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Interviewer-based collections 30. The standard question module for collecting 'Registered marital status' in interviewer-based surveys is:
Integrated question set and derivation method: collecting 'Registered marital status' and 'Social marital status' 31. The standard integrated question set and derivation method provides an integrated approach to collecting both 'Social marital status' and 'Registered marital status' data in interviewer based household surveys. The stages explained below represent a printed version of procedures which in the ABS are usually performed using the CAI instrument; the two methods achieve results which are compatible. Broad 'Relationship in household' data are used to identify usual residents of a household who are aged 15 years or older. In particular, the data are used to identify persons in a couple relationship with other members of a household. A series of marital status questions is then used to distinguish between registered and de facto marriages and to identify the 'Registered marital status' of persons in scope. 32. The integrated question set and derivation method is as follows: Stage 1 - Deriving broad 'Social marital status' 33. The broad 'Social marital status' of each household member aged 15 years or more can be derived from broad 'Relationship in household' information. Visitors to the household and children under 15 years of age are out of scope of this variable. All husband, wife or partner relationships are coded as 'Married', regardless of whether the relationships are registered marriages or de facto marriages. Any other responses to 'Relationship in household', that is usual residents of the household who are not in a couple relationship and who are aged 15 years and over, are coded to 'Not married'. Stage 2 - Deriving detailed 'Social marital status' 34. Q1 is asked (once per opposite sex couple) to determine if a husband, wife or partner relationship is either a registered marriage or a de facto marriage. Persons in same sex couples are sequenced to Q2.
35. If the answer is 'yes', the detailed 'Social marital status' of each member of the couple is 'Married in a registered marriage' (see Table 1). If the answer is 'no', the detailed 'Social marital status' is 'Married in a de facto marriage' (also Table 2). 36. If required, the sex of the partners is used to derive a finer classification: 'opposite sex couple' or 'same-sex couple', for those who are in a de facto relationship. Table 1 Detailed 'Social marital status' decision table
NOTE: * Data from this question not required for derivation of detailed 'Social marital status' Stage 3 - Deriving 'Registered marital status' 37. Note that from Q1, if the answer is 'yes', then 'Registered marital status' of each member of the couple is 'Married'. All persons in scope whose detailed 'Social marital status' is not 'Married in a registered marriage' are asked the following question:
38. 'Registered marital status' is coded according to the response category chosen (see Table 2). However, some respondents may give answers different from the first five options listed in Q2. The categories 'de facto', 'single' or 'not married' are included on the interview form or the interviewer's computer screen. However, these categories are not included on any prompt card that is shown to the respondent. 39. If the response 'single', 'not married' or 'de facto' is given rather than one of the standard response categories 1-5 above, the following question is asked:
40. If the response is 'no', then the person's 'Registered marital status' is 'Never Married'. If the response is 'yes', the following question is asked:
41. 'Registered marital status' is coded accordingly. Table 2 'Registered marital status' decision table
NOTE: * Data from this question not required for derivation of 'Registered marital status' Question 2: 1 = Never married 2 = Widowed 3 = Divorced 4 = Separated but not divorced 5 = Registered married 6 = De facto 7 = Single 8 = Not married Question 4: 1 = Widowed 2 = Divorced 3 = Separated Self-completed collections 42. The following question on 'Registered marital status' is asked in the census. The responses may be used to refine 'Social marital status' in the manner described above in 'Stage 2 - Deriving detailed 'Social marital status''.
43. Although the term 'legal' is not used in the question wording, the ABS assumes that, in self-completion collections such as the Census, the respondent will interpret this question to apply to his/her legal marital status since there is no de facto response option and the question specifically states that 'Married refers to registered marriages', and will thus correctly report his/her legal marital status. 44. In surveys where 'Registered marital status' is of major analytical significance, a more precise measure of this concept may be required. In such cases, an additional question: "When did ... get married?" may be used to screen out the de facto marriages. STANDARD INPUT CATEGORIES 45. The standard input categories are the same as the categories of the classification and also include the supplementary category, 'Not stated': Never Married Widowed Divorced Separated Married Not stated