Publications |
4221.0 - Schools, Australia |
Data Cubes |
Table 1 - Summary of Statistics of schools, students and teaching staff (FTE), States and Territories, 2001-2003 |
Table 2 - Level and Category of school, States and Territories, 2003 |
Table 3 - Schools by size of student FTE Enrolments and category of school (excluding special schools), Australia, 2003 |
Table 4 - Full-time students by category of school (and non-government affiliation) and level of school education, States and Territories, 2003 |
Table 5 - Full-time students by category of school and level of school education, States and Territories, 2001 - 2003 |
Table 6 - Full-time students by category of school (and non-government affiliation), sex and level/year of school education, New South Wales, 2003 |
Table 7 - Full-time students by category of school (and non-government affiliation), sex and level/year of school education, Victoria, 2003 |
Table 8 - Full-time students by category of school (and non-government affiliation), sex and level/year of school education, Queensland, 2003 |
Table 9 - Full-time students by category of school (and non-government affiliation), sex and level/year of school education, South Australia, 2003 |
Table 10 - Full-time students by category of school (and non-government affiliation), sex and level/year of school education, Western Australia, 2003 |
Table 11 - Full-time students by category of school (and non-government affiliation), sex and level/year of school education, Tasmania, 2003 |
Table 12 - Full-time students by category of school (and non-government affiliation), sex and level/year of school education, Northern Territory, 2003 |
Table 13 - Full-time students by category of school (and non-government affiliation), sex and level/year of school education, Australian Capital Territory, 2003 |
Table 14 - Full-time students by category of school (and non-government affiliation), sex and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003 |
Table 14a - Full-time equivalent students by category of school (and non-government affiliation), sex and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003 |
Table 15 - Full time Indigenous students by category of school (and non-government affiliation), sex and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003 |
Table 16 - Full-time government school students by age and sex, States and Territories, 2003 |
Table 17 - Full-time non-government school students by age and sex, States and Territories, 2003 |
Table 18 - Full-time total school students by age and sex, States and Territories, 2003 |
Table 19 - Full-time government school students by age and level/year of school education, New South Wales, 2003 |
Table 20 - Full-time government school students by age and level/year of school education, Victoria, 2003 |
Table 21 - Full-time government school students by age and level/year of school education, Queensland, 2003 |
Table 22 - Full-time government school students by age and level/year of school education, South Australia, 2003 |
Table 23 -Full-time government school students by age and level/year of school education, Western Australia, 2003 |
Table 24 - Full-time government school students by age and level/year of school education, Tasmania, 2003 |
Table 25 - Full-time government school students by age and level/year of school education, Northern Territory, 2003 |
Table 26 - Full-time government school students by age and level/year of school education, Australian Capital Territory, 2003 |
Table 27 - Full-time male government school students by age and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003 |
Table 28 - Full-time female government school students by age and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003 |
Table 29 - Total full-time government school students by age and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003 |
Table 30 - Full-time non-government students by age and level/year of school education, New South Wales, 2003 |
Table 31 - Full-time non-government students by age and level/year of school education, Victoria, 2003 |
Table 32 - Full-time non-government students by age and level/year of school education, Queensland, 2003 |
Table 33 - Full-time non-government students by age and level/year of school education, South Australia, 2003 |
Table 34 - Full-time non-government students by age and level/year of school education, Western Australia, 2003 |
Table 35 - Full-time non-government students by age and level/year of school education, Tasmania, 2003 |
Table 36 - Full-time non-government students by age and level/year of school education, Northern Territory, 2003 |
Table 37 - Full-time non-government students by age and level/year of school education, Australian Capital Territory, 2003 |
Table 38 - Full-time male non-government students by age and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003 |
Table 39 - Full-time female non-government students by age and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003
