1344.8.55.002 - ABStract, Statistics News, Australian Capital Territory, Dec 2000  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 13/08/2001   
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A Message from the Regional Director
Recent Major Annual and Irregular Releases
News and Reviews
New Releases
Expected Major Releases
Entry Points to the ABS ACT Office


Over the last five months there have been a number of significant developments which are highlighted in this issue of ABStract:

  • The annual publication ACT in Focus, ACT, 2000 was released on 10 August. Being the ACT's equivalent of the Year Book Australia, it is a major resource tool for ACT businesses, government and the community. This year's edition provides a wealth of informative and comprehensive insight on the ACT and the region, covering a range of topics such as the economy, people, government, education, health, housing, tourism and transportation. As with previous issues the 2000 edition contains chapters on the Australian Capital Region and the ACT in relation to the rest of Australia. A notable feature of this issue is the inclusion of an historical timeline detailing major recorded events in the ACT since 1820. Data from a wide range of Territory and Commonwealth agencies, not only the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is included. For example Local Government Area (LGA) data is published on mean taxable income (Australian Tax Office data) and income support from the Department of Family and Community Services (DFACS).
  • The ABS has commenced preparations for the 2001 Census of Population and Housing, which will update information gathered in the 1996 Census. The 2001 Census to be held on 7 August will affect us all and the results will provide extensive information about our population and dwellings, at the national and state/territory level as well as at the suburb level (and even finer level) in some cases.
  • The position of ACT Statistician has recently been vacated by Dalma Jacobs who has retired after 41 years public service at the national level. Peter Damcevski is acting in the position of Regional Director, ACT, until Tracy Stewart takes up the reins permanently, in the New Year. Dalma's legacy is establishing the ACT Office from an outposting to a full office and, importantly, she has created and nurtured very effective links with both the ACT Government and the local private sector. She has won the respect of not only her clients but also her staff and peers. Dalma has provided a very good platform for us to build on - she'll definitely be a hard act to follow !
  • With Christmas fast approaching we would like to wish all our readers the very best of Seasons Greetings and a happy and safe New Year ! We look forward to renewing and continuing friendships with you and to supplying your data needs in 2001 and beyond !

Peter Damcevski
Regional Director
ACT Office, Australian Bureau of Statistics
(excluding regular monthly and quarterly releases)

To follow is a selection of recently released ABS products. Comprehensive release details are available from the Release Advice (Cat. 1105.0) issued Tuesdays and Fridays, and the monthly Publications and Products Released in [Month] (Cat. 1102.0) both available from the ACT Bookshop or via a subscription. Please see the web site catalogue for further information.

1002.0Australian Statistical Advisory Council Annual Report, 1999/00 (Oct)
1004.0Statpak, 2001 (Nov)
1109.0ABS Publications to be Released in 2001 (Oct)
1249.0Australian Standard Classification of Cultural & Ethnic Groups, 2000/01 (Oct)
1307.8Australian Capital Territory in Focus, 2000 (Aug)
1314.8Australian Capital Territory at a Glance, 2000 (Aug)

Census of Population and Housing
2903.0How Australia Takes a Census, 2001 (Oct)

Demography and Social Statistics
3222.0Population Projections, 1999 to 2101 (Aug)
3310.0Marriages and Divorces, Australia, 1999 (Sep)
4102.0Australian Social Trends, 2000 (Jul)
4177.0Participation in Sport & Physical Activities, Australia, 1999/00 (Oct)
4182.0Australian Housing Survey: Housing Characteristics, Costs & Conditions, 1999 (Oct)
4182.8.48.001Australian Housing Survey, ACT - Data report hard copy, 1999 (Nov)
4306.0Apparent Consumption of Foodstuffs, Australia 1997/98 & 1998/99 (Oct)
4402.0Child Care, Australia, June 1999, (reports available for each State and Territory) (Sep)
4433.0Disability, Ageing & Carers, Australia: Disability & Long Term Health Conditions, 1998 (Oct)

Economic Statistics
5204.0Australian System of National Accounts, 1999/00 (Nov)
5220.0Australian National Accounts: State Accounts 1999/00 (Nov)
5240.0Unpaid Work and the Australian Economy, 1997 (Oct)
5249.0Australian National Accounts: Tourism Satellite Account, 1997/98 (Oct)
5518.0.40.001Government Finance Statistics, Education, Australia, 1998/99 Data report (Sep)
5611.0Finance, Australia, 1999/00 (Nov)
6456.0Information Paper: Introduction to the 14th Series Australian CPI, 2000 (Sep)
6535.0Household Expenditure Survey, Australia: Detailed Expenditure Items, 1998/99 (Sep)

