the publication. For further information contact Ross Upson on (02) 6252 5644 or email: OTHER RECENT AND EXPECTED RELEASES General
Demography and Social Statistics
National Accounts, International Trade & Finance
Labour Statistics & Prices
Secondary Industry & Transport
POINTS OF CONTACT VICTORIAN STATISTICS ADVISORY COMMITTEE VSAC is the major forum for statistical liaison between Victorian Government Agencies and the ABS, Dr Michael Kirby from the Department of Treasury and Finance chairs VSAC and is also the State representative on the Australian Statistics Advisory Council (ASAC). The following group of departmental representatives meets 2-3 times each year. Departmental Representatives
CONTACT POINTS FOR ABS VICTORIA Dial-a-Statistics 1900 986 400 National Information and Referral Service Telephone: 1300 135 070 Fax: 1300 135 211 email: Bookshop, Library and Information Services Level 5, CGU Tower, 485 LaTrobe Street Melbourne Vic 3001 Postal Address GPO Box 2796Y Melbourne Vic 3001 ABS Web Site Regional Director ABS Victoria Vince Lazzaro Telephone: (03) 9615 7330 Fax: (03) 9515 7387 Email: State Government Liaison Officer Terence Byrnes Telephone: (03) 9615 7457 Fax: (03) 9615 7098 email: Statistics Victoria Editors Olivia Agius Telephone: (03) 9615 7590 email: Simone Alexander Telephone: (03) 9615 7492 email: Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.