6310.0 - Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership, Australia, August 2009 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 12/05/2010   
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The ABS has a range of data available on request from the Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership Survey. This section lists the data items and populations which relate to the survey. More detailed breakdowns of some data items may also be available on request.

The population(s) for a particular data item refers to the persons in the survey to whom the data relates. Where alternative output categories are available for the same data item, these are shown and the data item name is followed by a bracketed numeral (e.g. Country of birth (2)).

To obtain data available on request, or for more information about our customised data service, contact Labour Market Statistics in Canberra on (02) 6252 7206 or by facsimile on (02) 6252 7102, or by email to labour.statistics@abs.gov.au.

Population 1

Employees in main job

Population 2

Full-time employees in main job

Population 3

Employees in main job who were full-time workers

Population 4

Employees who worked as an employee in the reference week in their second job

Population 5

Employees who were members of a trade union in their main job

Population 6

Employees who were trade union members

Population 7

Employees (excluding OMIEs) in main job

Population 8

Owner managers of incorporated enterprises (OMIEs) in their main job

Population 9

Employees in main job who were part-time workers

Data Item List Populations

1 State or territory of usual residence All
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory
2 Area of usual residence All
State capital city
Balance of state/territory
3 Region of usual residence All
Standard labour force dissemination regions
4 Sex All
5 Marital status All
Not married
6 Relationship in household All
Family member
Husband, wife or partner
With dependants
Without dependants
Lone parent
With dependants
Without dependants
Dependent student
Non-dependent child
Other family person
Non-family member
Lone person
Not living alone
Relationship not determined
7A Country of birth and period of arrival All
Born in Australia
Born overseas
Arrived before 1971
Arrived 1971-1980
Arrived 1981-1990
Arrived 1991-2000
Arrived 2001 to survey date
7B Country of birth (1) All
Born in Australia
Born overseas
Born in main English-speaking countries
Born in other than main English-speaking countries
7C Country of birth (2) All
Born in Australia
Born overseas
Oceania and Antarctica
North-West Europe
Southern and Eastern Europe
North Africa and the Middle East
South-East Asia
North-East Asia
Southern and Central Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
8 Age group (years) All
65 and over
Note: Age collected in single years
9 Age of youngest dependent child All
0-4 years
5-9 years
10-14 years
No dependent children
10 Number of children in family aged under 15 years All
Had children under 15 years
Three or more
Did not have children under 15 years
11 Age and whether attending an educational institution All
Not applicable
Aged 15-19 attending neither school nor a tertiary educational institution
Aged 15-19 attending a tertiary educational institution full time
Aged 15-19 attending school
Aged 20-24 not attending tertiary educational institution full time
Aged 20-24 attending tertiary educational institution full time
12 Occupation of main job All
Technicians and trades workers
Community and personal service workers
Clerical and administrative workers
Sales workers
Machinery operators and drivers
13 Industry of main job All
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Electricity, gas, water and waste services
Wholesale trade
Retail trade
Accommodation and food services
Transport, postal and warehousing
Information media and telecommunications
Financial and insurance services
Rental, hiring and real estate services
Professional, scientific and technical services
Administrative and support services
Public administration and safety
Education and training
Health care and social assistance
Arts and recreation services
Other services
14 Duration of employment in main job All
Less than 3 months
3 months to less than 6 months
6 months to less than 12 months
12 months or more
15 Future employment expectations All
Expects to be working with current employer/business in 12 months
Does not expect to be working with current employer/business in 12 months
Voluntary/non economic reasons
Involuntary/economic reasons
16 Weekly earnings in main job All
Under $200
$200 to less than $300
$300 to less than $400
$400 to less than $500
$500 to less than $600
$600 to less than $700
$700 to less than $800
$800 to less than $900
$900 to less than $1,000
$1,000 to less than $1,200
$1,200 to less than $1,400
$1,400 to less than $1,600
$1,600 to less than $1,800
$1,800 and over
Did not draw a wage or salary
Note: Earnings collected in single dollars
17 Weekly earnings in second job ($) 4
Under $100
$100 and under $200
$200 and over
Did not draw a wage or salary
Note: Earnings collected in single dollars
18 Weekly earnings in all jobs All
Under $200
$200 to less than $300
$300 to less than $400
$400 to less than $500
$500 to less than $600
$600 to less than $700
$700 to less than $800
$800 to less than $900
$900 to less than $1,000
$1,000 to less than $1,200
$1,200 to less than $1,400
$1,400 to less than $1,600
$1,600 to less than $1,800
$1,800 or more
Did not draw a wage or salary
Note: Earnings collected in single dollars
19 Hours worked in main job All
Less than 1 hour
49 and over
Note: Collected in single hours
20 Hours worked in second job 4
Less than 1 hour
49 and over
Note: Collected in single hours
21 Hours worked in all jobs All
Less than 1 hour
49 and over
Note: Collected in single hours
22 Hours paid for in main job All
49 and over
OMIEs who did not draw a wage/salary
Worker's compensation
Note: Collected in single hours
23 Full-time or part-time status in main job All
Full-time employees
Part-time employees
24 Full-time or part-time status in all jobs All
Full-time workers
Part-time workers
25 Whether preferred to work more hours 9
Preferred to work more hours
Did not prefer to work more hours
26 Sector of main job All
Could not be determined
27 Frequency of pay in main job All
Four Weekly
28 Whether had paid leave entitlements 7
With paid leave entitlements
Without paid leave entitlements
29 Size of location in main job All
Less than 10 employees
10-19 employees
20-99 employees