Labour Statistics
6265.0Underemployed Workers, Australia, Sep 1999 (Oct)
6293.0.00.006Occasional Paper: Labour Market Dynamics in Australia - an Application using the Survey of Employment & Unemployment Patterns, 1994 to 1997 (Oct)

Business and Industry
7113.0Agriculture, Australia 1998/99 (Nov)
8150.0Use of Information Technology on Farms, Australia, 1998-99 (Oct)
8221.1Manufacturing Industry, NSW & ACT, 1998/99 (Oct)
8414.0Australian Mining Industry, 1998/99 (Oct)
8558.0Employment Services, Australia, 1998/99 (Oct)
8622.0Retail Industry, Australia, 1998/99 (Oct)
8638.0Wholesale Industry, Australia, 1998/99 (Oct)
8655.0Cafes and Restaurants Industry, Australia, 1998/99 (Sep)

*** STOP PRESS ***

Statistical Regional Profiles of the Australian Capital Region now available !
Regional profiles are now available for the ACT & Sub-Region, South Eastern NSW Statistical
Division (SD), Tumut Statistical Local Area (SLA) and the Australian Capital Region. The
profiles include over 40 tables of data on various topics such as: Population, Health,Disability,
Crime, Families, Education, Employment, Indigenous population, Income and
Housing. Times series information is also included.
If you would like to know more please contact Nives Marelic: phone: 02 6207 0315,
fax: 02 6207 0282, email: nives.marelic@abs.gov.au

ACT Business Indicators

The monthly publication ACT Business Indicators (1303.8) continues to present a handy overview of the state of the ACT. It's a fifteen page summary which regularly features articles of particular interest to the region often in comparison with national data. The August 2000 release focused on 'Household Expenditure on Goods and Services in the ACT', revealing that in the 12 months to June 1999, Canberra households spent an average of $860 per week on goods and services. This represents an increase of over 15% since the previous survey carried out in 1993/94. Household characteristics and housing costs are also covered. The September 2000 issue contained two features: 'Career experience in the ACT' and 'Carers in the ACT', presenting findings from the November 1998 Career Experience Survey and the 1998 Disability, Ageing and Carers Survey, respectively. And the current issue: October 2000, highlights the computing services industry, revealing that in the ACT in 1998/99 there were over 700 computing services businesses, employing up to 6% of the national employment in this industry - see the publication for more about employment, income and comparisons with the national industry.

Business Indicators, ACT (1303.8) is released in the third week of each month. Publications can be purchased from the ACT Bookshop, RRP $17.00. To subscribe contact Subscription Services by fax: 03 9615 7848, phone: 1300 366 323 or email: subscriptions@abs.gov.au

AusStats and ABS@

AusStats is a new on-line service for clients interested in accessing statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). It extends the current ABS web site content, enabling more detailed data to be accessed by subscription. AusStats is updated daily at 11.30 am and allows access to:
  • all ABS publications from 1998 onwards in Adobe Acrobat format;
  • over 90,000 time series in spreadsheet format;
  • multidimensional datasets in SuperTABLE format, this includes labour force, transport and demography data;
  • 1996 Census of Population and Housing Basic Community Profiles (BCP) to the SLA level in Excel format;
  • all other material on the existing ABS web site, including main features,

The main entry point to AusStats is the existing ABS web site. Within AusStats there is extensive linking between products. There is a link between the main features to the latest publication file and, where they exist, the time series spreadsheets, datasets, media releases, BCPs and Australia Now. All the content is fully searchable.

Clear and simple language is consistently used on all web pages. Hyperlinks are clearly identified ensuring simple navigation. For the parts of the site which display image maps, a text equivalent is provided, in order to give accessibility to disabled and blind users. The site is fully compliant with all Office of Government On-line (OGO) checkpoints.

Organisations or individuals can subscribe to AusStats. The pricing structure offers discounts based on volume of downloads and a 90% discount for subsequent downloads of the same file.

The technology underlying AusStats allows the ABS to offer a comparable service replicated into a client agency's intranet. This replication service is called ABS@. In this facility clients can access ABS@ via a web browser or for Lotus Notes clients, within their own internal network. ABS@ offers agencies the ability to download unlimited amounts of ABS products from their own intranets with a clear understanding up front of the total cost. ABS@ clients pay a fee at the start of each year.

