The SLA of West Coast (M) had the highest average Wage and salary income in Tasmania 2006-07 ($41,213). This SLA is outside the Greater Hobart SD, and incorporates the inland population centres of Queenstown, Zeehan and Tullah. The region is known for its tourism, mining and fishing industries. In the Greater Hobart SD, Hobart (C) - Inner had the highest average Wage and salary income in 2006-07 ($41,300).
Top Average Wages and Salaries, Tasmania |
 |  | Average Annual Income |  |
 |  | 2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 | 2006-07 | Average
Rate |
Top 5 SLAs(a) | $ | $ | $ | $ | % |
Greater Hobart SD |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Hobart (C) - Inner | 36 546 | 37 711 | 39 474 | 41 300 | 4.2 |
 | Hobart (C) - Remainder | 36 520 | 37 633 | 39 398 | 40 834 | 3.8 |
 | Kingborough (M) - Pt A | 33 810 | 34 987 | 36 049 | 37 709 | 3.7 |
 | Clarence (C) | 33 014 | 34 274 | 35 896 | 37 242 | 4.1 |
 | Sorell (M) - Pt A | 30 131 | 30 806 | 32 089 | 34 172 | 4.3 |
Greater Hobart SD | 33 021 | 34 118 | 35 660 | 37 065 | 3.9 |
Balance of Tasmania |  |  |  |  |  |
 | West Coast (M) | 34 377 | 37 512 | 39 599 | 41 213 | 6.2 |
 | George Town (M) - Pt B | 32 871 | 34 080 | 35 099 | 36 456 | 3.5 |
 | Launceston (C) - Inner | 32 515 | 33 752 | 35 258 | 36 418 | 3.9 |
 | Meander Valley (M) - Pt A | 32 137 | 33 674 | 34 795 | 36 156 | 4.0 |
 | West Tamar (M) - Pt A | 32 031 | 33 447 | 34 837 | 35 996 | 4.0 |
Balance of Tas(b) | 30 091 | 31 199 | 32 527 | 33 898 | 4.1 |
(a) Top 5 SLAs exclude regions with less than 100 Wage and salary earners |
(b) Excludes SLA 'Tas Unknown' |
For more information about these regions, refer to the ABS
National Regional Profile (NRP). The NRP presents, for all Australia, a range of data for various types of small regions. Data are available for Local Government Areas, Statistical Local Areas and other larger geographies. The NRP is intended for users interested in the characteristics of regions and in comparing regions across Australia. Data are presented as a five year time series, where available.