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Family Blending

Family Blending (FBLF)

This variable classifies couple families based on the parent-child relationships within them. Temporarily absent children are also taken into account.

Family Blending (FBLF) data is derived mainly from question 5 on the Census Household Form, which asks for each person’s relationship to Person 1 on the form. Reporting relationships in respect of Person 1 only, can make it difficult to establish the relationships which exist in a household, and even more so in those dwellings containing blended families. In some cases, additional information such as surname, usual residence and marital status is also used during data processing to help determine these relationships. In cases where some members of a household are away from home on Census Night, members of the family nucleus (parents or children) who were temporarily absent on Census Night (and identified as such in question 53 on the Census Household Form) are taken into account when deriving Family Blending (FBLF).

In some cases children are listed on the Census Form as Person 2. However if both parents are usual residents, the response "Child of both Person 1 and Person 2" is not available in the relationship question (question 5) for Person 2. In these cases an attempt is made to establish whether the child was a step-child or child of both parents using information such as surname. Preliminary analysis of the data indicates that despite these attempts there may be a small proportion of children coded to "step-child" who may be a child of both parents. Conversely, there may be cases where the child of reference person (and a step-child of the partner) is incorrectly coded as a child of both parents.

For further information see to the data quality statement for Family Composition (FMCF).

More information on FBLF is available in the 2011 Census Dictionary (cat. no. 2901.0).

Questions 5 and 53 as they appeared on the 2011 Census Household Form

Data for this variable is mainly derived from question 5 on the Census Household Form.

Image of question 5 from the 2011 Census
A text only version of this question is also available

Question 53 is also utilised when accounting for members of the family nucleus (parents or children) who were identified as temporarily absent on Census Night.

Image of question 53 from the 2011 Census
A text only version of this question is also available

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Household / Dwelling

2011 Census Dictionary

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