For more information and a demonstration of this service phone Janet Wall on 02 6207 0041 or email: janet.wall@abs.gov.au

2001 Census of Population and Housing

The Census of Population and Housing is the largest statistical collection undertaken by the ABS and one of the most important. Its objective is to accurately measure the number and certain key characteristics of people in Australia on census night, and the dwellings in which they live. This provides a reliable basis for the estimation of the population of each of the States, Territories and Local Government.

The ACT Regional Office will conduct the enumeration of the Canberra, Fraser and Monaro districts, which encompasses Canberra, Queanbeyan, the Snowfields, the Bega Valley and south eastern NSW to the coast.

The census includes all people in Australia on census night - 7 August 2001, with the exception of foreign diplomats and their families. Visitors to Australia are counted regardless of how long they have been in the country or how long they plan to stay. Australian residents out of the country on census night are out of the scope of the census.

The consultation process led to the inclusion of two new topics in the 2001 Census: ancestry and use of personal computers and the internet. For the 2001 Census, the opportunity is being provided for every person to elect to have his or her census information kept by the National Archives of Australia and then made publicly available after 99 years. When all the statistical data has been extracted, the responses to the retention question will be examined. Where a response to this question clearly indicates a respondent’s agreement to have their census information retained, and the form has been signed, the respondent’s information will be transferred to microfilm. These microfilm will then be transferred to the National Archives of Australia.

Further information on the 2001 Census of Population and Housing is available from Ria Percival, Census Management Unit, ACT Regional Office, phone: 02 6207 0311, email: ria.percival@abs.gov.au

Census Collection District Design

The ACT office of the ABS has been involved in the process of designing the geographic areas for the forthcoming 2001 Census of Population and Housing. This task involved evaluating and where appropriate re-designing existing Census Collection Districts or creating new ones. Census Collection districts are the smallest geographic area defined in the Australian Standard Geographic Classification (ASGC) and are for use in the Census as the smallest unit for collection, processing and output of data. The design task took into consideration other ASGC geographical areas such as Urban Centres/Localities, Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) and changes to Local Government Areas (LGAs) that may have occurred since the 1996 Census.

The CD design process for the ACT and surrounding region is now complete. The ACT office was responsible for the design of the ACT, and for the Monaro Electoral Division which includes the LGAs/SLAs of Queanbeyan, Yarrowlumla, Tallaganda, Bega Valley, Bombala, Cooma and Snowy River shires. Most of the boundary adjustments made were to census collection districts but some urban centre/locality boundaries were also adjusted. In the ACT most of the Census Collection Districts boundaries that were changed or where new Census Collection Districts were created, were done so to reflect growth patterns in the newer suburbs of Gungahlin-Hall; the new suburb of Dunlop; in Belconnen and for some infill areas in suburbs in the older areas, such as North & South Canberra, Woden, Belconnen (Fraser Electoral Division) and the older parts of Tuggeranong (Canberra Electoral Division). In Monaro Electoral Division the geographic and administrative boundaries were also mainly changed to reflect growth in the region but some boundaries were changed to better reflect town boundaries.

For further information phone Bill Syms on 02 6207 0285 or email: bill.syms@abs.gov.au

Indigenous identification in administrative collections project

The ABS has recently completed a quality audit of data on ACT Indigenous deaths for 1998 and 1999. The draft report including the recommendations following the 1999 audit has been completed and transmitted to the Registrar-General for consideration. The audit was made possible by the continued cooperation of the ACT Registrar-General and staff. This included access to files; to the ACT Registry computer system and assistance with more specific queries. This cooperation and the degree of assistance is greatly appreciated.

Improving Indigenous identification in the ACT has focused on improving the recording of Indigenous identification for registered deaths. Validating the recording processes for Indigenous deaths has been recognised as an important part of the project with the end view of improving the quality of Indigenous identification in administrative data. Recent ABS investigations have identified a discrepancy between reported Indigenous deaths and the expected number of deaths.

Information provided by the ACT Registry is the primary source of data. An initial data quality audit on records maintained by the ACT Registry was undertaken in October 1999. The completion of the audit for the 1999 calendar year was deemed important to further investigate the reasons behind the apparent under-reporting of Indigenous deaths. This second audit was completed in August 2000. The project analysed the data recording process in identifying Indigenous deaths in the ACT. It investigated existing practices within the ACT Registry and considered strategies to improve Indigenous data quality for the ACT.

