Number | Title | Historical Census
Catalogue Number |
2137.0 | The 1981 Census of Population and Housing | 2103.0 |
2140.0 | Making Sense of Census 1981 | 2103.0 |
2141.0 | Geographic Code List | 2103.0 |
2147.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Census 81 - Industry | 2103.0 |
2148.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Census 81 - Occupation | 2103.0 |
2149.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Census 81 - Education Qualifications | 2103.0 |
2150.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Census 81 - Dwelling, Household, Family | 2103.0 |
2201.1 | 1981 Census of Population and Housing. Families with Children Under 16 Years, New South Wales | 2103.0 |
2201.6 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Characteristics of Persons in Hobart Suburbs | 2103.0 |
2202.1 | 1981 Census of Population and Housing. Internal Migration Between 1976 and 1981 by Local Government Areas, New South Wales | 2103.0 |
2202.6 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Characteristics of Persons in Launceston Suburbs | 2103.0 |
2401.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Persons and Dwellings in Local Government areas and Urban Centres, New South Wales | 2103.0 |
2401.1 | 1981 Census of Population and Housing. Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings In Local Government Areas, New South Wales. Part 1 Sydney, Hunter and Illawarra Statistical Divisions | 2103.0 |
2401.2 | Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Victoria. Part 1 | 2103.0 |
2401.6 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Characteristics of the Population and Dwellings in Local Government areas, Tasmania | 2103.0 |
2402.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Persons and Dwellings in Local Government areas and Urban Cities, Victoria | 2103.0 |
2402.1 | 1981 Census of Population and Housing. Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings in Local Government Areas, New South Wales. Part 2 Balance of State | 2103.0 |
2402.2 | Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings Victoria. Part 2 | 2103.0 |
2403.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Persons and Dwellings in Local Government areas and Urban Centres, Queensland | 2103.0 |
2404.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Persons and Dwellings in Local Government areas and Urban Centres, South Australia | 2103.0 |
2405.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Persons and Dwellings in Local Government areas and Urban Centres, Western Australia | 2103.0 |
2405.3 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings in Suburbs of Brisbane City and Local Authority Areas within Brisbane Statistical Division | 2103.0 |
2406.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Persons and Dwellings in Local Government areas and Urban Centres, Tasmania | 2103.0 |
2406.3 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings in Local Authority Areas, Statistical Divisions, and Statistical Districts, Queensland | 2103.0 |
2407.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Persons and Dwellings in Local Government areas and Urban Centres, Northern Territory | 2103.0 |
2408.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Persons and Dwellings in Local Government areas and Urban Centres, Australian Capital Territory | 2103.0 |
2435.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Summary Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, New South Wales | 2103.0 |
2436.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Summary Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Victoria | 2103.0 |
2437.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Summary Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Queensland | 2103.0 |
2438.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Summary Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, South Australia | 2103.0 |
2439.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Summary Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Western Australia | 2103.0 |
2440.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Summary Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Tasmania | 2103.0 |
2441.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Summary Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Northern Territory | 2103.0 |
2442.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Summary Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Australian Capital Territory | 2103.0 |
2443.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Summary Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Australia | 2103.0 |
2444.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Cross-Classified Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, New South Wales | 2103.0 |
2445.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Cross-Classified Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Victoria | 2103.0 |
2446.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Cross-Classified Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Queensland | 2103.0 |
2447.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Cross-Classified Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, South Australia | 2103.0 |
2448.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Cross-Classified Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Western Australia | 2103.0 |
2449.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Cross-Classified Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Tasmania | 2103.0 |
2450.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Cross-Classified Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Northern Territory | 2103.0 |
2451.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Cross-Classified Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Australian Capital Territory | 2103.0 |
2452.0 | Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1981. Cross-Classified Characteristics of Persons and Dwellings, Australia | 2103.0 |
 | 1981 Census of Population and Housing. Preliminary Views on the Nature and Content of the Census | 2103.0 |