4705.0 - Population Distribution, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2006  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 15/08/2007  Final
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A wide range of products and services are available from the 2006 Census of Population and Housing. Brief descriptions of these are included below. For more detailed information on the 2006 Census range of products and services, please refer to the ABS web site or Information paper: Census of Population and Housing - Proposed Products and Services, 2006 (cat. no. 2011.0).

Census products fall into two broad types: reference products and data products. Most of the products from the 2006 Census are available free of charge from the ABS web site.


2006 Census Dictionary

Census Dictionary, 2006 (cat. no. 2901.0) is a comprehensive reference guide to the 2006 Census. The Dictionary includes a complete listing of the 2006 Census classifications. It describes the new topics introduced in the 2006 Census and summarises classification changes that have occurred since the 2001 Census. The Dictionary also explains the concepts relevant to Census collection, processing and output of data.

How Australia Takes a Census

How Australia Takes a Census, 2006 (cat. no. 2903.0) provides information about the history of the Census, the planning process and the way in which the Census is conducted. It describes how the content is determined, the methods used to collect the data and how this information is processed, evaluated and published.

Geographic Classifications and Codes

Statistical Geography: Volume 1 - Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), 2006 (cat. no. 1216.0) lists all the ASGC structures effective at 1 July 2006 and shows the hierarchical relationship within each structure. It also includes information about changes to geographic areas between the 2001 Census and 2006 Census.

Statistical Geography: Volume 2 - Census Geographic Areas, Australia, 2006 (cat. no. 2905.0) and Statistical Geography: Volume 3 - Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) Urban Centres/Localities, 2006 (cat. no. 2909.0) provide information on other geographic areas.

Census Profiles and Maps, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians

Australian Indigenous Geographical Classification Maps and Census Profiles (cat. no. 4706.0.30.001) contains Indigenous Census profiles for Australia, states and territories, Indigenous Regions and Indigenous Areas as defined in the Australian Indigenous Geographic Classification. The product is designed to provide access to Census data on Indigenous Australians to people without suitable Internet access. This product is expected to be released mid 2008.

Collection District Maps

These reference maps display CD boundaries and codes. The maps also display a range of topographic features within the CD such as roads, rivers and national parks, and cadastral features such as property boundaries.

These may be ordered from ABS Information Consultancy. Contact details are provided on the back cover of this publication.

Digital Boundaries

Digital boundaries of all ASGC and Census-specific areas provide a geographic representation of the selected area. They can only be used in desktop mapping packages and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Digital boundaries have a range of applications, from the production of simple reference maps to complex spatial data analysis that references information from various sources.

Statistical Geography - Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), Digital Boundaries, 2006 (cat. no. 1259.0.30.002) contains digital boundaries for the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) for the 2006 Census. Boundaries are available for CDs and higher level spatial units. The digital boundaries are supplied in MapInfo Interchange Format (.mid/.mif) and are based upon the Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA) 1994. Urban Centre and Locality (UC/L) and Section of State boundaries are also available.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

Population Characteristics, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2006 (cat. no. 4713.0) will present a general overview of the range of information available from the 2006 Census for Indigenous people. Topics include demographic and geographic distribution of the population and its growth in recent years, living arrangements, language and culture, education and IT use, labour force status, income, housing and transport. Information on new Census topics of need for assistance and unpaid work will also be included.

For comparative purposes, this publication includes data from previous Censuses, as well as data for states/territories.

Estimated Resident Population (ERP)

The ERP is the official population estimate and is based on adjusting the results of the Census to estimate more accurately the numbers of people usually living in an area.

Australian Demographic Statistics - Census Edition, December quarter 2006 (cat. no. 3101.0) provides preliminary state and territory ERP at 31 December 2006 and preliminary state and territory ERP by five-year age groups and sex at 30 June 2006 based on the 2006 Census. The March quarter 2007 issue (due for release in September 2007) will include preliminary estimates of the Indigenous estimated resident population for states and territories by five-year age groups and sex.

Experimental Estimates and Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 1996 to 2016 (cat. no. 3238.0), due for release August 2009, includes data for states and territories, by five-year age groups and sex, based on 2006 Census counts. Preliminary estimates of the June 2006 Indigenous and non-Indigenous resident population at SLA level, by age and sex, will be available electronically.