The audit found that the ACT Registry have made a number of changes, over the period 1998–99, to the process followed for recording Indigenous status of deaths. More funeral directors and medical practitioners have been completing the Indigenous question which may be a reflection of the positive impacts of the training/education campaign that was conducted. Despite these improvements however, further work still needs to be done to improve the recording process as actual counts of Indigenous deaths in 1998 and 1999 have not been fully reflected in the electronic record provided on disk by the ACT Registry to the ABS Vitals NPC. The ACT ABS in conjunction with the ACT Registry continues working together on this project to ensure the on-going collection of accurate information this area.

For further information phone Barbara Dehne on 6207 0277 or email: barb.dehne@abs.gov.au

ABS and The New Tax System

ABS statistical series are being impacted to varying degrees as a result of The New Tax System, introduced in Australia from 1 July 2000.

The New Tax System included the removal of Wholesale Sales Tax and the introduction of a Goods and Services Tax (GST), and as a result, a wide range of ABS data series are reflecting significant immediate and subsequent impacts. Check the notes in each publication for details.

The first issue of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to incorporate The New Tax System is the September quarter 2000 issue, which was released on 25 October 2000. The CPI will continue to measure final transaction prices paid by households for goods and services. It will reflect the net effect on those prices of all the tax changes in The New Tax System.

For more information on the impacts of The New Tax System on the CPI, see Information Paper: Price Indexes and The New Tax System (Cat. 6425.0) and Information Paper: Introduction of the 14th Series Consumer Price Index.(Cat. 6456.0).

Integrated Regional Database 2000

The Integrated Regional Database (IRDB) has been developed by the ABS to provide consistent and comparable access to the best available regional data. The objective of the IRDB is to help fill identified gaps in availability of regional statistics by bringing together on CD-ROM a wide variety of regional indicators from both the ABS and other agencies. IRDB 2000 was released in April of this year as the latest edition in the series. Data presented, sourced from ABS and other organisations, covers agriculture; building; business register; demography; population census; tourism; transport and retail. The 2000 edition has been fully redeveloped with software specific to the Windows environment using MS Visual Basic for full integration with mapping functionality.

Broadly speaking 'IRDB provides information for policy planners, managers, and decision makers'. The nature of the product lends itself to use by companies and organisations wanting information on a broad range of topics, from a variety of regions or areas. IRDB can be used for a broad range of research applications such as:-
  • urban planning infrastructure needs
  • policy and planning proposals
  • employment trend analysis
  • comparative analysis between regions
  • regional demographic analysis
  • developing regional business profiles
  • identifying trends in regional agricultural production

From this it is evident that IRDB is suited to a range of organisations. Common or defining characteristics of the target market however, can be detailed as follows:
  • medium to large organisations
  • Australian
  • have wide range of data needs - ie. data on a range of issues or topics
  • have very specific needs for detailed regional data
  • value integration or comparability in data

Agstats 2000 - Agricultural data on CD ROM

Agstats 2000, which has just been released, contains small area agricultural data for the years 1996-97 and 1998-99. Data items include area; production and value of most crops, pastures and horticultural products along with the numbers of most types of livestock and quantities and value of livestock products.

This package uses the Geographical Statistics Platform which is shared by the ABS' IRDB and offers user friendly data retrieval; easy to use mapping and charting facilities. Other functions include report preparation, importation of data and export of generated tables and reports.

For more information and a demonstration of these services contact Antony Perera phone: 02 6207 0484, email: antony.perera@abs.gov.au

National Crime & Justice Statistics update
  • The National Crime & Justice Statistics Framework is intended to provide a high level structure to enable the organisation, collection and reporting of information about crime and the criminal justice system. It will provide a conceptual tool that outlines how crime and justice statistical information should be structured. Key stakeholders have been consulted as part of the development of the framework and currently a Relationship Model and Data Dictionary are being circulated for comment. Release No. 1 of the Framework will be available in early 2001.
  • The National Crime Statistics Unit (NCSU) has begun preliminary investigation into the development of an Offender Based Statistics collection. The initial scoping exercise was conducted in 1999 and the concept has been raised at the most recent Police Statisticians and NCSU Advisory Group meetings to seek endorsement. A presentation by the NCSU and a workshop will be conducted to establish the basis for a more detailed scoping exercise, the results of which will be presented to the Police Statisticians in February 2001.

