5204.0 - Australian System of National Accounts, 2011-12 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 02/11/2012   
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Electronic table (time series spreadsheet)
Includes table(s) from pdf
Type of data

Summary tables and productivity estimates

1. Key National Accounts Aggregates
Key aggregates including percentage changes and indexes
2. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GPI)
2, 3, 4, 5
Volume and current price data, percentage changes, contribution to growth (volume) and revisions to growth (volume)
3. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product, Chain price indexes
6, 7
Chain price indexes and percentage changes
4. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Implicit price deflators
Implicit price deflators and percentage changes
5. Gross Value Added (GVA) by Industry
9, 10, 11
Volume and current price data, percentage changes (volume), industry share (current prices)
6. Income from Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Current prices
Current price data and percentage changes
7. National Income Account, Current prices
Current prices
8. National Capital Account, Current prices
Current prices
9. National Financial Account, Current prices
Current prices
10. National Balance Sheet, Volume/Real and current prices - as at 30 June
16, 17, 18, 19
Volume and current price data
11. Balance Sheet Accounts and Accumulation Accounts, Current prices
Current prices
12. Analytical Measures of National Income, Saving and Wealth, Current prices
Current prices
13. Productivity in the Market Sector
Indexes, percentage changes and contributions to growth
14. Productivity in the Market Sector, Growth cycle analysis
Percentage changes and contributions to growth for identified growth cycles. Table is included in sequence with the rest of the spreadsheets but is published as a Data Cube.
15. Labour Productivity and Input, Hours worked and Gross Value Added (GVA) per hour worked - by industry
24, 25
Indexes of hours worked and gross value added per hour worked
16. Selected Analysis Series
Volume and current price data
72. Unit Labour Costs
Indexes of unit labour costs and non-farm GDP per hour worked

Non-Financial corporations sector

17. Non-Financial Corporations Income Account, Current prices
Current prices income account for the non-financial corporations sector
18. Non-Financial Corporations Capital Account, Current prices
Current prices capital account for the non-financial corporations sector
19. Non-Financial Corporations Financial Account, Current prices
Current prices financial account for the non-financial corporations sector
20. Non-Financial Corporations Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June
Current prices balance sheet for the non-financial corporations sector
21. Private Non-Financial Corporations Income Account, Current prices
Current prices income account for the private, non-financial corporations sector
22. Public Non-Financial Corporations Income Account, by Level of government, Current prices
Current prices income account for the public, non-financial corporations sector (commonwealth, state and local, and total public)
23. Private Non-Financial Corporations Capital Account, Current prices
Current prices capital account for the private, non-financial corporations sector
24. Public Non-Financial Corporations Income Account, by Level of government, Current prices
Current prices capital account for the public, non-financial corporations sector (commonwealth, state and local, and total public)

Financial corporations sector

25. Financial Corporation Income Account, Current prices
Current prices income account for the financial corporations sector
26. Financial Corporation Capital Account, Current prices
Current prices capital account for the financial corporations sector
27. Financial Corporation Financial Account, Current prices
Current prices financial account for the financial corporations sector
28. Financial Corporation Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June
Current prices balance sheet for the financial corporations sector
29. Life Insurance Offices and Superannuation Funds, Current prices
Current prices

General government sector

30. General Government Income Account, by Level of government, Current prices
Current prices income account for the general government sector (commonwealth, state and local, and total public)
31. General Government Adjusted Disposable Income Account, Current Prices
Current prices income account for the general government sector, adjusted for social assistance transfers
32. General Government Capital Account, by Level of government, Current prices
Current prices capital account for the general government sector (commonwealth, state and local, and total public)
33. General Government Finance Account, Current Prices
Current prices financial account for the general government sector
34. General Government Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June
Current prices balance sheet for the general government sector
35. Government Final Consumption Expenditure, by Level of government and purpose, Current price
Current prices (National, state and local, and total general government)

Household sector

36. Household Income Account, Current prices
Current prices income account for the household sector
37. Household Adjusted Disposable Income Account, Current prices
Current prices income account for the household sector, adjusted for social assistance transfers
38. Analytical Measures of Household Income, Current prices
Current prices
39. Household Capital Account, Current prices
Current prices capital account for the household sector
40. Household Financial Account, Current prices
Current prices financial account for the household sector
41. Household Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June
Current prices balance sheet for the household sector
42. Household Final Consumption Expenditure
52, 53
Volume and current price data, by purpose of expenditure

Rest of the world

43. External Accounts, Current prices
Current prices income and capital accounts
44. External Financial Account, Current prices
Current prices financial account
45. External Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June
Current prices financial account

Industry estimates

46. Total Factor Income, by Industry and principal components - Current prices
Current prices
47. Consumption of Fixed Capital, by Industry and institutional sector - Current prices
Current prices, by industry, and by sector (but not cross classified)
48. Compensation of Employees, by Industry - Current prices
Current prices (wages and salaries, employers' social contributions, and total compensation of employees)
49. Income from Dwelling Rent, Current prices
Current prices
50. Agricultural Income, Current prices
Current prices

Balance sheet estimates

59. Consolidated Balance Sheet and Accumulation Accounts, Current prices
Current prices
60. Livestock, Value and number of Fixed Assets and Inventories - as at 30 June
Value and number of livestock
61. Value of Land, by Land use by State/Territory - as at 30 June, Current prices
Current prices, by land use (residential, commercial, rural, other uses, total)
62. Value of Demonstrated Subsoil Assets, by Commodity - as at 30 June
Current prices, volume of production and remaining resource

Capital estimates

51. Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Type of Asset
62, 63
Volume and current price data, by type of asset by sector (private, public corporations, general government, and total)
52. Private Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Industry - Current prices
Current prices
53. General Government Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Level of government and purpose - Current prices
Current prices, by level of government (national, state and local, and total general government)
54. Public Corporations Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Level of government and industry - Current prices
Current prices, by level of government (national, state and local, and total public corporations)
55. Changes in Inventories
67, 68
Volume and current price data
56. Capital Stock, by Type of asset
Volume and current price data, and end-year average age of gross stock
57. Capital Stock, by Institutional sector
Volume and current price data, and end-year average age of gross stock
58. Capital Stock, by Industry
Volume and current price data, capital services index, and end-year average age of gross stock
63. Net Capital Stock, by Industry by type of asset
Volume and current price data
64. Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Industry by type of asset
Volume and current price data
65. Consumption of Fixed Capital, by Industry by type of asset
Volume and current price data
66. Machinery and Equipment Net Capital Stock, by Industry
Volume and current price data
67. Machinery and Equipment Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Industry
Volume and current price data
68. Machinery and Equipment Consumption of Fixed Capital, by Industry
Volume and current price data
69. Information Technology Net Capital Stock, Selected items by Industry
Volume and current price data, by selected items (computers and peripherals, electrical and electronic equipment, and computer software)
70. Information Technology Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Selected items by Industry
Volume and current price data, by selected items (computers and peripherals, electrical and electronic equipment, and computer software)
71. Information Technology Consumption of Fixed Capital, Selected items by Industry
Volume and current price data, by selected items (computers and peripherals, electrical and electronic equipment, and computer software)

NA not applicable