Table 40 - Total full-time non-government students by age and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003 |
Table 41 - All full-time male students by age and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003 |
Table 42 - All full-time female students by age and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003 |
Table 43 - All full-time students by age and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003 |
Table 44 - All full-time male Indigenous students by age and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003 |
Table 45 - All full-time female Indigenous students by age and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003 |
Table 46 - All full-time Indigenous students by age and level/year of school education, Australia, 2003 |
Table 47 - Full-time Indigenous students by category of school, sex and level of school education, States and Territories, 2003 |
Table 48 - Part-time secondary students by category of school and year of school education, States and Territories (number), 2003 |
Table 48a - Part-time primary students by category of school and year of school education, States and Territories (number), 2003 |
Table 49 - Part-time secondary students by category of school and year of school education, States and Territories (FTE), 2003 |
Table 49a - Part-time primary students by category of school and year of school education, States and Territories (FTE), 2003 |
Table 50 - Apparent retention rates of full-time secondary students from Year 7/8 to Year 12, States and Territories, 1997 to 2003 |
Table 51 - Apparent retention rates of full-time secondary students from Year 10 to Year 12, States and Territories, 1997 to 2003 |
Table 52 - Apparent retention rates of full-time secondary students from Year7/8 to Years 10, 11 and 12, by category of school (and non-government affiliation) Australia, 2003
Table 53 - Age participation rates of full-time students aged 15-19 by sex, States and Territories, 2003 |
Table 54 - Full-time equivalent(FTE) student/teaching staff (FTE) ratios by level of school education, by category of school (and non-government affiliation), States and Territories, 2003
Table 55 - FTE of school staff by area of activity, sex, category of school (and non-government affiliation) and major function, New South Wales, 2003 |
Table 56 - FTE of school staff by area of activity, sex, category of school (and non-government affiliation) and major function, Victoria, 2003 |
Table 57 - FTE of school staff by area of activity, sex, category of school (and non-government affiliation) and major function, Queensland, 2003 |
Table 58 - FTE of school staff by area of activity, sex, category of school (and non-government affiliation) and major function, South Australia, 2003 |
Table 59 - FTE of school staff by area of activity, sex, category of school (and non-government affiliation) and major function, Western Australia, 2003 |
Table 60 - FTE of school staff by area of activity, sex, category of school (and non-government affiliation) and major function, Tasmania, 2003 |
Table 61 - FTE of school staff by area of activity, sex, category of school (and non-government affiliation) and major function, Northern Territory, 2003 |
Table 62 - FTE of school staff by area of activity, sex, category of school (and non-government affiliation) and major function, Australian Capital Territory, 2003 |
Table 63 - FTE of school staff by area of activity, sex, category of school (and non-government affiliation) and major function, Australia, 2003 |
Table 64 - Number of teaching staff by category of school (and non-government affiliation) by sex, States and Territories, 2003 |
Table 65 - FTE of teaching staff by category of school (and non-government affiliation) by sex, States and Territories, 2003 |
Table 66 - Number of non-teaching staff by category of school (and non-government affiliation) by sex, States and Territories, 2003 |
Table 67 - FTE of non- teaching staff by category of school (and non-government affiliation) by sex, States and Territories, 2003 |
Table 68 - Number of total school staff by category of school (and non-government affiliation) by sex, States and Territories, 2003 |
Table 69 - FTE of total school staff by category of school (and non-government affiliation) by sex, States and Territories, 2003 |
Table 70 - Number of school and non-school staff in the government sector, by sex, States and Territories, 1999 to 2003 |
Table 71 - FTE of school and non-school staff in the government sector, by sex, States and Territories, 1999 to 2003 |
Table 72 - FTE of non-school staff in the government sector by major function and sex, States and Territories, 2003 |
Table 73 - Full-time students by year of school education and category of school, States and Territories, 2003 |
TABLE 48A. Part-time primary students by category of school and year of school education, States and Territories (number) |
Released 02/04/2003 |
TABLE 49A. Part-time primary students by category of school and year of school education, States and Territories (FTE) |
Released 02/04/2003 |