For more information please contact the National Centre for Crime & Justice Statistics, ABS Melbourne, phone 03 9615 7372, fax 03 9615 7372, email: stuart.ross@abs.gov.au

Household Expenditure Survey 1998/99

Data from the Household Expenditure Survey (HES) 1998/99 started being released in June 2000 - the previous survey was carried out in 1993/94. This survey targeted 7,000 households across Australia to provide information on spending, income. loans and household demographics. HES information is used to assess the impact of tax changes and is used by regional and social planners, as well as commercial, business and marketing organisations.

HES can help answer such questions as "What did the average Canberra household spend on goods and services ?" and "What was the average household spending on other items in Canberra and all capital cities ?". A Canberra City report has been produced showing such data as: household expenditure and characteristics by income quintile group; principal source of household income; tenure type; household composition; occupation group of employed reference person. A table showing comparative information between surveys and states, including Darwin and Canberra, is also included.

For copies of this report and other HES publications and data services please contact the ABS Bookshop: phone 02 6207 0326, fax 02 6207 0282.

2001 National Health Survey

The first of a new series of three-yearly National Health Surveys (NHS) will be conducted over the period February to December 2001. The goal is to survey a national sample of more than 31,000 adults and children, aiming to provide national estimates and broad level state indicators. Development of the survey is well advanced and final field testing will be conducted in Melbourne in October - results will be available in September 2002.

Some of the topics to be surveyed are:
  • Demographic, socioeconomic and geographic characteristics
  • Health status indicators such as self-assessed health status
  • National health priority area conditions such as: cardiovascular conditions, cancer, asthma, diabetes; mental health; injuries; disability;
  • Health related actions such as: hospital in-patient episodes; visits to casualty, outpatients, day clinics; doctor and dental consultations and with other health professionals
  • Use of medications (including vitamins/minerals, natural/herbal medications) - for national health priority area conditions only
  • Days away from work/school
  • Other days of reduced activity
  • Health cards
  • Private health insurance
  • Health risk factors such as: smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise, body mass, sun protection, dietary labels, immunisation, breastfeeding and child care and
  • Supplementary women's health topics (collected in a self completion form) such as: breast cancer, breast cancer screening, cervical cancer screening, hysterectomy, hormone replacement therapy, breastfeeding and contraception.

For further information contact Mike Langan, phone: 02 6252 6403, email: mike.langan@abs.gov.au

Australian Capital Territory in Focus, 2000 (1307.8)
presents the latest data describing the social, economic and demographic structure of the ACT.

Australian Capital Territory at a Glance, 2000 (1314.8)
a handy leaflet presenting a snapshot of ACT data in comparison with Australia. It is an appropriate promotional brochure for most audiences, covering such topics as population, vital statistics, labour force, education, earnings and income, prices, construction, housing, finance, climate and transportation.

How Australia Takes a Census, 2001 (2903.0)
outlines how the 2001 Census will be conducted including the history of the census, the process by which the 2001 Census was planned, the way it will be conducted and processed, a copy of the 2001 Household Census Form and the type of output to be produced.

Australian Social Trends, 2000 (4102.0)
presents wide ranging statistical analysis and commentary on current social issues, in a clear, focused and easy-to-read style. Seven chapters comprehensively cover: population; families; health; education and training; work; income and housing. Each chapter is supported by a set of summary tables including key social indicators which provide an overview of social change over the past decade, as well as how social conditions differ across the States and Territories. A set of international tables also compares Australia with 18 other nations.

Australian Housing Survey: ACT Data report, 1999 (4182.8.40.001)
presents tables showing, where confidentiality permits, ACT data on physical characteristics and condition of dwellings; housing costs; affordability and adequacy. These are cross classified by various characteristics such as demographics, tenure and income.

Child Care, Australian Capital Territory, 1999 (4402.8.40.001)
contains ACT results from the Child Care Survey June 1999, which collected data on the supply of, and demand for child-care for children under 12 years of age. Usage of the Child Care Rebate and working arrangements of parents of children under 12 years of age was also collected.

Environmental Expenditure, Local Government, Australia, 1998/99 (4611.0)
focuses on local governments' role in providing environmental management for their jurisdiction. The publication developed from Environment Protection Expenditure Account, Australia (4603.0) and highlights financial transactions made by local government on environmental issues.

