6324.0 - Publication Work-Related Injuries, Australia |
Released 02/11/2011 |
Persons who worked at some time in the last 12 months, Whether experienced a work-related injury or illness—By sex, |
Selected characteristics, by whether experienced work-related injury or illness |
Persons who experienced a work-related injury or illness, Details of job |
Persons who experienced work-related injury or illness and all employed persons, Occupation and industry  |
Released 02/11/2011 |
Persons who experienced a work-related injury or illness, Selected details about most recent work-related injury or illness |
Days or shifts absent due to most recent work-related injury or illness, selected characteristics |
Job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred, whether received workers' compensation  |
Released 02/11/2011 |
Details of most recent work-related injury or illness, whether received workers' compensation |
Main reason did not apply for workers' compensation, whether received financial assistance |
Selected characteristics, main reason did not apply for workers' compensation |
Financial assistance details-- By employment type |
Main reason for ceasing job where work-related injury or illness occurred |
Whether worked at some time in the last 12 months, Level of highest non-school qualification, Type of OH&S training |
State or territory of usual residence, Populations |