Population Growth and Distribution

Regional Population Growth, Australia: 1996 - 2006 (cat. no. 3218.0) provides the preliminary ERP person totals at the Statistical Local Area (SLA) and Local Government Area (LGA) levels for all of Australia at 30 June 2006 based on the 2006 Census. Estimates of the population at 30 June 2001 for the same geographic areas and growth between 2001 and 2006 are also included.

Census of Population and Housing: Population Growth and Distribution, Australia, 2006 (cat. no. 2035.0) examines the demographic changes that have taken place in Australia between 2001 and 2006. It focuses on the growth, location and mobility of the population at national, state and regional levels. Information is presented on the characteristics and volume of migration, both between and within states. An examination of the impact of these movements on the population within selected regions of Australia is also included.


Quickstats provides summary tables of key Census data relating to persons, families and dwellings. It also provides small textual descriptions of the statistics contained within the tables. Quickstats is not inclusive of all Census topics. Rather it provides a selection of general and topical information about a chosen area. Quickstats is accessible via the ABS web site.


MapStats presents quick and easy access to thematically mapped Census statistics. Maps are available for larger geographies and depict selected population, ethnicity, education, family, income, labour force and dwelling characteristics. Users can select a topic and a level of geography that best suits their needs wherever possible. The maps contain minimal area features but include main roads, airports and selected name labels to assist with identification of an area. MapStats is accessible via the ABS web site.

Census Tables

Census Tables provide data in the form of single tables for particular geographic areas and topics. Most topics covered on the 2006 Census form are available, including information on population, education, labour force, ethnicity, migration, families and households. Census Tables are accessible via the ABS web site.

Community Profile Series

The Community Profile Series provides detailed and comprehensive Census characteristics of persons, families and dwellings, covering most topics on the Census form.

The series comprises six community profiles:

  • Basic Community Profiles (cat. no. 2001.0) are a set of 45 tables containing key characteristics of persons, families and dwellings, based on place of usual residence. The profiles are available for all ASGC geographic areas, Commonwealth and State Electoral Divisions, postal areas and suburbs for the states/territories and Australia.
  • Indigenous Profiles (cat. no. 2002.0) comprise 34 tables containing key characteristics of Indigenous persons and households for ASGC areas from the Statistical Local Area (SLA) level to the Australia level, as well as the AIGC levels of Indigenous Areas and Indigenous Regions. The data are based on place of usual residence. Some tables provide comparisons with the non-Indigenous population.
  • Time Series Profiles (cat. no. 2003.0) comprise 25 tables comparing data from the 1996, 2001 and 2006 Censuses. Where classifications have been revised over time, the 2006 Census classifications have been used. The data are based on place of usual residence.
  • Place of Enumeration Profiles (cat. no. 2004.0) differ from the other community profiles in that they provide place of enumeration rather than usual residence data. The profiles consist of 42 tables containing key characteristics of persons, families and dwellings.
  • Expanded Community Profiles (cat. no. 2005.0) are a set of 42 tables and are available for SLAs or larger areas. The tables are essentially more detailed versions of the standard Basic Community Profile tables. Additional tables relating to family relationships, living costs and dwellings structures are also provided.
  • Working Population Profiles (cat. no. 2006.0) comprise 22 tables showing the key characteristics of employed persons. The data are based on Journey to Work areas.

CDATA Online

CDATA Online combines comprehensive information from the 2006 Census, using web mapping application software. CDATA Online provides access to data topics such as age, education, housing, income, transport, ethnicity and occupation using tables from the Community Profile Series.

CDATA Online replaces selected Census products which were available in 2001, such as CLIB, CDATA Quickbuild and Census for Schools.


TableBuilder is a new product that provides remote access to the complete Census Unit Record File. TableBuilder is designed for people experienced in using Census data and can be used to create and manipulate tables, and to create graphs and thematic maps of Census data. It is a subscription only service.

Social Atlas Series

Complete Set of Social Atlases (cat. no. 2030.0) feature colour maps of key social, demographic and economic information on selected regional centres of each state/territory, as well as each capital city in Australia.


The following Census-specific services are available:

  • Customised Profiles provide community profile information on a variety of media tailored to individual needs.
  • Customised Tables can be tailored to meet specific requirements and provide flexibility in the selection of any number of Census variables for any geographic area.
  • Customised Geographic Reports provide tabular geographic data that relate specifically to the Census geographic areas.
  • Customised Mapping Services provide both Customised Thematic Maps and Customised Reference Maps on request.