Unpaid Work and the Australian Economy, 1997 (5240.0)
provides a range of experimental estimates for the value of total unpaid work based on the 1997 Time Use Survey investigating the measurement of unpaid household, volunteer and community work, and explores issues involved in developing further household satellite accounts.

Australian National Account: Tourism Satellite Account, 1997-98 (5249.0).
this first release presents official estimates of the contribution of the tourism industry to the Australian economy within the context of a satellite account linked the national accounts system, it provides a macro-economic framework to analyse tourism impacts on the economy.

Information Paper: Introduction to the 14th Series Australian Consumer Price Index, 2000 (6456.0).
summarises the major changes that occur in the 14th series CPI along with item weights and the revised publication format, and includes ABS' intentions for release of 'net tax' measures.

Household Expenditure Survey, Australia: Detailed Expenditure Items, 1998/99 (6535.0)
contains tables of household expenditure on over 400 items, cross-classified by income quintile and State, Canberra and Darwin.

Manufacturing Industry, NSW & ACT, 1998/99 (8221.1)
presents final results from the Manufacturing survey including details of employment; wages & salaries; turnover & industry value-added classified by Australian & New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), and industry gross product data for the ACT, at industry subdivision level.

Employment Services, Australia, 1998-99 (8558.0)
contains information on businesses involved in providing employment placement services and/or contract staff (labour-hire) services and includes the following data items: main sources of income; components of expenditure; characteristics of employment; job placements and on-hire; performance ratios and key characteristics by State.
(excluding monthly and quarterly releases)

This listing shows those ABS publications expected to be released over the coming quarter, the expected month of release is shown in brackets.

1118.0Directory of Housing Statistics, 2000 (Dec)
1244.0Information Paper: ABS Views on Remoteness, 2001 (Dec)
1271.0Information Paper: Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED), 2000 (Nov)
4902.0Australian Culture & Leisure Classifications, 2000 (Dec)

Demography and Social Statistics
3201.0Population by Age & Sex, Australian States & Territories, Jun 2000 (Dec)
3302.0Deaths, Australia, 1999 (Dec)
3303.0Causes of Death, Australia, 1999 (Dec)
3311.8Demography, ACT, 1999 (Dec)
4602.0Environmental Issues: People's Views & Practices, Mar 2000 (Nov)

Economic Statistics
5209.0Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables 1996/97 (Dec)
5216.0Australian National Accounts: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2000 (Nov)
5489.0International Merchandise Trade: Concepts, Sources and Methods, Australia, 2000 (Nov)
6440.0A Guide to the Consumer Price Index 14th Series, 2000 (Dec)
6544.0.30.001Household Expenditure Survey, Australia: Confidentialised Unit Record File on CD ROM, 1998/99 (Dec)

Labour Statistics
6227.0Transition from Education to Work, Australia, May 2000 (Dec)
6305.0Employee Earnings & Hours, Australia, Preliminary, May 2000 (Dec)

Business and Industry
1329.0Australian Wine & Grape Industry, 2000 (Dec)
8127.0Characteristics of Small Business, Australia, 1999 (Nov)
8129.0Business Use of Information Technology, Australia, 1999/00 (Dec)
8140.0Business Operations & Industry Performance, Australia, 1998/99 (Dec)
8225.0Manufacturing, Australia, 2000 (Dec)
8683.0Casinos, Australia, 1999/00 (Dec)

Bookshop:Level 5, QBE Insurance Building
Office Hours: 9am to 4.30pm Mon to Fri33 Ainslie Ave.
Ph. 02 6207 0326
Fax 02 6207 0282
Postal Address:ACT ABS Office
PO Box 10
National Dial a Statistic line1900 986 400
(for main economic indicators other than CPI)(75c per minute)
CPI Information line1902 981 074 (75c per minute)
National Information Services
Telephone1300 135 070
Fax1300 135 211
ABS ACT Regional Contacts:
Regional Director: Peter Damcevskiph; 02 6207 0283; email: peter.damcevski@abs.gov.au
Information Services Manager:
Peter Damcevskias above
Statistical Services Manager: Nives Marelicph: 02 6207 0315; email: nives.marelic@abs.gov.au
Census of Population & Housing Manager:
Ria Percivalph: 02 6207 0311; email: ria.percival@abs.gov.au
ABStract contact: Maria Meereph: 02 6207 0118; email: maria.meere@abs.gov.au