8698.0 - Waste Management Services, Australia, 2002-03  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 08/06/2004   
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Average annual percentage change

A percentage change, p, from 1996-97 to 2002-03 is converted into an average annual change, a, as follows.

a = (1 + p) 1/6 -1

The average annual percentage change is not an arithmetic average of the actual percentage changes from year to year. It is labelled the 'average' change because if any value increases by a% every year for six years, then at the end of the six years it will have grown by a total p%.

Bad and doubtful debts

Bad and doubtful debts is the amount of accounts receivable that are either written off, or estimated to be uncollectible during an accounting period, that are expensed in a period's profit calculations.

Collection and transport of recyclables

This item relates to the collection and transport of segregated and co-mingled recyclables (including green waste/organic material) from the kerbside, drop-off centres and other sources (including businesses and commercial premises).

Collection and transport of waste

This item relates to the collection and transport of: domestic and municipal waste; commercial, industrial, construction and demolition waste; and liquid waste.

Commercial, industrial, construction and demolition waste

This is putrescible and/or inert waste arising from institutional, commercial, industrial activities and waste arising from demolition and building activities, e.g. demolition rubble and building off-cuts.

Conditional grants from government

This item includes capital and specific purpose operational grants received from Commonwealth and state government for solid waste management activities.

Contract and subcontract expenses for waste management services

These are contract expenses paid to other organisations for waste management services such as the collection and transport, processing, treatment and/or disposal of waste.

Depreciation and amortisation

Depreciation and amortisation are financial charges made in the accounts to reflect that part of the value of the asset which may be regarded as having been used up in producing revenue in a particular accounting period. Depreciation generally refers to physical (tangible) noncurrent assets and amortisation generally refers to intangible noncurrent assets.

Domestic and municipal waste

This is waste from domestic premises (i.e. household refuse, garden waste, disused furniture etc.) and council activities largely associated with servicing residential areas (i.e. street sweepings, street tree lopping, parks and gardens, and litter bins). Includes domestic, other domestic and other council waste.


Employees are all persons working for this business who receive remuneration in any part of the reference period, excluding working proprietors and partners.

Employer contributions to superannuation funds

Employer contributions to superannuation funds are the cost of the employer's contributions during the reference period made on behalf of employees, including salary sacrificed amounts.

Employment at end June

Employment represents all working proprietors and partners, and employees on the payroll for the last pay period ending in June. Employees absent on paid or prepaid leave are included. Non-salaried directors, subcontractors and persons solely paid by commission without a retainer are excluded.

Fees for the treatment/processing and/or disposal of waste

These are fees paid at waste management facilities (e.g. dumping and tipping fees at transfer stations and landfills).

Fringe benefits tax

Fringe benefits tax is payable by employers when certain benefits in excess of normal wages or salaries (e.g. free or discounted goods or services) are received by their employees (or associates of employees) in connection with their employment.

Green waste/organic material

This data item includes all forms of green waste/organic material that are separated specifically for the purpose of recycling. Examples include segregated green waste from kerbside collection, tree loppings, street sweepings and lawn clippings etc.

Green waste recycling facility

This is a recycling facility which treats/processes green waste and/or organic material.

Hazardous waste

For the purpose of the Waste Management Services Survey, hazardous, special, listed, controlled or prescribed wastes are those wastes that, due to their toxic, infectious, radioactive, flammable or other character, require special treatment. Examples include waste oils, organic chemicals (e.g. PCBs), contaminated earth (e.g. with lead, hydrocarbons), medical wastes, asbestos, acids, reactive chemicals, pesticides and radioactive material.

Industry value added (IVA)

Industry value added for market producers is an estimate of the difference between the market value of the output of an industry and the purchases of materials and selected expenses incurred in the production of that output. For market producers, it has been derived by determining the income associated with the production (in this case sales of goods and services, changes in level of trading stock inventories, operational funding from government and capital work done by own employees for own use or for rental or lease), and subtracting the direct costs of producing these outputs (purchases of goods and services used in production of goods for resale and selective expenses related to the sale of goods and administrative expenses, exclusive of indirect taxes such as payroll tax, fringe benefits tax, land tax and land rates).

Insurance premiums

Insurance premiums are expenses incurred by an organisation in respect of different types of insurance policies but excluding workers' compensation and compulsory third party motor vehicle insurance.

Interest expenses

Interest expenses are outflows of funds related to the cost of borrowing money.

Interest income

Interest income is income earned through the lending out of funds owned by the entity.

Labour costs

These include staff related costs such as wages and salaries, fringe benefits tax and payroll tax, employer contributions to superannuation, workers' compensation premiums, and provision expenses for employee entitlements.


A landfill is a naturally formed or excavated hole in the ground that is used for the disposal of waste.

Landfill operator

This is the individual, business or local government authority who operates the landfill as distinct from those who own the landfill.

Liquid waste (including sludge)

This is waste in a liquid physical state that would generally be processed at a liquid treatment plant.

Liquid treatment plant

This is a waste facility which is licensed to treat and/or dispose of liquid waste.

Materials recovery facility

This is a facility for separating and sorting co-mingled recyclables into their material types.

Net capital expenditure

This item comprises acquisitions less disposals for plant, machinery, equipment and land used for solid waste management activities.

On-road motor vehicle running expenses

These are expenses incurred using ‘on-road’ motor vehicles (including on-road garbage collection trucks) for business purposes and include such items as fuel, registration fees, compulsory third-party insurance premiums, and repair and maintenance.