100 or more employees
Did not know
30 Number of paid leave entitlements 7
No paid leave entitlements
One or more paid leave entitlements
One entitlement
Two entitlements
Three entitlements
Four entitlements
31 Whether employer made superannuation contributions on behalf of employee All
Employer made contributions
Employer did not make contributions
Did not know
32 Whether entitled to paid holiday leave 7
Entitled to paid holiday leave
Not entitled to paid holiday leave
Did not know
33 Number of weeks of paid holiday leave entitled to 7
Entitled to paid holiday leave
Less than 1 week
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks or more
Did not know
Not entitled to paid holiday leave
Note: Collected in single weeks
34 Whether able to accrue paid holiday leave 7
Entitled to paid holiday leave
Able to accrue paid holiday leave
Not able to accrue paid holiday leave
Did not know
Not entitled to paid holiday leave
35 Whether entitled to paid sick leave 7
Entitled to paid sick leave
Not entitled to paid sick leave
Did not know
36 Whether entitled to paid long service leave 7
Entitled to paid long service leave
Not entitled to paid long service leave
Did not know
37 Whether entitled to paid maternity/paternity leave 7
Entitled to paid maternity/paternity leave
Not entitled to paid maternity/paternity leave
Did not know
38 Number of weeks of paid maternity/paternity leave 7
Entitled to paid maternity/paternity leave
Less than one week
1 to 4 weeks
5 to 13 weeks
More than 13 weeks
Did not know
Not entitled to paid maternity/paternity leave
Note: Collected in single weeks
39 Whether taken paid study leave in the last 12 months 7
Taken paid study leave in the last 12 months
Not taken paid study leave in the last 12 months
Did not know
40 Whether received casual loading as part of pay 7
Received casual loading
Did not receive casual loading
Did not know
41 Whether paid a set amount or by the hour (excludes overtime and/or bonuses) 7
Set amount
By the hour
Did not know
42 Whether earnings varied from one pay period to the next All
Earnings varied
Earnings did not vary
Did not draw a wage or salary
43 Whether usually works paid or unpaid extra hours or overtime All
Usually worked extra hours or overtime
Did not usually work extra hours or overtime
Did not draw a wage or salary
44 Whether most recent period of extra hours or overtime worked was paid, unpaid or both All
Usually worked extra hours or overtime
Paid for extra hours or overtime
Not paid for extra hours or overtime
Both paid and unpaid extra hours or overtime
Did not usually work extra hours or overtime
Did not draw a wage or salary
45 Whether guaranteed a minimum number of hours of work All
Guaranteed a minimum number of hours of work
Not guaranteed a minimum number of hours of work
Did not draw a wage or salary
46 Whether paid full adult rate of pay All
Paid full adult rate of pay
Not paid full adult rate of pay
Did not know
Did not draw a wage or salary
47 Type of paid leave entitlement 7
No paid leave entitlement
Paid holiday leave
Paid sick leave
Paid long service leave
Paid maternity/paternity leave
48 Type of employment benefit received All
Received employment benefit in the last 12 months
Vehicle or vehicle costs
Personal car park
Transport to and from work
Communication and/or IT devices
Child care or child's education
Gym membership
Sporting or fitness expenses
Housing and/or utilities
Health fund memberships
Medical and/or hospital
Union memberships or other professional association memberships
Shares, rights or options
Other goods and services
Did not receive any employment benefit in the last 12 months
49 Whether salary sacrificed to superannuation in last pay period All
Salary sacrificed to superannuation in last pay period
Did not salary sacrifice to superannuation in last pay period
Did not know
50 Whether salary sacrificed to superannuation in last 12 months All
Salary sacrificed to superannuation in last 12 months
Did not salary sacrifice to superannuation in last 12 months
Did not know
51 Salary sacrifice arrangements in last pay period All
Vehicle or vehicle costs
Car park
Transport to and from work
Communication and/or IT devices
Child care or children's education
Gym, fitness and /or sporting
Housing or utilities
Medical, hospital expenses or private health insurance
Union or other professional associated membership
Other goods or services
Did not have any other salary sacrifice arrangements in last pay period
52A Trade union membership in main job All
Trade union member in main job
Not a trade union member in main job
Did not know
52B Trade union membership All
Trade union member
Trade union member in connection with main job
Trade union member not in connection with main job
Not a trade union member
Did not know
53 Length of current trade union membership All
Currently a trade union member
Less than 1 year
1 year
2 years
3-4 years
5-9 years
10 years or more
Previously a trade union member
Never been a trade union member
54 Duration since previously a trade union member All
Previously a trade union member
Less than 1 year ago
1-12 weeks
13-25 weeks
26-51 weeks
1 year ago
2 years ago
3-5 years ago
More than 5 years ago
Had never been a trade union member
Currently a trade union member
55 Previous trade union membership All
Previously a trade union member
Never been a trade union member
Currently a trade union member
56 Multiple job-holder status All
Multiple job-holder
Not a multiple job-holder
57 Whether considered job to be casual 7
Considered job to be casual
Did not consider job to be casual
58 Whether able to choose when holidays were taken 7
Could choose
Could sometimes choose
Could not choose
59 Employment type All
Employees (excluding OMIEs)
With paid leave entitlements
Without paid leave entitlements
Owner managers of incorporated enterprises
60 Level of highest educational attainment All
Postgraduate Degree
Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate
Bachelor Degree
Advanced Diploma/Diploma
Certificate III/IV
Certificate I/II
Certificate not further defined
Year 12
Year 11
Year 10 or below
Level not determined
No educational attainment/attendance
61 Level of highest non-school qualification All
With a non-school qualification
Postgraduate Degree
Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate
Bachelor Degree
Advanced Diploma/Diploma
Certificate III/IV
Certificate I/II
Certificate not further defined
Level not determined
Without a non-school qualification
62 Highest year of school completed All
Year 12
Year 11
Year 10
Year 9
Year 8 or below
Never attended school