International Statistics Conference Highlights for Saturday, 9 April, Apr 2005

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April 8, 2005
Embargoed 11:30am (AEST)

International Statistics Conference Highlights for Saturday, 9 April

The International Statistics Institute conference continues tomorrow at Sydney's Darling Harbour Convention Centre.

Saturday 9 April

Statistics on real estate prices: the need for a strategic approach
(Harbourside Meeting Room 2)
See following page for more details.


Heading for official property price statistics in Germany - development of a house price index (Harbourside Meeting Room 2)
See following page for more details.

Access to micro data while securing confidentiality protection (Pyrmont Room 2)
This session will include the following presentations: Advances in generations of synthetic microdata; Analysis of unit record heath data without violating privacy; and Homeland insecurity: data mining, terrorism detection and confidentiality.


Risk models and their interpretation (Harbourside Auditorium 1)
This session will include the following presentations: Estimated risk of West Nile Virus associated transfusion transmission in Quebec; The prediction of transfusion associated AIDS cases; and Precautionary principal in the regulatory framework for blood safety.

Expanded detail for selected session(s):

Real estate price statistics (Harbourside Meeting Room 2)

David Fenwick, Office of National Statistics (UK) will discuss the importance of real estate price statistics and contextual information, real estate performance measures, the measurement of house prices in the UK and conceptual frameworks. David's talk starts at 8.30 am.

At 10.25 am Jens Dechent from the Federal Statistic Office of Germany will talk about Germany's recent experiences in developing a pilot house price index. Jens will discuss the different sources of house price data, relationships with data providers, results of the pilot and future developments in developing comprehensive property price statistics.

Terrorism detection through statistics (Pyrmont Room 2. 0935-1005)

Stephen E. Fienberg, Carnegie Mellon University (USA) will discuss homeland security and use of statistics to search for terrorists and detect possible perpetrators of future terrorist attacks. He will look at datamining while preserving privacy and review some proposals that have surfaced for the search of multiple datasets without compromising possible pledges of confidentiality.

Media are invited to attend these events or any others that they may wish to cover throughout the Session. There are about 1,000 topics on all aspects of statistics from around the world. Many of them would have appeal to specialist reporters. Not since 1967, when the Session was last hosted in Australia, has there been a concentration of statisticians in Australia like this.

If you wish to come, please free to call me or send me an email. If you turn up unannounced at the conference please register at the reception desk on arrival.

TV and radio please note: There will be splitter boxes only in Harbourside Auditoriums 1 and 2.

Steve Dangaard
Director ABS Media and Public Affairs
PR Manager for ISI Conference. Tel: 0418 481 757
Detailed program and media releases at