Operating profit before tax

This item is a measure of profit/surplus (or loss/deficit), during the reference period, taken before extraordinary items are brought into account and prior to the deduction of income tax and appropriations to owners (i.e. dividends paid, drawings). It is generally derived by subtracting total expenses from total income, and adding the difference between closing inventory and opening inventory for the period.

Operating profit margin

This represents the percentage of an organisation's sales of goods and services which becomes profit after all operating expenses have been deducted. It is derived by expressing total operating profit before tax (OPBT) as a percentage of total sales of goods and services.

Organisations at end June

This is a count of organisations operating at the end of June 2003. It excludes any organisations that ceased operations during the financial year.

Other expenses (private and public trading sector)

This item includes all other operating expenses incurred and not included as a separate expense item (e.g. telecommunication, postal, mailing and courier services expenses; paper, printing and stationery expenses; advertising expenses; other management and administrative services; and other organisation expenses not included elsewhere).

Other expenses (general government sector)

This item includes all other expenses related to solid waste management activities (e.g. payments to other government organisations, running costs of on-road and off-road vehicles and equipment, other waste management licence fees, interest in respect of finance leases and legal costs).

Other recyclables

This item includes income from the sale of recyclables except for the sales of green waste/organic material.

Other solid waste

This is solid waste other than domestic and municipal, commercial and industrial, construction and demolition waste.


These are persons who owned and drove their own vehicles on a contract basis for a waste management business.

Payments to employment agencies for staff

This item refers to payments made by a business to an employment agency for the supply or recruitment of staff.

Payroll tax

Payroll tax is a tax levied by state and territory governments upon the amount of wages and salaries paid by a business.

Private and public trading sector

This includes non-financial organisations which are mainly engaged in providing market non-financial goods and services, and aim to cover most of their expenses from revenue.

Purchases of goods and materials

Purchases expenses are the costs of goods and services used in the production of the final output of a business. This item includes petroleum products and fuel expenses for off-road vehicles (e.g. forklifts, mobile plant and quarry dump trucks), compost bins, worm farms and waste containers, etc.


Recyclables are materials that have been segregated from the waste stream with a view to being used again as a material for products which may or may not be similar to the original. Recyclable materials include paper products, glass, aluminium containers, plastics, metals, used oil, green waste/organic material, concrete, wood and bricks, etc.

Renewable energy

This is a term which has been used to cover a range of activities related to the conversion of waste into useable energy, often as a by-product of waste management activities. This data item includes income from sources such as: sales of landfill gas; sales of electricity generated from landfill gas; and sales of waste for use in power generation schemes.

Rent, leasing and hiring expenses

These expenses are the costs for rent, leasing (except finance leases) and hiring of vehicles, land, buildings, machinery, equipment and any other property from other businesses or individuals.

Rent, leasing and hiring income

This item includes income derived from the renting, leasing or hiring of assets such as land, buildings, or equipment to other businesses or individuals. It also includes revenue from operating leases, income from finance leases, and payments received under hire purchase arrangements.

Repair and maintenance expenses

This item includes costs associated with work undertaken on plant and machinery, etc., to maintain normal business operations.


This is waste in a physical state between solid and liquid.

Solid waste

This item relates to waste that is in a solid physical state. Solid waste is comprised of three categories: domestic and municipal waste; commercial, industrial, construction and demolition waste; and other solid waste. For full definitions of these categories please refer to the individual entries in this Glossary.

Transfer station

A conveniently located collection point for a community's solid waste. Waste is consolidated into fewer, larger loads and hauled to approved disposal or processing facilities.

Treatment/processing and/or disposal of waste

Waste treatment/processing includes any sorting or physical transformation of materials necessary prior to their disposal at a landfill, incinerator, etc.

Treatment/processing of recyclables

Waste treatment/processing includes any physical transformation of materials in preparation for recycling or reuse. Often these materials must be cleaned, flattened, colour separated, crushed or baled to meet manufacturer specifications.

Wages and salaries

For the private and public trading sector this item refers to the gross wages and salaries (including capitalised wages and salaries) of all employees of the organisation. For the general government sector this item only refers to the wages and salaries of employees engaged in solid waste management activities.

The item includes severance, termination and redundancy payments, salaries and fees of directors and executives, retainers and commissions of persons who received a retainer, bonuses, and annual and other types of leave. Provision expenses for employee entitlements (e.g. provisions for annual leave and leave bonus, long service leave, sick leave, and severance, termination and redundancy payments) are also included. Payments related to salary sacrifice and payments to self-employed persons such as consultants, contractors and persons paid solely by commission without a retainer are excluded.


Waste is all material not wanted by the person or business whose activities produce it. Waste includes all materials that are intended for recycling, treatment or disposal without, or with only nominal, remuneration to the waste generator. Refer also to the definitions in this Glossary for liquid waste, sludge and solid waste.

Waste disposal levies/contributions paid to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA)

In New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia landfill sites are required to pay a waste disposal levy/contribution to their respective state EPAs. These levies vary considerably between the states, but are generally based upon the weight of waste disposed of at a landfill.

Waste management licence fees

These expenses include fees paid to government for the operation of waste management facilities (e.g. landfill sites, transfer stations, liquid treatment plants). They also include fees for the transport of hazardous, special, listed or prescribed waste. They exclude waste disposal levies/contributions paid directly to the EPA.

Working proprietors and working partners of unincorporated businesses

A working proprietor operates his or her own business (a sole proprietorship), while a working partner, along with one or more other partners, operates a partnership. Working proprietors and working partners are the owners of their business and as such they are not considered to be employees of that business.

Workers' compensation costs

Workers' compensation is a compulsory insurance cover taken out by all employers, except for self-insured workers, according to legislative schemes to cover employees suffering injury or disease in the course of or arising out of employment.